Everyone gathered around Sonosaki Wakana, their eyes gleaming as they looked at her supple skin.

"that is true! My skin is too supple, it feels like a baby's skin

"QQ is bouncy and feels so comfortable!

"Mina, drive in, drive in, if you don't go in, I will!"

"Ah, wait! I am coming!"

One day someone wanted to get ahead of her, so Mina rushed in.

The experiment scale continued to operate and began the third upgrade.

Sonosaki Wakana was very satisfied with her current state.

Although she was very young and beautiful, who Do n't you want to be more beautiful?

Even though Tokimo didn't care much about this at first, he was attracted by Sono Saki Wakana's condition. If she was 10 points before entering, then she is 12 points now. , the total score is ten! Misaki Nadeshiko on the side tilted her head and looked at the girls, with a flash of doubt in her eyes, obviously not understanding what they were happy about, even though she already had human emotions and common sense.

���But it doesn't seem to have much to do with these.

At night, Mianyingtang.

Lying on the bed, the pain in Fu Zhenqing's body had weakened a lot and was no longer so painful.

Lying flat on the bed, he quietly thought about what happened during the day. The other party was obviously coming for him, that was for sure.

Not only did the other party know his identity, but he also knew the power he had. If he hadn't come prepared, this would be unreasonable.

Then there was Lu Li's strong fighting prowess, which made Kao Zhenqing's face look solemn.

In terms of combat effectiveness, he said very seriously that he was no match for Lu Li.

Fighting in this situation, he had almost no chance of winning.

The opponent is not only very fast, but also has super strength. Even if he uses the earth style, he cannot compete with the opponent in terms of strength.

Tough opponent!

But why did the other party appear and why did he suddenly come to find him? This is a question.

After much thought, he still couldn't figure out what Lu Li wanted to do.

If you really want to attack yourself, why not give yourself a fatal blow after you lose your fighting ability.

Because his body was a little tired, Kao Zhenqing fell into a deep sleep after a while.

Wajima Shigeru walked in cautiously and looked at the sleeping Haruto, with a little smile on his face.

He knew that since Yuki left, Kao Zhenqingren had hardly had a good night's sleep.

Although something happened today, he should be able to take a good rest.

After gently knocking the door and locking it, Shigeru Wajima continued to do his own thing.

The next day, in the morning.

Although Gu Lemlin was well hidden, if he wanted to find the Philosopher's Stone, he would naturally leave many traces.

This will undoubtedly expose his whereabouts.

What's more, now that there are more personal actions around me, the goals have become more visible.

Medusa had gone out yesterday to find Gulemlin.

Anyone who is a fantasy demon will pay attention to the situation related to Ancient Lemlin and give it to Medusa immediately.

Fortunately, Bird/Ujingzaka itself is not big. In this way, we can quickly find out the information about Ancient Lemlin. News from Remlin.

And this news is very definite.

Chapter 373 is here for you, the Philosopher’s Stone?!

In order not to alert others, Medusa immediately conveyed the news to Lu Li.

She didn't dare to act rashly. If Gulemlin was surprised and the other party suddenly escaped, she would be in trouble.

After receiving the news, Lu Li was heading to the location of Ancient Lemlin.

The location is a remote villa in the suburbs.

This place is off the beaten track and perfect for hiding.

No wonder Gulemlin seemed to have disappeared before. It turned out that he was hiding in this place with the golden magician.

Until he finds out the exact information about the Sage's true nature, Golemlin will try his best not to expose himself.

He already had a guess in his mind as to where the Philosopher's Stone was.

The Philosopher's Stone should be in the hands of the wise~.

Of course, there is still some speculation in it, and Gulemulin cannot guarantee that this news is absolutely accurate.

And even though the golden magician's combat effectiveness is very strong, the sage's combat effectiveness is not weak either.

It may not be an easy task to snatch it head-on, not to mention that there are many phantoms under the sage. It will be difficult for the two of them to snatch the sage's stone from the opponent's hands.

This matter still needs to be considered in the long term, and they must first lure away other phantoms.

Especially Medusa and Phoenix/Crow, these two are cadres under the Sage, and their combat effectiveness is equal to that of Golemlin.

If we really fight, the probability of winning the Philosopher's Stone is very small.

Inside the villa.

Gulemlin lay leisurely on the chair, as if he was enjoying a wonderful life.

As for Omar, he was leaning on the sofa nearby, and when he saw Gu Lemlin's leisurely look, he suddenly became very angry.

"Hello! Golemlin! Have you thought of any method? I don't have time to keep wasting this time with you!"

