She already knew from Lu Li that Lu Li planned to fuse the purple core coins.

When he heard about this, Metzler's first reaction was disbelief, and his eyes were filled with astonishment.

She thought that Lu Li's collection of purple core coins would be used for other purposes, but she didn't expect that they would be used to fuse them into his body.

In Metzler's opinion, this is simply a very crazy move.

Once one of the ten complete core coins is taken away, the remaining nine core coins will give birth to a strong desire to be complete, and then evolve into a greedy person.

But Lu Li actually planned to rely on his own body as a medium to directly fuse the core coins.

The image of the king from eight hundred years ago appeared in his mind unconsciously. The king had fused too many core coins, which eventually caused him to go berserk and enter an uncontrollable state.

It took eight hundred years for the violent power to seal away their greedy people.

Metzler was naturally worried about whether Lu Li would be in the same situation.

The worried look in Mezier's eyes could be seen at a glance, Lu Li smiled and said

"Don't be so nervous, don't worry about my situation. I understand myself. These purple core coins are very powerful, but they are not enough to resist my power.

An'an~ Come on with your heart, it's absolutely no problem.

After Lu Li's repeated assurances, Metzler reluctantly believed that nothing would go wrong with him.

He took out a purple and new coin, and a coin slot appeared in the middle of Lu Li's head.

Putting the purple core coin in his hand, Lu Li suddenly felt a strange power entering his body.

After this strange energy entered the body, it immediately wanted to start transforming Lu Li's body.

But Lu Li naturally wouldn't give him the chance to transform his body. Lu Li himself was a powerful undead creature and his body didn't need to be transformed.

Suppress this strange energy inside your body and let this energy slowly adapt to the conditions inside your body.

Until this energy no longer transforms his body.

Allow this energy to adapt to your body and provide yourself with this unique energy.

This can be regarded as an experiment by Lu Li.

If the experiment succeeds, the power of the Dinosaur Core Coin can be used to his advantage.

If you can't succeed, drain all these dinosaur core coins.

Now it's just a core coin, so Lu Li certainly won't be satisfied.

"Come again!"

Lu Li was not worried at all that his body would undergo unexpected changes.

Seeing that Lu Li did not seem to have any adverse consequences, Mezier no longer hesitated and put in two more purple core coins.

After doing all this , there are already three purple core coins in Lu Li's body.

These three are just core coins floating quietly in the body. The outer layer is wrapped by a wave of energy to ensure that the internal energy will not leak out too much and affect Lu Li's body Metzl was convinced that Lu Li seemed to be in such good condition that he was not affected by the power of the core coins.

Lu Li was not in a hurry and was just merging them one by one. Even if the core coin has any negative effects, it cannot be seen. It takes some observation to know that the power of the core coin is not the same as the power of the memory dopant, but the power of the core coin needs to be mastered. Ability to master:

Once the memory is used, the corresponding attack method will be known in the mind. After transforming into a dopant, it can be easily mastered with a little proficiency.

Of course, this does not count those high-level memories, high-level memories. The information and data are relatively complex, and generally only by mastering them for a long time can you fully grasp their capabilities.

"Lu Li, how are you doing? Did you feel any discomfort?"

There was a trace of worry in Mezier's eyes. She couldn't tell whether Lu Li would be in any condition.

After all, Mezier had never tried this kind of thing before. This was the first time in his life.

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

"I'm totally fine, it's just as I thought it would be, no worries."

After receiving the affirmative answer, Metzl finally felt relieved.

"So..what to do next? Maki has the remaining three purple core coins. Do you want to snatch them back?"Metzl raised his neck slightly and asked curiously.

Of course, Lu Li has already thought about his next plan.

"The recycling of purple core coins can also be put on the agenda now. only....I'm afraid that guy Maki won't be willing to hand it over."

"hehe! Does it matter whether he pays or not? If he doesn't hand it over, it's a big deal. We can just take it ourselves."

With a contemptuous smile on his face, Mezier knew very well that Lu Li could completely crush Zhenmu.

That extremely powerful strength was simply not something Zhenmu could resist.

Ka She still remembers the scene where Zhali was torn into pieces. It was very scary.

Even though Maki had become a greedy person with three purple core coins, it was still not enough in the eyes of Metzler.

It was just a pity for Kami. Well, it fell into Maki's hands.

At this moment, Erika Satonaka came over with the signed transfer agreement.

Lu Li had already guessed it when he saw Erika Satonaka walking over with long legs. , what she was told to do must have been completed.

The next second, Erika Satonaka took out the transfer agreement.

