Senior Tachibana has really cooperated with the advanced undead creatures and successfully suppressed the fear in his heart.

Although I don't know what method the other party uses, cooperating with the undead is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger.

Too dangerous!

The purpose of the other party is now clear. It is obviously for Category Ac...

The organization that captured him before wants to create a new knight system.

Jian just had one thought in his mind. Even if he let go of Category Ac, he would never be able to let Gelian seal the opponent.

He must prevent the other party from creating the strongest knight system!

Not caring about so many swords, he charged forward again.

For a time, there was a three-party war, and the battlefield was extremely chaotic.

Jian Yao must attack the Ace type at the same time, but also defend against Ge Lian's attack:

He is really too difficult!

Being entangled by the two, the powerful strength shown by Category Ac is not enough to seal the two for the time being.

But Category Ac has not found a suitable adapter yet, and this is not the time to struggle with them here.

He wants to find the most suitable adapter as soon as possible, and then he can start the next step of the plan.

The most suitable person to pretend to be sealed and then controlled through the power of the Knight System is the Adapter.

Slowly defeat the opponent's heart, finally complete the control, and be resurrected in a special way.

Just when Jian launched his attack again, Category Ac suddenly somersaulted and landed behind him, and hit Jian in the face with a backhand palm.

He was stunned by the sudden blow, and the powerful force caused the sword to stagger to the ground. Of course, Ge Lian would not miss this opportunity and quickly raised his awakening device to shoot.

But Ace no longer wanted to continue fighting, so he jumped directly onto the roof and quickly fled the scene.

As long as he wants to leave, there is no way to catch up with him with just Green and the sword.

Of course, Ge Lian would not just watch Category Ac escape. He immediately rushed to the side of the motorcycle, preparing to catch up.

At this time, Jian suddenly rushed out from the side to stop Ge Lian.

"Tachibana-senpai! What's wrong with you?! Are you really going to work with the higher undead?"

Facing the sword, a loud question suddenly came out. Ge Lian just looked at him coldly, then raised the awakening device in his hand, pointed it at him, and fired a burst of fire.

"Bang bang bang!!"


The bullets hit the armor, splashing out a lot of sparks. The sword retreated continuously under Ge Lian's shooting, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs! Category Ace is my goal, you are not allowed to take action!"

Leaving a cold word, Green immediately chased after him.

Now he no longer has any fear, and all he wants in his heart is to prove that he is the strongest.

There is no way he can lose to a mere junior, absolutely. impossible!


Looking at the retreating figure, Jian ignored the pain in his chest and stood up quickly.

Unfortunately, he couldn't catch up now.

At this time, Jian suddenly thought of someone who seemed to have been attacked by Category Ac before. So he quickly turned around and ran back.

When he came back and saw the chef lying on the ground wrapped in spider silk, there was a flash of unbearability in his eyes.

At this moment, the chef had turned into a mummy, looking quite ugly. fear

"This is too tragic.

He had to seal the category Ace as soon as possible. He couldn't let that guy continue to harm people, and he couldn't let Ju Shuo also seal it.

Invisible places, there are many tiny spiders crawling, looking for suitable targets.

A basketball court somewhere, where a group of high school students are playing basketball.

Mutsuki Kamijo, as a high school student who loves playing basketball, comes here to play basketball when he has free time.

A group of little golden spiders came on the wind, very small, like black dots.

Mutsuki Kamijo was picking up basketballs when he happened to see these dotted golden spiders.

However, because they are so far apart, these little golden spiders look very inconspicuous, and you can't even tell what they are.

Without paying too much attention, Mutsuki Kamijo continued to play his basketball.

As the time got later and later, one after another, his friends gradually left, and finally only Kamijo Mutsuki was left to continue playing ball.

Just when he failed to shoot and was about to pick up the bounced basketball, as soon as he grabbed the basketball, he saw a very terrifying figure appear in front of him.

A very scary monster.

Spider undead!

Since a large number of small golden spiders were sprayed out just now, the undead spiders are looking for food targets again.

This time, he followed Mutsuki Kamijo, who was alone.

Jumping out of the bushes, the sudden appearance of the spider undead immediately startled Mutsuki Kamijo.

Seeing the extremely terrifying monster in front of him, Mutsuki Kamijo, a high school student, was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground and kept retreating. His whole person looked terrified. He never thought that he was just getting hit. It’s just basketball, but you will encounter monsters


The spider undead creature roared and was about to shoot out spider silk from its mouth to swallow up the life energy of the human being in front of him.

Just when he was about to take action, he suddenly felt a strange feeling.


"what happened?! monster.!"

