What you do is tantamount to deepening your crime again!

Listen to me and go back quickly. There is still room for recovery now0......

As long as you take the initiative to surrender and explain everything that happened, you will still have a chance!"

To be honest, he really doesn't want his relationship with Tsumura Marina to deteriorate further.

If possible, he hopes to change the other party through his words. However

, after hearing his persuasion, Tsumura Marina suddenly sneered.

"hehe! Ha ha ha ha! Surrender? Xiaoxiang, you don't...don't know what I did, do you?

I escaped from prison and even attacked a group of guards. Do you think what will happen to me after I go back?

Stop laughing so hard!

Don't be hypocritical here. If you hadn't handed me over to the police, I would definitely......It will never become what it is now! all because of you! it was all your fault! but……"

Her face gradually became ferocious.

But at the end, she suddenly showed a strange smile

"But Xiaoxiang, thank you so much���You, if it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have been able to obtain such a powerful power. How could I have the chance to seek revenge from you?"

Before she finished speaking, Tsumura Mari took out the forbidden memory.

The golden shell and interface that slightly reflected the golden light under the sun symbolized that this Gaia memory was very different.

"That's...a golden memory?!"

Phillip recognized it at a glance. Isn't that the golden memory?

Philip, who was surprised, immediately reminded him

"Shotaro! Be careful, this guy is now a cadre of the organization!"

Hearing the news, Shotaro Zuo was instantly dumbfounded.

"What?! You said she is an organizational cadre?!"

What the hell is going on?

Why did he go to prison and not only regain Gaia's memory, but also become a cadre of the organization?

He really couldn't understand what happened in the prison. He finally changed back. How did a normal person, Tsumura Shina, become an even more terrifying cadre?

"hehe! Xiao Xiang, next... please accept my revenge!"


Immediately press the taboo memory in his hand, pull open the collar, and insert the taboo memory into the interface.

The taboo memory immediately turned into a stream of data and was instantly integrated into Tsumura Jinna's body.

"strength! This is the power! Powerful power emerged!"

Marina Tsumura, who was enveloped by the weird red-purple energy, seemed very excited at this time.

Whenever her body is filled with this powerful energy, she can feel an unprecedented sense of comfort.

When the weird red-purple capacity dissipates , the taboo dopant appeared in front of W.

When he saw the taboo dopant again, he was stunned for a time.

But he was right, what happened that night. Until now, he still remembers clearly that his uncle died in that research institute. Why... why did the taboo memory appear in the hands of Tsumura Shina? 1.9 This made him completely confused as to what the leaders of the organization were thinking. And the taboo doped body that had completed its transformation burst out with an extremely powerful energy.. Even W, who was several meters away, could feel the powerful energy impacting his body.

"This is……?!"

Philip clearly felt the difference in this powerful energy.

A year ago, the forbidden dopant did not have such powerful energy, so what was going on?

"Hello! Shotaro, be careful. Don't be merciful this time, maybe... we may not be opponents."

This is not because Phillip is not confident, but because the other party's terrifying energy has already explained everything.

"Ha ha ha ha! Xiao Xiang! Do you feel my great power? Hahahaha!

I lost to you last time, can you beat me this time? I must...eat you!"

This voice sounded like a yandere.

She raised her hands, and two strange red-purple energy balls with terrifying energy were instantly condensed on her hands.


Throwing the energy ball in her hand without hesitation, the forbidden memory had no intention of keeping it.

This time, she came to W for revenge, how could she let W go.

Even if the two were childhood sweethearts, they were already friends at this moment. Enemy.

Since he was an enemy, there was no need to hold back. At such a close distance, W instantly sensed the terrifying power of the energy ball and quickly rolled to the side to avoid the bombardment of the energy ball.

"boom! boom!!"

A deafening explosion sounded. When the energy touched the ground, it exploded immediately. The terrifying energy eroded the ground very seriously.

The explosion kicked up dust, sand and stones on the ground, and dust and smoke spread all over the place for a while.

PS:grateful————Bright monthly pass! grateful————17338.. reminder tickets and 100 VIP points!.Chapter

67 The taboo of being stolen? The energy of riot.

After noticing the explosion, Philip immediately reminded

"Shotaro, compared to the leader a year ago, her power is even more terrifying, so be careful!"