"Boss, this is the transfer agreement for 25% of the foundation’s shares signed by President Hongshang Guangsheng. From this moment on, you are one of the foundation’s major shareholders.

After receiving the transfer agreement, Lu Li nodded.

"This old fox is quite sensible. The 25% stake must have cost him a lot of money."

Lu Li could have guessed even if he had to guess that the 25% shares that Hongshang Guangsheng gave him would definitely not come from him.

After all, this guy needs to have absolute control over his company and cannot let others People surpass their own shares, and the shareholding rate is always above 50%.

Once it is lost, it is very likely that it will cause it to lose its decision-making position.

After glancing at the surrounding private villas and estates, Erika Satonaka was curious and took it on her own. What kind of work does it take to get down?

"Boss, then...what should I do next?"

In her opinion, Lu Li rarely stays in the office to deal with things like Hongshang Guangsheng.

If this is the case, how should he play his role as a secretary?

Seeing the confusion on her face, Lu Li smiled slightly and said

"Next, your work center will naturally not be here, but will be in Fengdu.

I already have a secretary, but there is still a shortage of manpower within the company. After you go there, someone will tell you what to do.

You can go directly there and I will notify them to explain things clearly."

Nodding thoughtfully, Erika Satonaka didn't ask any more questions.

The boss had already arranged it, and she just had to do it according to the boss's instructions.

As an excellent secretary, she knew what should be done Ask, what shouldn't be asked, don't ask too much.

Kusukuchi, a multinational restaurant.

Today, Izumi Hina has been very happy when she was working, as if she had met him since yesterday. What a great thing.

Chiseko Shiraishi even asked Izumi Hina specifically, but it was difficult for Izumi Hina to talk about it.

Could it be that she would tell Chiseko Shiraishi that she was in love? Of course not!

Shy, although Izumi Hina is a strange girl, she is still shy like a normal girl.

How could she talk about this kind of thing casually?

But as Prince Shiraishi of a certain age, he could tell at a glance that Izumi Hina was not a girl. She must be in love!

Seeing through it, Chiseko Shiraishi didn't publicize it.

2.1 Compared with Izumi Hina's happy mood, Huano Eiji's heart was full of worry.

Before, Lu Li and Anku completed the deal. Taking away the green core coins means that Wu Fanneng may become a perfect form.

Once the Greedy One becomes a perfect form, his power will be greatly increased, and he will be a very dangerous existence.

Moreover, Anku also got two coins. The core coins that belong to him are only three short of becoming complete.

The worry in his heart mainly comes from Anku

, that is, once he becomes a complete body, Anku will not be the same as he is now. In this way, will Anku be as good a partner as he is now?

He can't be sure of this in his heart, and he can't be 100% sure that Anku will act as he imagined.

Unknown situations are often the most disturbing. The uneasiness in Huano Eiji's heart came from this. Naturally, Anku also saw the uneasiness in Huano Eiji's heart, but he didn't make it clear.

He himself didn't know that once he became a complete entity. In the future, will he get along with Huano Eiji like he does now?

Maybe, or maybe not.

During this period of living in the human world, he has experienced various things, delicious food, etc..

If he were asked to give up and return to that kind of life, he couldn't do it. It was all up to him. He was not sure whether he could integrate into the life of talking and laughing like now.

Anku couldn't stand it anymore, so he picked his ears impatiently and finally said something.

"Hello! Eiji, can you please stop looking downcast all the time?"

Hino Eiji, who was originally lowering his head, reacted after hearing the voice and looked up at Anku who had an impatient expression.

"that....Anku, I think....I want to ask you a question"

"If you have something to say, say it, fart it, and beat around the bush.

Chapter 266: Hino Eiji’s request to expel Ban and his new combat power.

"Anku, after you transform back into your perfect body, what are your plans?"

Looking closely at Anku, Huano Eiji wanted to know the answer to this question.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

After a while, Anku finally spoke.

"I don't know either, those things......I haven't considered it yet."

He really has not considered these issues.

The only thing he is considering now is to get back the remaining three core coins.

Taking a deep breath, Huono Eiji looked at Anku with burning eyes and said in a deep voice

"Anku, promise me something"

"What do you want to talk about first? I'm considering whether to agree."

Anku shook his head. He did not immediately agree to Hino Eiji.

First of all, he must find out what conditions Hino Eiji wanted to put forward, and then he agreed casually. What should he do if he can't do it in the future?

"After becoming a complete body, I don't want you to become a monster."

The meaning of the monster he mentioned here is already obvious.

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