This system can completely allow people to withstand the power of undead creatures, merge with undead creatures, and directly become undead creatures.

The most important thing is that he can completely control the power of undead creatures.

This kind of crazy behavior can be said to be a lunatic.

A good person is not good enough, but he has to become a monster. The purpose is to win this extreme challenge and become the master of the entire world.

"Take a good look at it, it’s still my transformation!"

Before he finished speaking, Tianwang Luboshi directly inserted the three-headed hell dog card in his hand into the strange slot on his arm.

As the card was inserted, Tianwang Luboshi suddenly laughed crazily.

A terrifying power came from There was a surge in the body, and in the next second, King Lu Boshi transformed directly into the appearance of the Cerberus undead creature.

The moment he turned into this appearance again, a faint shimmer of light bloomed from the Cerberus undead creature. Strange energy emerged from its body.


The chest of Cerberus suddenly tore open on both sides, and a head poked out, revealing half of its head. His eyes seemed to have a crazy smile, as if he was very satisfied with his current strength.


Miyuki Yoshinaga, who saw such a crazy scene for the first time, opened her eyes slightly and looked at Cerberus River in disbelief.

Shiromitsu's face was very serious, and he had already entered a fighting state.

"Is this guy fused with the undead?!"

From Chengguang's perspective, there seems to be no problem in saying it is fusion.

At this time, Cerberus made a voice like the King of Heaven Lu Hiroshi

"No! You're wrong, it's not that I merged with the undead, but that I evolved into the undead, hahahaha!"

With his crazy laughter, the head that originally looked like a human suddenly changed.

The whole head looked extremely pale, with a pair of purple evil eyes.

Chapter 475 Shuka 000000VS Cerberus I! Don’t give it!.....Then grab it!

Compared with Cerberus who was released by the sealing stone at the beginning, Cerberus who was transformed by King Lu Boshi at this time has even more terrifying combat power.

After all, it is no longer a completely undead creature.

The terrifying and ferocious Cerberus River released a very terrifying power, bringing a huge sense of oppression to Shiromitsu and Yoshinaga Miyuki.

The two of them transformed back into the form of undead creatures in unison.

There was no fear in Sister Tiger's eyes, but she was eager to try.

Because she had just defeated the Kg-type Giraffe Saw-Shovel Undead before, and now a more powerful opponent appeared, she was naturally looking forward to it.

As for the orchid undead, she is obviously not that courageous.

After feeling the powerful and terrifying power of Cerberus River, she decisively hid behind Lu Li.

With her fighting prowess, she would definitely be beaten to pieces by the other party if she was sent to her, so forget it.

"Leave this battle to me. The location of the battle is obviously not suitable here. Let's move to another place."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers.

Everyone in the room, including the sealing slate, disappeared without a trace.

At this time, outside the research institute, everyone's figures appeared out of thin air in the open space.


Looking around the surroundings, Cerberus was very shocked.

Lu Li's sudden movement of space made Cerberus quite afraid.

If he used this ability to escape, he might not be able to deal with Lu Li in his lifetime. What's the matter? What ultimate victory in the ultimate battle?

"You stand down, this battle is mine.

As soon as Lu Li said this, the orchid undead creature grabbed the tiger sister beside him and pulled her back.

"We'd better get out of the way quickly, this battle is beyond our control.

Although Sister Tiger is eager to try, she knows that she may not be able to deal with Cerberus Strait.

Just the terrifying aura exuded by the other party has already made him tremble all over.

If a battle really breaks out, I am afraid that he will lose miserably in the end.

After the two men withdrew from the battlefield, Lu Li looked at Cerberus across from him with a calm expression, without any trace of nervousness at all.

There was a hint of excitement in his eyes. After all, Cerberus Strait was considered the strongest monster in the sword world.

Of course, the other line of Cthulhu 14 is not included.

Cerberus has the power to absorb the Awakening Card. Of course, Lu Li would not choose to use the power of the Awakening Card to fight the opponent. Wouldn't that be making trouble for himself?

He is not a knight in this world, so of course he cannot fight stupidly with strength that is restrained by the opponent.

The six-link driver appeared on his waist, and Lu Li's body glowed with an evil golden light.

The six core coins of the evil organization in his body were pulled by Lu Li and gradually began to resonate/woo

"Swish, swish, swish!!"

The six core coins detached from Lu Li's body one after another and hovered around Lu Li.

The evil aura emitted by each core coin of the evil organization was not inferior to that of Cerberus," or even worse.

The six core coins automatically entered the six-link drive. The six-link drive automatically tilted, and the double scanning ring on the right side automatically swept across the front of the drive.