"I know! Philip! Replace the memory!"

The next moment, I saw W taking out the red blazing memory.

Now his left side has been replaced by a metal memory. Using the blazing memory can transform into a blazing metal form.

"Heat! Metal!"

As the memory was inserted, the green color that originally belonged to the wind on the right turned into a fiery red symbolizing flames.

The metal iron rod in his hand burned with blazing fire at both ends.

In this situation, we have to fight even if we don't fight.

There is no way to wake up Tsumura Marina.���Then we can only find a way to destroy the memory in her body.

As for why Tsumura Marina was able to obtain the golden memory, W is currently unable to determine this point.

These can only be discussed after the golden memory is destroyed.

The blazing metal form is the most powerful attack and defense among all W's current forms.

Of course, it also has disadvantages, that is, it is the bulkiest and lacks mobility.

Facing the taboo dopant with terrifying attack power at this time, W has this only option for the time being.

The energy ball attack released by the opponent just now is too terrifying. Once it is hit, it may not be able to withstand it relying on other forms of defense.

If you want to counterattack, you must first withstand the opponent's attack and then look for opportunities to counterattack.

"hehe! Xiao Xiang! Don't resist, you can't resist me now, you will be eaten by me, hahahaha!"

As he spoke, he gently wiped the corners of his mouth with his enchanting bright red fingers.

This picture looked extremely weird, giving people a chilling feeling.

Then, two more terrifying energy balls were thrown down.

The form of hot metal W, immediately waved the metal iron rod in his hand to fly away the two energy balls.

"Boom boom!!"

The energy ball hit the open space next to it and exploded instantly, with gravel splashing everywhere.

W, who had just used the metal iron rod to bounce off the two energy balls, also felt a slight numbness in his hands.

The strength of the energy ball But it's not small at all. The other party can keep releasing it. This is too buggy.

"Why did Wei 06 become so powerful?!"

W couldn't understand it very much. A year ago, he had seen the power of the taboo dopant with his own eyes, and it was not so terrifying at that time.

Compared with a year ago, it can be said that there is a huge difference. What happened here again? What.

After fighting for a while, Philip obviously realized that something was wrong.

Even if the hot metal form could withstand the damage, the opponent kept flying in the sky and there was no way to launch a counterattack.

Sooner or later, W would run out of energy. At that moment.

We can no longer continue in this stalemate, we must find another way as soon as possible.

After thinking calmly, Phillip immediately shouted.

"Shotaro, please change your side to a trigger. She keeps flying in the sky, and the metal iron rod in our hands cannot hit her at all.

Using the Fiery Trigger form, the Fiery Trigger's attack power is the highest combination.

As long as we can hit her once, we have a chance to fight back!"

"Trigger? I see."

Hold on the metal iron rod and jump to the side, W took off the metal memory on the left and inserted the trigger memory with powerful attack power in the next second.

"Heat! Trigger!"

The original silver and metal iron rod on the left disappeared and turned blue, and at the same time, a trigger melin gun appeared in the hand. Both the blazing heat and the trigger are high-attack memories, and when combined, they have the strongest form among all W forms. High attack power.

Even if you are holding a trigger melin gun, it does not mean that it is only capable of long-range combat. It also has a high attack power in close combat. However, when it is in the form of a hot trigger, the high attack power will cause a reaction, causing itself to have a high attack power. may be harmed

"call out!"

Another energy ball shot up quickly. W, who adjusted his posture, immediately raised the trigger of the Melin gun in his hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

The bullets fired from the barrel of the trigger Mellin gun are high-power and high-heat projectiles, which are very powerful.

The bullets and energy balls collide together and explode instantly.



Seeing that his energy ball was actually blocked, the taboo dopant was slightly surprised.

He originally thought he could crush W, but he didn't expect that the other party actually had countermeasures.

"Xiao Xiang! Why continue to engage in meaningless resistance? Wouldn't it be nice if you were eaten by me honestly?"

The taboo dopant opened her hands slightly, and a terrifying energy quickly gathered on her

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