Hearing this, Izumi Hina nodded shyly, but then reacted and quickly shook her head.

Such a contradictory look further confirmed what Chiseko Shiraishi had in mind.

"Binet, everyone has the right to pursue happiness. Since you are interested in it, you should work hard and work hard. I believe you can do it!"

As he spoke, he patted Izumi Hina on the shoulder. Chiseiko Shiraishi enlightened him very seriously.


It does not make sense!

Izumi Hina's face suddenly turned red and she wanted to explain something, but she couldn't seem to get the words out of her mouth.

He and Lu Li are just friends! probably.

An image of Lu Li's elegant and handsome figure appeared in her mind unconsciously, and she found that he seemed to be quite nice.

Moreover, Lu Li is very good at fashion design, much better than her.

That happened a year ago. Izumi Hina was working on a project related to fashion design and fell into a troubled situation.

It was at that time that she met Lu Li in this store and helped her complete the clothing design project, and she was able to successfully submit the assignment.

The two chatted a lot at that time, all about clothing design.

Regarding Lu Li's ability in the field of clothing design, Izumi Hina is completely ashamed of himself.

With the Earth Library bug, it would be easy for Lu Li to become an excellent fashion designer.

After Lu Li left the city, she would send messages to Lu Li from time to time. After receiving a response, she would feel very happy in her heart.

Looking back now, Izumi Hina realized that she might have liked Lu Li a little bit, right?!

This idea came to my mind for no reason. Izumi Hina, who had never been in love, was not sure whether this was the case with her current situation.

Seeing Izumi Hina stunned, Chiseko Shiraishi patted her shoulder hard.

"Go for it boldly, maybe you will succeed? Just don't let yourself regret it."

After saying that, Chiseko Shiraishi left the kitchen. I still had to let Izumi Hina think about this matter. Izumi

Hina was the only one left in the kitchen, and she fell into deep thought for a while.


The other side.

Hongshang Institute of Biology.

Today, a very special experiment will be conducted here, and this experiment is related to a very important thing.

For this experiment, Honggami Mitsuo even came to watch the experiment in person and witnessed the final result of the experiment with his own eyes.

In Maki Kiyoshi's office.

Looking at the doll on his left arm, Maki Kiyoshi asked the young man with yellow hair leaning against the door with a serious look on his face.

"Kazali, please don’t come out today and stay calm.

The president will also come. If the president finds out that you are here, I am afraid it will be very troublesome."

Today's experiment is very important, which led Konogami Mitsuo to decide to watch it in person.

Although Maki Kiyoshi is the director of the Kogami Institute of Biology, he has no way to object to the president's decision.

But on the matter of the desire container, he The one who supports is the Greedy One, while Honggami Mitsuo supports Oates.

The two sides have not reached an agreement yet. If Kosami Kosei knows that there is a Greedy One here at this time, it will definitely cause some unnecessary trouble.

For now, he doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. He still needs this research institute before his experiment matures.

Hearing this, Kazali shrugged slightly and said helplessly.

"I know, I know, don't worry, I will keep to myself, after all, we are now in a cooperative relationship.

Since I am a collaborator, I will not embarrass you."

How credible his words are, Maki Kiyoshi doesn't know yet.

However, he only knows that Kazali has not found all his core coins and still needs to cooperate with him. That is enough.

Nodding, Maki Kiyoshi He left his office and walked outside a research institute like this.

Here, Mitsuo Honggami had just arrived outside the research institute.

The reason why he chose to watch this experiment was that he wanted to witness the man who was full of ambition and enthusiasm. Will the existence of desire be revived?

It would be very interesting if it could be revived.

About half a month ago, Mitsuo Kogami, who always likes to talk about desire, unearthed something incredible.

"Li Zhong, do you know... who is the man with the deepest desires in the history of Country J?"

Perhaps Erika Satonaka was thinking for a moment, but she couldn't give a result for a while.

But Kogami Mitsuo showed a smile on his face and continued.

"A man who died with the ambition to make this country his own!

It's a pity that this man fell short in the end and was killed in the Honnoji Incident!"

When she heard this, Erika Satonaka immediately understood.

"Oda Nobunaga?"

About the major events that happened in history, Erika Satonaka naturally knew a lot.

Shintaro Goto, who was on the side as a bodyguard, frowned deeply at this time.

He was full of doubts and suddenly ran to the research institute , why is it related to Oda Nobunaga?