He even regretted why he chose to cooperate with this guy.

Not only did he fail to achieve his goal, but he actually took advantage of the other party before and taught Medusa and Phoenix a lesson. Although

Omar He is a powerful golden magician with very strong combat power, but in terms of wisdom, he is not as insidious as the cunning Gulemulin.

You must know that Gulemulin relied on his own strength and relied on his courage to survive. After successfully obtaining the Philosopher's Stone and completing his evolution, his endurance was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Golemlin opened his eyes slightly and glanced at Omar, who was glaring at him.

"hehe! Omar, some things cannot be rushed. We need to find a suitable time to take action.

Even if you are a powerful golden magician, are you sure enough to snatch the Philosopher's Stone from the Sage?"

It's not that he looks down on the golden magician's fighting power, but the sage is very powerful.

You must seize the best opportunity to have a chance to successfully obtain the Philosopher's Stone.

Otherwise, once you alert the enemy, you will really fall short.

Hearing this, Omar was speechless.

This is indeed true.

He is not 100% sure that he can defeat the sage, and there is a possibility of overstepping the mark.

Omar said impatiently.

"So when can we take action? How long will it take for the opportunity you mentioned?

If I continue to delay like this, when will I be able to achieve my goal?"

He doesn't want it to drag on forever. The longer it drags on, the more variables may happen."

"I...have found a breakthrough, that is the magician who has been fighting against the illusion"


Frowning deeply, the only magician Omar could think of was Kao Maharuto.

However, he knew that the opponent's current combat power could only deal with ordinary phantoms at best.

Even against phantom cadres, he did not win. possibility.

What kind of breakthrough is a magician of this level?

"That guy has no strength, what do you expect him to do?"

Omar frowned, wondering what on earth Gremlin wanted to do. He looked calm and relaxed, and there was no trace of Gremlin's worry at all.

"Don't be so anxious. Something as important as the Philosopher's Stone naturally needs to be planned slowly. How can it be accomplished at once?

Omar, since you have chosen to cooperate with me, just listen to my arrangements and rest assured. I guarantee that your goal will be achieved in the end."

Taking off the hat on his head and patting the dust that didn't seem to be there at all, Gulemlin didn't seem to worry that Omar would give up cooperating with him.

Although the golden magician of Omar Fitness is indeed very strong, being powerful is not The representative will definitely be able to get the Philosopher's Stone.

After all, there is still a roadblock in front of the Philosopher's Stone. If the Sage ca n't find a way to deal with this huge trouble, everything is in vain.

The Philosopher's Stone, but what they didn't know was that they had already been targeted.

They didn't even know that the Philosopher's Stone had fallen into Lu Li's hands, and a new Philosopher's Stone was still being nurtured. There is no way it will fall into their hands

"snort! You'd better not disappoint me, or you'll know the consequences."

Omar snorted. He really didn't like this guy from Gulemlin.

This would make it appear that he didn't have a bright mind. Wouldn't it be very embarrassing if it spread out?

Looking at the villa not far away, Lu Li couldn't see what was inside. What, but he can feel that there are indeed non-human beings inside.

��Dusha didn't dare to deceive herself about this matter. It must be Golemlin and the golden magician.

"Now that I've found it, it's all over.

Slowly approaching, Lu Li slowly raised his right hand, and powerful telekinesis burst out instantly.

He wanted to use powerful telekinesis to crush this villa into pieces.

As for whether the two guys inside can survive, it depends on their luck.

But since it is a phantom, the possibility of being crushed to death is almost zero.

Gulemlin and Omar, who were in the villa, suddenly felt something was wrong.

Both of them are phantoms, and their perception is definitely much stronger than that of humans.

Standing up in unison, the two looked around, but found nothing unusual.

Suddenly, the villa collapsed with a loud bang, and a large number of stones fell towards the hall.


It happened in an instant. The entire villa was turned into ruins, which looked very scary.

The villa collapsed suddenly, throwing up a lot of dust.

Lu Li, who was the initiator of all this, quietly looked at the smoke-filled ruins in front of him. Both auras were still there and there were no injuries. Lu Li didn't feel surprised at all. The moment the villa collapsed, Gulemlin immediately switched to the demon form and sank into the ground.

Transformed into a golden magician and used the power of magic to withstand this powerful impact


Pushing away the stone, the golden magician walked out of the rubble, his heart full of anger.

He was not sure who actually attacked him, but since the other party dared to attack him, don't blame him for being rude!

Although Withstood the impact of the collapse of the villa, but the flying dust covered the body of the golden magician

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