There was a pool of green blood left on the ground. Even if someone saw it, they probably wouldn't think of it as blood, but as paint or something like that.

After all, no one would believe that the blood flowing out of a person's body would be green.

After the battle, Lu Li and Cheng Guang left.

While on the road, Cheng Guang couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

"Lu Li, what happened to your previous form? Why haven't I seen the kind of cards you use?

After the undead were sealed, was there a card like that in your hand?"

Cheng Guang can confirm that he has indeed never seen that type of card.

It does not belong to the card after the seal of the undead. Could it be that this kind of card was researched by Lu Li himself?

Cheng Guang, who came to this conclusion, felt very sad in his heart. Shocked.

The one who can create the Awakening Card is the Creator, that is, the Sealing Stone.

However, the Sealing Stone has never appeared at all, so how could it be possible for her to create all these cards ? They were all made by Lu Li.

If that were the case, wouldn't Lu Li's ability be comparable to that of the Creator?

Facing the question raised by Cheng Guang, Lu Li nodded seriously.

"As you can imagine, these cards are all made by me, and they also have very powerful power."

Eternity and the corresponding memory awakening cards are indeed very powerful, not inferior to the awakening cards of undead creatures.

Even though he had such a suspicion in his heart, Cheng Guang still did not completely believe Lu Li in his heart.

It’s incredible to do this!

"When he opened his mouth, Cheng Guang thought it was impossible to say something, but after thinking about Lu Li's identity, it might actually be possible.

As for what Lu Li mentioned before, that he was the winner of the first extreme battle, Cheng Guang didn't have the slightest doubt in his heart.

The other party has his own awakening card, and also has other awakening cards, which indirectly proves the authenticity of his words.

Then how did Lu Li in front of him create the awakening card?!

Could it be that he already possesses power comparable to that of the Creator?!

Suddenly he came to such a conclusion. Cheng Guang didn't know whether this conclusion was true or false.

"I know you find it very incredible why I can create awakening cards that only the Creator can create. I can’t tell you this secret yet.

Although you have temporarily joined my side, I know that you have not given up on the extreme battle. You will know everything after this battle is over."

As for his other secrets, Lu Li will not tell others about Cheng Guang for the time being.

After the extreme battle is over, Cheng Guang will know the answer.

He did not continue to ask about this matter, Cheng Guang nodded slightly.

Maybe it was because After spending more time with Lu Li, she was surprised, but she could accept it because the spider undead creature had successfully found the most suitable adapter for him and was ready to implement his next plan. The undead creature's next plan is to let the Kamen Rider seal itself. To be precise, let the red Kamen Rider seal itself.

Those guys are creating the strongest knight system. As long as they pretend to be sealed by the opponent, they will be able to go smoothly. Implement your next plan.

Once your plan is successfully implemented, you will become the strongest Kamen Rider.

When you completely occupy the boy's body, you will be able to resurrect under the purple mask! The three eyes emit bursts of purple light and look quite evil.


"Who will help me? I'm stuck!"

"Run away!"


Not far away from the spider undead creature, a large group of people were running away with frightened faces.

The reason for doing this was to deliberately attract the Kamen Rider, or to be precise, to attract Tachibana Sakuya.

Spreading spider silk from his mouth, he One of the escaping people directly entangled him and drained the life energy from the other person's body. Soon, he would no longer be able to eat as he is now. At that time , he would only be able to take advantage of this opportunity to exist in a spiritual form.

Enjoy it.

Isaka thought that everything was under his control, but he didn't know that he had been plotted by the spider undead.

He foolishly thought that he could create the strongest knight system. At that time, he led the strongest knights to kill all the undead creatures, and won the ultimate battle.

But he didn't know that he was the one being used.

Compared with Isaka's methods, the spider undead creatures' methods were obvious. Be smarter.

He quietly went behind the scenes and unknowingly became a Kamen Rider.

As expected, when the spider undead creature started to act, Isaka, the undead humanoid radar, immediately noticed it through his mind. Notify Tachibana Shuoya and ask him to rush to the destination. This time he must seal away the spider undead.

But this time, Lu Li and Aikawa Hajime had a fierce battle, which directly injured him, causing Aikawa Hajime to die. To stop Tachibana Sakuya.

Tachibana Sakuya immediately found the undead spider and launched a fierce attack.

At the same time, Kenzaki Kazuma originally wanted to rush to the scene as quickly as possible to stop Tachibana Sakuya. The sealed spider undead creature appeared in another place, and it was attacking people in a crowded place.

