Before he could react, there was another slap from the other side.

After repeating this for several times, the Owl Amazon has more air in and less air out.

Pulling him forward, Lu Li looked at him condescendingly

"Now...can you answer my question? Of course, I will also give you the opportunity to choose to deny it, but I will only give you one chance.

Once it's gone, it's really gone."

Owl Amazon, who has been beaten stupidly, no longer dares to be arrogant at this time.

He has fully realized the gap between the two. The power of the other party is far more powerful than him.

In his eyes, Full of deep fear, the owl Amazon swallowed deeply and whispered

"Gulu~! I said, I say anything!"

No one wants to die. Even Amazon also wants to live well.

Otherwise, he would not be able to escape to Fengdu.

"How did you escape the arrest of Nozama Pharmaceutical? I remember that every Amazon you have should carry an Amazon recorder in your hand.

Where is your Amazon logger? Why is it no longer there?"

When he heard this question, Owl Amazon was even more shocked.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li knew so much about these things, even the recorder.

This man is indeed not only powerful in combat

"Me, it was an accident, the recorder was accidentally damaged, and I didn't expect it to be damaged.

It was precisely because my recorder was damaged that I dared to escape and sneak into this city without anyone knowing I was here."

After learning about this situation, Lu Li was not surprised. It was similar to his guess. The Amazon recorder is an armband-type tool. Its main function is to record some of Amazon's current conditions.

At the same time, There will be a certain amount of medicine in the Amazon recorder.

When there is medicine, Amazon can maintain a normal state and will not be dominated by the cannibalistic instinct.

Will unleash Amazon's terrifying cannibalistic instinct.

Then, Lu Li asked some questions that he wanted to know.

Owl Amazon answered everything he knew, and he couldn't answer it honestly. The threat posed by the weirdo. Outside the observation room, the observers saw everything and were stunned.

They thought it would be very dangerous, but they didn't expect it to be completely different from the danger in their minds....He was subdued so easily!

Sonosaki crossed his arms with a slight smile on his face.

Lu Li's extremely powerful strength was like killing an owl Amazon. As simple as an ant.

After getting the information he wanted, Lu Li stopped asking and threw the owl Amazon on the ground.

At the same time, Lu Li also released the transformation state and prepared to leave the owl Amazon. Not good.

He was already very hungry, and all the cells in his body were filled with desire for protein.

He slowly raised his head, and the fearful look in his eyes was gone. Amazon was like this.

, if the cells in the body cannot be satisfied, they will enter a state of madness, and they will not be able to deal with anyone, even if they are facing their own relatives, they will be able to kill them.


With a low roar, the owl Amazon instantly pounced on the unsuspecting Lu Li.

The sudden explosion shocked Sonosaki Saeko in the observation room.

Seeing the owl Amazon that had pounced on Lu Li, Sonosaki Saeko immediately reminded loudly

"Land from! careful!"

She never expected that the owl Amazon, who had been beaten to death just now, could suddenly burst into flames.


The sharp claws stabbed Lu Li's head fiercely, and the claws flashed with a terrifying cold light.

In the flash of lightning, the awakening device in Lu Li's waist that was supposed to be in red heart state, the red heart in the middle instantly turned green.

At the same time, , Lu Li himself instantly transformed from a human form to a Joker.

The terrifying and ferocious armor made people tremble with fear when they saw it. This was the first time for Sonosaki Saeko to see Lu Li in such a state.

At that time, Lu Li had never transformed into Joker before.

The claws on his hand instantly pierced the owl Amazon, directly from the front to the back.

The madness in his eyes disappeared as he struggled in pain. Please use the sharp claws on Lu Li’s hand

"I've given you a chance to live, why don't you cherish it?

Sure enough, once Amazon lacks protein, it is no different from a beast. To be precise... it is even worse than a beast."


Lu Li exerted a little force, and the powerful force immediately split the owl Amazon into two halves.

Together with the translucent heart, it was destroyed.

The broken body gradually melted and turned into a pool of mud.

After doing this After everything happened, Lu Li returned to his human form.

To be honest, in his Joker form, Lu Li's fighting ability was not inferior to that of Wild Kalis. If the owl Amazon chose to attack him from behind, it was completely a matter of death for Lu Li.

