When Mitsuki Mizusawa left behind Lu Li, Amazonl Omega squatted down slightly, turned his hands into claws, and pounced over.


At this time, Amazonl Omega's combat effectiveness is really average.

He has strength, but he doesn't know how to use various techniques. Even when facing other transformed Amazons, sometimes it will be very difficult.


There was a spiked arm blade on his arm, and the sharp tip was pointed directly at Lu Li's chest.

He raised his body slightly, and Lu Li easily dodged the incoming arm blade.

With one hand on the ground, his right leg instantly kicked Amazon Omega, which had a sharp arm blade. right hand


The huge force directly kicked Amazon Omega away, causing it to retreat uncontrollably.

Amazon Omega, who took a few steps back, slammed his foot on the concrete floor. The strong force caused a crack to appear on the cement floor.

He felt his right hand A little paralyzed, Amazon Omega was very surprised.

Just now, he shot with anger, much faster than when he faced Amazon before, but even so, he didn't even touch the opponent's armor.


Reluctant in his heart, Amazon Omega shook his arm and attacked again.

Compared with fighting when he first transformed, Amazon Omega is now able to skillfully use all the weapons on his body.

The arm blades on both arms and the blades on the calves, without exception, can all be used as desired.

"Swish, swish, swish!!"

Amazon Omega attacked very frequently, but the opponent he faced was not an ordinary Amazon. This time, he didn't even have time to hit Lu Li.

All attacks were easily dodged by Lu Li.

The opponent's The speed was obviously faster than his own, and Amazon Omega's attack failed to hit the opponent. He was filled with anger. He casually pulled the eternal robe behind him, easily wrapped it around Amazon Omega's waving arm, and pulled it in front of him. jokingly

"how? your offense....Just go on a rampage?"

"Damn it!!"

Being pressed down and beaten by Lu Li, Amazon Omega felt extremely aggrieved in his heart.

Now being ridiculed like this, his chest was filled with anger and he needed to vent it out.

"Land from!!"

Shouted loudly.

Amazonl Omega immediately raised the other arm that was not under control.

"Violent..Punish(violent sanction)!"

A cold mechanical sound came, and the arm blade in Amazon Omega's hand suddenly extended by one section, stabbing Lu Li's head with all his strength.


With his roar, the arm that seemed to be able to pierce all targets quickly approached Lu Li.

However, in the next second, Amazon Omega, who was roaring, suddenly stopped.

Not only him, but also the surrounding people. Everyone was shocked when they saw it, especially the exorcist class who had already seen Amazon Omega fight, and they were even more shocked.

Chapter 289 The power gap, the threat of death!

A pure white arm held Amazon Omega tightly. The extremely dark arm and the white arm formed a sharp contrast. The sharp nails of the black arm were only a few centimeters away from Lu Li's head.

Lu Li.

But these few centimeters are like an insurmountable chasm - no matter how Amazon Omega mobilizes its power, it can't move forward even a little bit.

"How can it be?!"

Amazonl Omega's words were full of shock.

He couldn't understand that Lu Li could grasp his arm so accurately, without even letting his hand move forward.

How strong is the opponent's power?

At this time, Amazonl Omega didn't know, and he didn't know whether Lu Li had shown his full strength so far.

From the beginning of the battle until now, Lu Li had been easily dodging Amazonl Omega's attacks and had no choice. Take the initiative

"Your battles are almost all based on your own instincts, without careful consideration or any special skills. combat experience......There are simply too few.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li squatted down.

Before Amazon Omega had time to react, a simple sweeping kick hit his legs.


Amazonl Omega had no time to respond and fell to the ground in an instant.

But Lu Li would not give him a chance to stand up immediately, and when he was about to stand up, he kicked out fiercely.

This kick went straight to Amazonl Omega's chest.

When danger struck, Amazonl Omega reacted instinctively and quickly put his hands in front of his chest.


But in the face of such a powerful force, Omega had almost no power to resist, and was flown out by Rui on the spot.


The bright green body hit the tunnel wall, splashing bursts of gravel.


