Even Phoenix/Crow, who was usually very strong, knew very well at this moment that he could never be the opponent of the golden magician.

If you continue to consume it, your magic power will be severely consumed and your power will become weaker and weaker.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for Phoenix/Crow to ask Medusa to help, but the enemy was too powerful.

Medusa no longer paid attention to Golemlin, but concentrated on dealing with Golden together with Phoenix/Crow. magician


The snake heads above Ha 1's head came to life one after another, and pounced on the golden magician at a very fast speed.

The snake head is very tough, and it quickly wraps around the golden magician like a rope in the picture, as if to restrain him.

At the same time, these snake heads are not only tough, but also possess a very special ability, which is magic power extraction.

Once it entangles the target, it can extract the magic power from the target's body.

The golden magician looked at the snake head wrapped around him, and slowly covered the drive with the ring on his right hand again.

"Lighting! Now!

��In one second, a golden magic circle appeared behind the golden magician


Then one after another terrifying thunder and lightning was released from the magic circle, rushing madly towards the snake head extending from Medusa.


Medusa, who was struck by lightning on the snake's head, immediately let out a miserable cry.

Even though the snake's head is very tough, it does not mean that Medusa does not feel any pain at all.

You must know that these snake heads are also part of Medusa's body.

Regardless of whether it was Phoenix/Urban or Medusa, they were completely crushed when faced with the golden magician.

Medusa could not keep the snake's head wrapped around the golden magician and was forced to let go, and the snake's head was slowly retracting.

Her body was paralyzed by the terrifying thunder and lightning, and Medusa was filled with anger, but she had no choice. She could even clearly see that the snake's head was scorched black, and there was a faint trace of black smoke cast by the golden magician.

The powerful power left Medusa behind.

Even though he was unwilling to do so, he did not provoke the golden magician anymore.

After making Phoenix/Wu and Medusa almost incapable of fighting, the golden magician did not continue to attack.

"Okay, that ends our meeting today. I hope you can become stronger when we meet next time."

After saying that, Golemlin and the golden magician left, leaving only the embarrassed Medusa and Phoenix/Wu Bu.

They watched the enemy leave, but there was absolutely nothing they could do. Phoenix/Wu Bu Roaring willingly

"hateful! Golemlin, don’t leave if you can!!"

He doesn't know how long it has been since he said this. It has been so miserable. The last time it was so miserable, it seems that it was in the hands of the sage.

Compared with the incompetent and furious Phoenix/Crow, Medusa is relatively calm. Many.

I don’t know what kind of cooperation this sudden appearance of the golden magician has with Guremlin, but it is certain that it is not conducive to the master sage’s plan.

Medusa has already released the transformation. She looked a little embarrassed.

Now she had to tell the sage the news immediately, so that he could prepare in advance.

She didn't know who the golden magician was, but the sage might know who the golden magician was.

"Phoenix/Uro, go! Let's go back and tell the sage the news!"

Phoenix/Crow's condition looks much worse than that of Medusa. Her clothes have been chopped to pieces.

But fortunately, Phoenix/Crow has super recovery ability. As long as there is magic power in her body, she can Help body recover

"Who is that guy? When did such a powerful magician appear? Why hasn't it appeared before?"

Wiping the corner of his mouth unhappily, Phoenix/Wu Tou felt a deep sense of powerlessness for the first time.

Chapter 369 Fueki Kanade's regret, Second Bird/Wujingzaka, this golden magician is too powerful in combat, maybe he is not weaker than Xian. The two of them then left, and they had to inform the sage immediately about what to do next. In a forest, the golden magician immediately released his transformation and returned to his original appearance. He was a very cold-looking middle-aged man, Omar!

"Gulemlin, when can you get me what I want?

Although I have agreed to cooperate, it does not mean that I have the patience to play such a boring game with you slowly."

It was just an accident that he and Guremlin met. They happened to have the same purpose.

Since they have the same purpose, there is no problem in temporarily cooperating.

But what he just did, in Omar's view Come on, it doesn't make much sense at all.

Hearing this, Gulemlin jumped ahead and suddenly turned around and smiled,

"Don't be so anxious. Soon we will be able to find what you and I both want, which is what you call...the Philosopher's Stone."

Yes, Golemlin now knows for sure the existence of the Philosopher's Stone.

And the reason why he was able to know this news was mainly due to Omar, and he also learned it from Omar's mouth.

