This made Miyuki Yoshinaga quite uncomfortable.

Am I really so untrustworthy?

Obviously the two of them have had in-depth communication, but now they often show no trust in themselves, which is very uncomfortable.

But think about it.

If both Lu Li and Cheng Guang leave, the possibility that Miyuki Yoshinaga can stay here is slim.

For the time being, we can only use strong force to suppress her, but we can't fully trust her yet.

Although everything that was supposed to happen happened last night, Yoshinaga Miyuki has always been an undead creature, which is still very different from humans.

The thinking patterns of both parties are completely different and cannot be judged by common sense.

Afterwards, Lu Li approached the place where the battle was taking place.

Facing the powerful Lian Ge, Jian was completely suppressed.

Just when he took out three awakening cards and prepared to release his special move, Leng Geer used the long-range tapir of Club 10 as before, directly releasing the undead creatures of these three cards.


Seeing that all his cards were released, Jian was shocked.

Mainly, he didn't expect that the opponent could move so fast. He didn't even use a single card.

After the three undead creatures were released, he immediately Launched a siege attack on the sword, and at this moment, Kalis finally arrived.

When he saw the reappearance of Knight Lenger, he was slightly stunned.

This guy taught him a terrible lesson last time. , I didn’t expect to meet him again this time.

Now that he has met him, he must not let him go easily. He must regain the situation from the other party and let him see his strength.

"Callis? A loser who sold his soul to mankind, do you think you might be my opponent?"

Lenger doesn't look down on Kallis at all.

In his opinion, Kallis has given up his pride as an undead creature.

Instead, he has joined the human camp, which is simply a shame for the undead creatures.

"snort! You don’t need to worry about it!"

Callis didn't have the slightest fondness for Lenger, so he took out his awakening bow and pounced on him.

A fierce battle quickly broke out between the two.


The weapons from both sides continued to attack, and sparks flew everywhere.

However, facing Lengere who was under the control of the undead spider, Kalis's combat effectiveness at this moment was always weaker. Always. Shimasaki, who was watching the battle secretly, nodded thoughtfully when he saw Kalis.

He could feel that although Kalis was both an undead creature, he was very similar to Kali. Si wanted to protect the mother and daughter, although he might choose to ignore others, but this was at least a good start.

Moreover, Shima Noboru knew at the first sight that Kalis was not the real Kalis at all. , but Joker.

Jokr, who originally had no faith in the extreme battle and only knew how to kill, has gradually become closer to humans under the influence of human undead. I believe that as time goes by, Sooner or later, the other party would choose to side with humans.

Just when the scene was in chaos and fighting, Shima Noboru was considering whether to intervene in this matter.

Suddenly, he felt a gust of wind. When the wind blew, Shima Noboru's expression suddenly changed.


Shima Noboru was not very familiar with that guy's aura now.

He had always been very afraid of Lu Li, especially after meeting Lu Li. Instead of weakening, he became stronger.

Suddenly turning his head, Shima Noboru noticed Lu Li walking towards the chaotic battlefield.

"Could that guy want to join the battle at this time? Is he preparing to challenge everyone by himself?"

Each of the four Kamen Riders now has good combat power.

It is still very difficult for one person to challenge four of them.

Of course, Shima Noboru does not doubt that Lu Li himself has the power to challenge so many people.

You must know that even if

It's no joke that Shima Noboru himself can challenge the powerful power of the four current knights as long as he pays a little attention.


The sharp point at the top of the awakening staff scratched Kallis's chest, and the strong force instantly knocked Kallis away. He fell to the ground in a panic, and Kallis stood up again, looking at Lian Li with a vigilant face. Geer.

The opponent is very strong, and since he already knows that this guy can release undead creatures, he knows that he must not use the power of the card at will.

At this time, if he uses the card rashly, he may cause the opponent to release the undead creatures. At that time, he was still in trouble.

Without the help of the card, it was very difficult to defeat the opponent.

Just when Lenger was about to attack further, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at him. When I saw that familiar figure approaching here step by step, I unconsciously took a step back.

"It's him!"

There was a trace of fear in the indifferent tone.

Lian Geer still remembers the last battle very clearly.

The man in front of him is not only able to become Lian Geer like himself, but also has a better fighting ability than himself. Even stronger.