Six evil dark golden rings burst out with bursts of terrifying power, wrapping Lu Li. in the middle

"Shocker! Gel-Shocker! Destron! GOD! Garanda! Delza!"


A deep and dark energy emerged in this golden dazzling light, giving people a very ominous feeling.

Although it is golden light, it is an evil golden light, which is completely opposite to the pure golden light..

The shadows of six evil organization core coins were seen surrounding Lu Li, eventually intertwined and overlapped, forming a chaotic pattern, and a pair of withered yellow and ferocious armor appeared on Lu Li's chest. , bursts of scarlet light bloomed in the black and white eyes, looking very dangerous.

When the golden light dissipated, a terrifying and terrifying knight appeared on the spot. , the skeletal armor gives people a terrifying and chilling feeling just by looking at it.

Lu Li in this form looks even more terrifying than Lu Li in Jokr form.

Of course, it doesn't matter in terms of strength. Said, it is not inferior to Lu Li's strongest Jokr. Full fusion form.

When he saw that Lu Li did not use the awakening card to transform, Cerberus was stunned.

"This is..?!"

He thought he had everything under control. Even if Lu Li had the power of other awakening cards, he could not be his opponent.

Cerberus also has the ability to absorb the power of all undead creatures.

As long as the opponent is an undead creature, it can be said that Cerberus River has a unique advantage.

From Cerberus's perspective, Lu Li had used the power of the Awakening Card so far.

Although he also used other powers along the way, Cerberus Chuan didn't know about it. After all, he couldn't monitor Lu Li all the time.

The other party is a very powerful undead creature. If the surveillance time is too long, it will be easily discovered by the other party.

Seeing Lu Li suddenly using powers other than cards, he felt very unprepared.

Not only that, Cerberus River could feel that the Shuka that Lu Li was transforming into exuded a very evil aura.

It was simply more terrifying than the aura on his own body.

The dark aura surrounding it seemed to be about to solidify, giving people a very ominous feeling.

Even Cerberus felt that his body was restless now.

Shiro Miyuki and Yoshinaga Miyuki had returned to human form at this moment. This was the first time for both of them to see Lu Li in this state.

The terrifying and evil aura made Yoshinaga Miyuki's body tremble slightly, and she unconsciously grabbed Shiro Miyuki's arm. It was an instinctive fear. Even though she knew in her heart that Lu Li would not attack them, Miyuki Yoshinaga's body still trembled under the influence of this force.

"This... also comes from another world? What a terrifying power! Cheng

Guang squinted her eyes slightly. Although she acted calmer, she was still very nervous inside. She had an inexplicable feeling in her heart, that is, if she faced the current Lu Li, what would it be like in the end? It was almost possible. Foresight.

I'm afraid... I'll lose miserably!

He twisted his neck slightly and made a clicking sound. Lu Li raised his sharp-nailed hand and raised his finger slightly.

��Indicated that Cerberus could take the lead in attacking. It was hard to say whether

Cerberus would be able to fight back.

It's still very huge.

Using the repair card 000000 form is already a great honor to Cerberus.

Cerberus doesn't dare to be careless at this time.

The opponent is obviously coming for him, and he also has very unique methods. Even if Cerberus wants to escape, he can't do it.

Moreover, even if there is a fight, Cerberus doesn't think he will definitely know who will win. Still can't tell


In the gap between the two rooms and the heads, there are two small heads, shooting out flames one after another from their mouths.

As soon as they come up, Cerberus River prepares a covering bombing, preparing to strike first. Facing the terrifying flames, Lu Li let them fall on himself or the places around him.


The flames of the explosion directly engulfed Lu Li, but Lu Li did not even move.

Cerberus was very sure that the flames he fired just now must have hit Lu Li, and the other party did not hide.

But even if he fired it The flames hit Lu Li head-on, and Cerberus did not dare to let down his guard at all. It was impossible for the opponent to be dealt with so easily. The pressure on him had not disappeared yet, and it was obvious that there was no sign of weakening at all.

The other party is fine at all


Suddenly, a figure appeared in the flames.

Then he saw the figure walking out of the flames. The ferocious armor was intact, and there was not even a trace left on it.

Ker'er looked at Lu Li who was walking towards him step by step. Boros couldn't help but take a step back.

When he reacted, he felt annoyed.

How could he retreat at this point?

No matter how strong the enemy was, it wouldn't be him. opponent

"Lu Li, I did underestimate you a little. I didn't expect you to have such power. but....It’s still unclear who will win!

Before he finished speaking, Cerberus River instantly burst out at his fastest movement speed and rushed directly towards Lu Li.


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