This undead creature was sent by Isaka in order to contain Kenzaki.

Then giving Tachibana enough time to seal the undead spider, Kenzaki Kazuma felt that he wanted to prevent the undead spider from being sealed, but he had to prioritize the safety of others as a Kamen Rider.


When Ju Shuo also rode his motorcycle to his destination, he finally saw the undead spider.

Hearing the sound of the motorcycle behind him, the undead spider slowly turned around and found that the person he was waiting for was none other than Ju Shuo.


Next, it's time to perform.

If he doesn't want to be caught, there are many ways for the spider undead to escape Tachibana Sakuya's pursuit.

But in order to achieve his goal, it is naturally impossible for him to escape at this time.

Tachibana Sakuya put on the knight's belt buckle, took off his helmet, and looked at the spider undead with an indifferent expression.

"Category Ace, this time... I must seal you!"



Quickly passed through the blue light screen in front of him and transformed into Ge Lian.

In order not to be noticed by the opponent, the undead spider creature could not sit still and wait for death. It immediately spit out spider silk.

Ge Lian reacted quickly and rolled to the side to avoid it. Spider silk, while avoiding the spider silk, immediately pull out the awakener and shoot

"Bang bang bang!!"

The bullets hit the undead spiders accurately one after another.

This attack itself did not have much effect on the undead spiders, and could not even contain them.

But in order to be more realistic, the undead spiders actually After being beaten, the warriors started to fight fiercely.

On a hillside in the distance, Lu Li and Cheng Guang watched the battle quietly.

Lu Li saw the undead spider being suppressed and beaten. Smiling and shaking his head

"This guy's acting skills are really bad, and it's just that this guy Ju Shuo didn't notice it himself.

If it had been someone else, they might have been able to tell that Spider was in trouble."

Hearing this, Cheng Guang nodded in agreement.

She had also seen that the undead spiders obviously did not use their full strength, but deliberately showed weakness.

In the human world, it seems that the undead spiders also I have been exposed to a lot, and I actually know about acting, but it is obvious that this guy's acting skills are not good.

"He wants to give full play to his greatest advantage, which is that he can use it to create a knight system, and then resurrect it with the help of human power to become the strongest knight.

What a good calculation, how despicable!"

The words were full of disdain, Cheng Guang looked down upon the behavior of spider undead creatures.

As an Ace, although it is not a high-level undead creature, its own strength is comparable to that of high-level undead creatures.

At this moment, Ge Lian is not at all It may be possible to deal with high-level undead creatures.

In Kamen Rider Sword, most of the high-level undead creatures either have no intention of fighting, or are killed by Kamen Rider's idealistic burst

, and only a handful of them can be defeated by the knight.

"This shows that he is very smart and knows how to use his best advantage."

Lu Li doesn't think the spider undead creature's behavior is despicable. The opponent is just using its best advantage.

Other undead creatures can't do this, so they can only bend down to avoid the spider. With the 650 sharp claws of the undead creature, Ge Lian directly put the muzzle of the gun at the waist of the undead spider and fired several times.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The sparks splashed, and the powerful impact made the undead spiders retreat continuously.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gelian immediately pulled out an awakening card.

Bullet Armadillo on Block 2! When the undead spiders saw this, they did not act like before. He shot out spider silk from his hand to stop Gelian from swiping his card, but instead rushed forward.

Looking at him like this, he really thought he was not afraid of death.

He was only concentrating on fighting now and didn't even notice the opponent. When I released the water, I thought I became stronger after losing my fear.


The card was smoothly swiped through the Awakening Device, and the shadow was integrated into the Awakening Device. Gelian immediately aimed at the undead spider and shot quickly.

"Bang bang bang!"


The bullets strengthened the power of the light bullets fired, and the undead spider creature that was hit directly from the front was knocked to the ground again.

The undead spider creature lying on the ground could not stand up for a while.

It was a drama queen!

It's just a shot blessed by the Diamond 2 card. It can't be so powerful.

After noticing that the spider undead creature didn't get up for a while, Green Benz took out three Diamond 5 cards directly from the Awakener. Descending whale, diamond 6 flame firefly, diamond 9 twin zebras!




Swipe the three cards through the Awakening Device, and the three cards immediately turned into phantoms, surrounding him.

Insert the Awakening Device into the gun butt on the right side of his belt, and the phantoms of the three cards were also integrated into his hands.

A faint fluorescence bloomed all over the legs and body , and powerful power filled the body.

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