Just an ordinary person, being attacked rashly may cause big trouble, and may even lead to death, but he... is a creature!

He has extremely strong combat power, and even has very terrifying combat intuition, all at the limit. He was trained during the battle.

Even if Lu Li had not turned into Joker just now, he could kill the owl Amazon, but it was not that easy.

Looking at the two halves of the corpse on the ground, Lu Li returned to his original appearance and snorted coldly.


I straightened my clothes and left the observation room.

The scene just now deeply attracted Sonosaki Saeko.

Is this extremely powerful and terrifying power the real Lu Li?

Sonosaki Saeko's face was slightly rosy. There was no trace of fear, but more excitement.

The observer next to him was already frightened.

He thought that the man would be injured, but unexpectedly, not only was he not, but the experiment was torn into pieces in an instant. Two halves, what a terrifying and powerful fighting power, it makes people feel frightened when they see it.

"Club...President, this experimental subject……"

The observer was uneasy. The experimental subject was killed in front of him. Who should bear this responsibility?

He doesn't want to take the blame!

He is just a small observer, and he cannot afford to take the blame.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko realized that her state just now was a bit wrong. She coughed lightly to cover up the rosy look on her face.

"Ahem! I don't blame you for this matter. Since the experimental object is gone, let's do a good dissection of his body.

Take a look at how these guys are composed. Although it is not your research field, it should be okay to dabble a little."

Knowing that he didn't have to take the blame, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the observer quickly thanked

"Thank you, President! I immediately informed them to come over and dispose of the body and conduct research as soon as possible."

After that, the observer hurriedly exited the observation room.

��After the observer left, Sonosaki Saeko quickly walked out of the observation room and found Lu Li.

"Honey, how was it just now? Are there any injuries?"

I touched and looked at him here and there, the worry in his eyes was undisguised.

The only person who could make Sonosaki Saeko so nervous right now is Lu Li.

PS: Thank you————ma..monthly pass!.Chapter

80: You can give anything to eat, the completed buckle.

He pinched Sonosaki Saeko's pussy and Lu Li chuckled.

"Don't worry. Is it possible that this level of rubbish can harm me?"

This is not Lu Li's boasting, but in his eyes, the owl Amazon is really just a piece of trash.

It is insignificant and can be easily annihilated with a snap of a finger.

Then, Sonosaki Saeko recalled the crazy behavior of the owl Amazon just now, and was filled with satisfaction. Face confused

"Lu Li, what kind of monster is this Amazon? Why do you look so crazy?

I saw clearly that you had subdued him just now, but why did he suddenly attack you again?"

She couldn't understand.

Generally speaking, if the opponent is subdued, there will not be such a sudden attack.

If the opponent can let you go once, it does not necessarily mean that he will let you go a second time.

There is a second time , he will probably die.

This is completely making fun of his own life, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is risking his own life.

It is really incomprehensible. Sonosaki Saeko obviously does not know how crazy Amazon will be when it becomes crazy.

"Amazons are very strange modified creatures that usually have an armband on their arms.

There are not only positioning devices inside, but also medicines, that is, inhibitors."

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Inhibitors? What's the use of that thing? Is it to prevent something?"

Nodding slightly, Lu Li continued.

"That’s right, inhibitors can curb Amazon’s intense craving for protein so they don’t go crazy and attack people.

Once the inhibitor is used up, without the influence of the inhibitor, Amazon will fall into a crazy desire for protein. Once they attack a person, they will no longer be able to escape their desire for human flesh.

Once an Amazon is obsessed with human flesh, it will try its best to eat humans no matter what. It is a very crazy monster."

Even Sonosaki Saeko's eyes changed unconsciously when she heard that Amazon wanted to eat people and had a strong desire to bite human flesh. She even felt vaguely like vomiting.

Cannibalism... seems like a It sounds easy to say, but when you think about that kind of scene, no matter who you are, it may be difficult to accept it.

Her face was slightly ugly, and it was the first time that Sonosaki Saeko had learned that such a terrifying monster in Amazon had been torn into pieces. After eating two halves, it will be up to the researchers here to conduct anatomy and study.

The specific results will only be known later.

After giving simple instructions to the researchers, Lu Li and Sono Sakiko left this remote research institute.

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