This guy is simply terrifying!

Lian Geer suddenly felt the urge to retreat. With his current fighting ability, he was probably no match for Lu Li.

He couldn't face a guy who was more terrifying than him. If a battle breaks out, the possibility of winning is almost zero.

Thinking of this, the three undead creatures he originally released stopped attacking and immediately changed directions.

The three undead creatures were all under the control of Lengeld. He slowly raised his right hand and aimed it at Lu Li.


The three undead creatures under control rushed towards Lu Li crazily.

"Tsk! He didn't dare to fight me, but he sent a bunch of miscellaneous fish here. He really looked up to me! A smile appeared on Lu Li's lips, and a fusion drive suddenly appeared in his hand.

He casually carried the fusion drive around his waist, and then took out the Eternal Memory.

Everyone present had never seen a drive in this form before. For them, Said, the knight system is like theirs



Insert the eternal memory into the fusion drive and open it casually.

Countless fragments appeared around Lu Li, and then quickly attached to his body, forming a pure white armor.

There were blue burning lights on the wrists and ankles. A black eternal robe appeared behind him, with a white crown standing on his head, yellow eye armor highlighted, and many collective slots on his body. After

Kamen Rider Yongqi came to this world!

This is the first time I have transformed into a forever knight in the form of a drive.

Although I had transformed into a forever knight before when I fought with Kallis, the awakening card of the eternal memory was used at that time, not the memory used.

"A mask I’ve never seen before....knight?!"

This is the first time Jian saw Lu Li in this form, and his tone was full of surprise.

You must know that for so long, it has been him and Senior Orange who have been fighting in the knight system. Kallis is special, not counting the new one. The knight system Lengel was created also used the power of the awakening card.

But now, the man who is an advanced undead creature has transformed into a new Kamen Rider......

Could it be....Has anyone else researched the Kamen Rider system?

Green was busy dealing with the wild boar undead creatures. Although he noticed the situation here, he had no time to go up and help.

"Other Kamen Riders?!"

He was also very shocked. How could a Kamen Rider that he had never seen appear? It's impossible.

Although he felt it was incredible and didn't even want to believe it, the fact happened right in front of Gren's eyes. Even if he didn't want to believe it, he couldn't believe it.

"That rascal..!"

When he saw Lu Li transform into Yongqi's form, Callisto immediately recalled the last battle he had with this guy.

He lost that battle!

To be precise, not only did he say it, but he said it very tragically!

His hand was seriously injured, and it only healed in the past few days.

After recovering, Kallis had actually always wanted to fight Lu Li, and they did meet him last time, but he was taught a lesson by Lian Ge, so he also He didn't have the strength to deal with Lu Li.

We met again this time, and we couldn't let each other go easily no matter what.

Among the four knights, Lengel claims to be the strongest Kamen Rider.

Although Lu Li had transformed into the same posture as him before, Leng Geer never took Lu Li into account.

After all, having the same form as myself, maybe it's the opponent's deception or special means?

But it's different now.

Lu Li appeared in front of him with a new attitude.

A Kamen Rider who has never been seen before seems to be very powerful in combat.

As Shima Noboru, who has known about the knight system for a long time, he is also the first���This is the first time I’ve seen such a transformation!

He had clearly noticed just now that the power used by Lu Li had nothing to do with undead creatures.

The thing used is not an awakening card at all. When did humans develop such a new knight system?

Regarding this question, Shima Noboru could not find an answer for a while.

He planned to ask Karasuma Kei after this matter was over to see if he, as the developer of the knight system, would know something.

But for now, we still need to resolve the matters here first.

It was originally a big melee, but now Lu Li suddenly joined in, and the whole battle became even more chaotic.

What direction this battle will take, Shima Noboru cannot say for the time being.

Facing the three undead creatures rushing toward him, Lu Li immediately launched a counterattack.

Pulling the eternal robe behind him and swinging it, Lu Li jumped into the air and used a spiral staircase to knock the undead locust creature to the ground.

Without waiting for the undead stag to react, a fierce elbow hit him in the abdomen. The terrifying force directly made the undead stag's body bow.

Then, he kicked him over again.

In the end, there was only one jaguar undead creature left.

Even though the undead jaguar creature was controlled, this guy still had his own will after all and immediately chose to escape.

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