Just when he wanted to ask questions, Maki Kiyoshi had already arrived at the entrance of the research institute.

"President, everything is ready"

"Um! good! Maki, let’s start quickly! I can't wait to see if that man can appear again?"

Although he is only a human being, some of Koshang Mitsuo's ideas are really crazy, even beyond human understanding.

Subsequently, a group of 747 people entered the research institute, and under the leadership of Maki Kiyoshi, they came to the laboratory that was being prepared. Laboratory.

Through the isolation window, they saw a cabinet made of glass with many cables connected to it.

Lying inside the cabinet was a body that looked shriveled up and dressed in shabby clothes. Armor, I don't know when.

The researcher who was preparing in the laboratory was adding a cell coin to another instrument connected to the cable. Inside the container was an unknown liquid.

Putting the cake in his hand aside, he looked at the research room with doubtful eyes.

At this time, Kogami Mitsuo suddenly asked.

"Li Zhong, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Erika Satonaka shook her head.

"Don't understand at all."

At this time, Kiyoto Maki, who was wearing a protective suit and a mask and had entered the laboratory, looked at the doll sitting on his protective suit and said

"This is an experiment, initiated by the president, and the first of its kind for mankind."

Hongshang Guangsheng walked aside and lit the candle next to him.

"Using the soul of the man with the deepest desires in history, regarding the artificial body, now he... is about to wake up."

Put the candle on the cake, and there is a petal-like coat of arms on the cake.

Shintaro Goto frowned deeply. He always felt that it was not a good thing.

At this time, Maki Kiyoshi was in the laboratory Seeing that everything was ready, the person immediately pressed the start button


The mummy in the glass cabinet suddenly emitted a faint green light, and this light entered the container containing the liquid through the cable fixed next to it.

The liquid that looked like a strange green light was stirring rapidly. At the same time, the cell coin thrown inside was also spinning rapidly.

The whole process only lasted for about a minute, and the green light dissipated.

However, a person suddenly stood up in the instrument filled with unknown liquid. The researchers on the side immediately lifted him out of the water.

The naked man who had just woken up felt dizzy and looked around blankly for the first time. He didn't understand what was going on, but he didn't like the feeling of being restrained. He swung his arm violently and pushed one of the researchers away. With some force, he stumbled into Maki Kiyoshi.

The doll on his arm was hit and fell directly to the ground.

Maki Kiyoshi had a very fatal weakness, that is, once the doll was hit, it fell to the ground. If you leave your side, you will lose your cool and fall into a state of madness.


Shrieking in horror, Maki Kiyoshi clutched his chest and fell to the ground, his face full of panic.

At this time, the man who had just been fished out of the water had already rushed out of the laboratory.

Shintaro Goto acted as Bodyguards naturally come into play at this time.

PS: Thank you.————Xuanjizi’s monthly ticket!.Chapter

237 President...Good BT! I am a cat, not a dog!!

He immediately took out his pistol and stood in front of him, looking at the man who had just woken up with a wary expression.

Patting him on the shoulder, Koshang Mitsuo looked calm, with no trace of nervousness at all.

He asked Goto Taro to relax his guard and not be so nervous.

Afterwards, Kosami Mitsuo walked aside and picked up the cake he made by himself.

"Happy birthday! Nobunaga!"

The experiment... was successful!

His plan successfully resurrected the man with the deepest desires in history.

However, Oda Nobunaga was looking at Kogami Mitsuo with a fierce look in his eyes at this time, approaching step by step.

He had just woken up. , his consciousness was still in a hazy state, and everyone looked like an enemy.

At this time, of course Goto Shintaro would not allow Oda Nobunaga to mess around, and he quickly aimed at the position in front of Oda Nobunaga and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang!!"

The bullet hit the ground and splashed out bursts of sparks.

This also successfully made Oda Nobunaga retreat.

He took a deep look at Kogami Mitsuo, finally opened the door next to him, and quickly escaped from the research institute.

It was obvious that he had been attacked just now The threatening party, but Hong Shang Mitsuo didn't look angry or scared at all.

With a smile on his face, Hong Shang Mitsuo said loudly.

"What a fun guy, I'm looking forward to what's next."

After that, he blew out the candles on the cake in one breath.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Erika Satonaka on the side looked at Mitsuo Kogami with a strange look, as if she was looking at BT

【President...what a BT!】

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