Kamijo Mutsuki's legs were trembling and he couldn't move at all.

Now he is just a high school student. High school students have experienced too few things. They have hardly seen any big storms, let alone monsters.

The undead spider found that the person in front of him actually had a high degree of compatibility with him, and he was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

He has been worried about not being able to find a suitable adapter, and the Kamen Rider is chasing him more and more closely.

Unexpectedly, by coincidence, I found a suitable adapter while hunting!

Although it may not be the best, it is definitely suitable for you!


The undead spider spit this word out of his mouth.

He suddenly opened the amputation on the back of his head, and his three eyes suddenly lit up.

He spread his hands slightly, releasing a strange power.

Mutsuki Kamijo, who was sitting on the ground in fear, He felt an uncomfortable feeling in his brain, and he held his head in pain.

After this feeling lasted for a few seconds, Kamijo Mutsuki felt the pain disappear, and when he came back to his senses, he found himself sitting on the ground. There seemed to be nothing around him.

Most importantly, he seemed to have no memory of the undead spider he had just seen, and he didn't even know why he was in this place.

Mutsuki Kamijo looked around with a confused expression. Not noticing that there was a little golden spider on his clothes,

Kamijo Mutsuki walked over, picked up the basketball, and went home.

Not far away, there was a man and a woman. The Taoist figure quietly watched everything that happened just now

,.Asking for flowers...

"Category Ac, what the hell is that guy doing? The guy just now was clearly planning to attack the human, but why did he suddenly give up?"

Liu's eyebrows were slightly raised, Cheng Guang crossed his arms on his chest, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

She didn't know what Category Ac wanted to do, but she always felt that there must be some purpose of being a hostage.

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled explained

"That guy is very smart. He knows very well that in his current state, there is no way to win the extreme battle, so he wants to win this war through other methods.

Category Ac is a special type among all undead creatures. Its corresponding awakening card can be used to create a corresponding knight system.

The reason why he didn't attack that person just now was because he realized that that person was his adapter."


Obviously, Chengguang didn't know much about the situation here, nor did he know what Category Ac wanted to do when looking for an adapter.

"Control! The spider guy wants to find the most suitable adapter in advance, then pretend to be sealed, and then use his own power to influence the adapter and dominate it.

Finally, he is reborn in a special way to win the ultimate battle.

Although I don’t know if this method will be successful, it is indeed a method worth trying."

Lu Li admires the spider undead very much. This guy is indeed very good at hiding and very clever.

In the play, if it weren't for the help of Sister Hu and Shima Noboru, Kamijo Mutsuki would have been impossible to break the spider undead. Dominate.

The most important reason why the spider undead found Mutsuki Kamijo as his adapter is because the other person is still very young and has a high degree of compatibility with him.......

Mutsuki Kamijo is just a high school student. He is not particularly mature mentally and is relatively easy to control.

If you were a person with a strong spirit, it would be very difficult to control him.

After learning the plan of the spider undead creature from Lu Li, Cheng Guanghuan folded his hands with a look of disdain on his face.

"snort! It is really despicable to actually plan to use this method to win the ultimate battle."

What she advocates is frontal combat, never playing tricks behind the scenes.

Spider Undead: Yes, yes! You are amazing, you are noble!

"Since this guy has such despicable thoughts, why didn't he see you take action? With your strength, you should be able to defeat him easily."

Cheng Guang raised a doubt of her own.

In her opinion, spider undead creatures belong to humans and have combat capabilities that are not inferior to higher undead creatures, but to Lu Li, they should be nothing.

She has fought with Lu Li as a Naturally, he is very aware of the powerful power Lu Li possesses.

I'm afraid...even Category Kig may not be Lu Li's opponent, even if he already knows that Lu Li is not the one who participated in the last extreme battle. The winner of the earlier extreme battle, but Cheng Guang still doesn't know what kind of undead creature Lu Li is.

"He will actively choose to be sealed without me taking action, and I want to see the birth of the last knight system."

Although he doesn't quite understand what Lu Li's plans are, Cheng Guang feels that Lu Li is actually having more fun than participating in the extreme battle.

He seems to only do things that interest him and things that he doesn't, no matter what. No matter what, he may not be able to interest this guy.......So mysterious!

Even after following Lu Li, Cheng Guang felt that he could never fully understand Lu Li.

"Okay, let's go. Is there anything you want to eat today?"

"If you want something to eat... let me think about it first!"

The two gradually moved away.

Sister Tiger was just not like before. After tasting the delicacies of the human world, Sister Tiger found that there were too many delicious things.

Many delicious things made her linger and unforgettable.

Before I knew it, I was captured by that delicious food

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