Feeling a sharp pain on his back, Amazon Omega couldn't help shouting.

In addition to the pain in his back, the pain on his arms was even stronger. He had just folded his arms and Together, he barely blocked Lu Li's blow, but when faced with the kick, he felt that his arms were almost broken by Rui.

It was terrifying! The opponent's strength was far more terrifying than his own!

Otherwise, the immediate reactions and judgments made by intuition are often unreliable. Only when his combat experience reaches a very powerful level can he respond effectively to all possible problems.

Obviously, this is not what the current Amazon Omega can do.

This is almost a crushing battle.

Amazon Omega did not gain any advantage at all and was completely crushed by Lu Li in a simple battle. It was obvious to everyone in the class that

Lu Li's combat power was far greater than that of Amazon Omega. The two were not on the same level at all, and there was no point in continuing to fight.

"It seems that his combat power is inferior to that of his. He was knocked down so easily."Gao Shouwang's eyes widened, and he was very surprised.

They had seen Amazon Omega before, and their combat effectiveness was indeed not bad.

They may not be able to solve Amazon, but Amazon Omega can solve it, which indirectly proves that the opponent The fighting ability is indeed not weak.

But now, in Lu Li's hands, Amazonl Omega feels like a child facing an adult man, and Shito Zhen has always had his eyes on Lu Li.

He already felt a terrifying aura exuding from Lu Li: this was his intuition, but this intuition was very accurate. The combat power shown by Lu Li completely proved this.

Here, the person who was calling Mizusawa Linghua was on the phone. Misaki Kazuya, finally got through

"Hello! Master Mizusawa, this is the extermination squad, and I have something very important to tell you."

Then, Misaki Kazuya told Mizusawa Linghua completely.

Mizusawa Linghua on the other side of the phone, after learning everything , suddenly stood up in surprise

"Yu? Mitsuki? And Lu Li?!"

She never expected that the three of them would meet together, which was completely beyond her expectation.

But this was all just a coincidence. Yuu or Meiyue did not go to Lu Li directly, it was just because Amazon appeared. This led to this series of coincidences.

When she heard that Lu Li and Mizusawa Yu were fighting, Mizusawa Linghua suddenly became a little impatient.

Even though she had never seen the power that Lu Li showed, Lu Li's subordinates could. A woman who releases flames is already very powerful, let alone him.

"How is it going?!"

She knows about her past situation, what the fighting situation was like, and whether anything happened to her son.

"Situation, the current situation is that your son seems to be not very good and was beaten violently."

As he said that, Misaki Kazuya looked into the tunnel.

But because the tunnel was relatively dark and a little far away from him, he couldn't see clearly.

Anyway, he only saw that white figure, standing there. There, he could only speculate.

But the situation he speculated was similar to the actual situation. Lu

Li had an absolute advantage in fighting Amazonl Omega. After all, Mizusawa Yuu had just learned this news.

Fighting is not the opponent's opponent, and it is also a reasonable thing

"Please help me tell them not to continue fighting!

Lu Li, in particular, apologized to him for me, saying that I, a mother, had not disciplined myself well, and asked him to be kind to me."

When he said this, Mizusawa Linghua didn't even hesitate at all.

���He went to express his gratitude with full sincerity, but it was a pity that he himself was not present.

Misaki Kazuya was a little confused.

Good guy!

Is there something wrong with my ears? ?

The director's son was beaten, and she had to go and apologize to the person who beat her son. What was going on?

Does this make sense?

Of course, these issues were not something he needed to consider. He only needed to convey Mizusawa Linghua's wishes to Lu Li.

After coming back to his senses, Misaki Kazuya looked at his phone with a strange expression and nodded.

"Okay, I get it, I'll tell him right away."

Kazuya Misaki hung up the phone and hurriedly ran into the tunnel.

Amazon Omega barely stood up from the ground, but it still seemed that he had no intention of admitting defeat.

He held the handle of the Amazon drive with his right hand and pulled it sharply to the right.

A spear covered in blood appears in the hands of Amazonl Omega

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