For Omar, Gulemulin didn't know much about the magician's origin, but he was sure that the other party was indeed very powerful. If he wanted to obtain the Philosopher's Stone

, Omar's power was indispensable.

According to Gu Lemlin's speculation, it should be in the hands of the sage.

Omar crossed his arms on his chest and looked indifferent, as if he didn't care about anything.

"I hope so, I don’t want anything to happen, otherwise Golemlin, don’t blame me for being rude to you."

Omar was not joking. If he failed to achieve his goal, he would not mind attacking Gurremlin.

Although the other party was a phantom like himself, Omar did not like the feeling of being played by others.

He wanted to find Xian Use the power of the Philosopher's Stone to reshape the world.

Make this world a world of magicians, and then find a way to turn all the magicians in the world into phantoms, and build a country with only phantoms.

It is indeed a very scary idea. As long as Omar can get the Philosopher's Stone, then all of this will have a chance to come true.

With a mean smile on his face, Guremlin did not hesitate because of Omar's threat. Angry.

The reason why he and the other party can cooperate is just to get what they need.

"Don't worry, it can definitely be achieved.

In the cave where the sage usually lives.

Medusa and Phoenix/Uro are now back.

When she reported the news to the sage, Medusa told the truth about everything that happened, without hiding anything.

"Golden magician?! Gulemlin cooperated with him?

Even the sage seemed to hear a hint of shock in his words.

Obviously, the sage didn't know much about this so-called golden magician.

Where does this guy come from? And why did he suddenly appear to cooperate with Gulemulin?

Everything seems unknown.

Regarding this sudden change, the sage was a little unsure for a while.

What is the plot between the golden magician and Golemlin?

Why did the two suddenly reach a cooperation, and what is the purpose?

According to what Medusa just said, the strength displayed by the golden magician is probably not inferior to her own.

If a conflict really breaks out, it will probably be a very troublesome thing.

Just because they failed to get rid of Golemlin before, now they suddenly caused these unnecessary troubles.

Thinking of this, the sage felt regretful in his heart.

If I had known better, I should have listened to Lu Li.

If he had taken action himself at that time, perhaps it would not have turned into what it is now.

This guy Golemlin wouldn't be still dancing now, even working with a golden magician that he didn't even know.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, so there is no point in talking about it now.

Suddenly a variable appeared. Even the sage didn't know who the golden magician was, but he was afraid that the other party had bad intentions.

His eyes were slightly gloomy, and the sage also knew that this matter was a little beyond his control.

But he had promised Lu Li that he would definitely deal with Gulemlin, but now something went wrong.

He clenched his fists unconsciously, exuding a cold meaning and releasing a terrifying aura.

Medusa and Phoenix/Urni were kneeling on one knee outside, and they both felt a huge amount of magic coming from them.

The two of them lowered their heads deeply in unison.

Although it is not directed at them, this huge magic power is enough to make them feel uncomfortable.

After a while, this huge magic finally dissipated.

At this time, the sage finally spoke

"I understand. Regarding the golden magician, you reported it in a timely manner. I will temporarily forgive your punishment of letting Golemlin go."

When they learned that there was no punishment, Medusa and Phoenix/Uchi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they didn't know what the punishment the sage said was, they definitely didn't want to try it.

A flash of hesitation flashed on their faces, Medusa hesitated.

"So. What to do next?"

Gremlin now has a golden magician as a partner, and he can fight against her and Phoenix/Urni alone.

If he wants to deal with Goremulin, the two of them cannot do it with their own strength."

"I will find a way to deal with the golden magician's matter. You should continue your previous work for the time being. I will notify you of any action as soon as possible."

After saying that, the figure of the sage behind the white gauze curtain disappeared in an instant.

Feeling that the sage had indeed left, the two of them breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief.

"call! hehe! He is indeed a sage, the sense of oppression he releases is really strong."

Although Phoenix/Wu really wanted to fight the sage, he didn't dare to act rashly.

If he pissed off the sage and was sealed by the other party, then he would be done with it.

He just wanted to fight a powerful opponent, It doesn't mean that he wants to be sealed.

Medusa just glanced at Phoenix/Uro, then turned around and left with a helpless expression.

Phoenix/Uu quickly followed, and

Dimu Kan now knew about the golden magician. He felt that this matter was already a bit tricky, and I was afraid that the golden magician was not as powerful as him.

He thought over and over again and decided to report the matter to Lu Li, but at least he could not solve it. Having betrayed the Phantom Demon camp, I will be sufficiently defensive against it.

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