The terrifying aura on his body spreads out to the surroundings. For these junior aliens, this sense of oppression is not too scary, as if it is their nemesis.

The junior level 150 aliens who had been rushing towards the telepathy wall retreated one after another when they felt this aura.

It was as if Lu Li, who was at the center of this terrifying aura, was some kind of savage beast to them.

The reason why Inna hasn't knelt down due to fear is entirely because Lu Li deliberately controlled the influence of fear on her.

Step by step, he moved forward. Wherever Lu Li passed, all the junior aliens retreated, not daring to come any closer.

Kaiwu, who was working hard to fight the junior aliens, felt that the number of junior aliens around him was increasing.

Only then did he notice that all the junior foreigners seemed to be coming towards him.

Why are they all coming towards me?

Full of doubts in his heart, Kaiwu suddenly noticed a knight with a dark aura appearing in his field of vision.

When he saw the other party for the first time, Kaiwu felt an extremely bad feeling in his heart.

His heartbeat accelerated a lot, and he didn't quite understand why his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Is it because of this guy who suddenly appeared in front of me?

Seeing that the driver used on Lu Li's waist was the same driver he used to transform into Yongqi last time, Kaiwu immediately concluded that the knight in front of him was Lu Li.

"Did this guy use some new power?"

Although the drive is the same, it is completely different from the previous form.

But the terrifying pressure is no less than before, and Kaiwu always feels that there is some kind of throbbing deep in his soul.

An indescribable feeling!

At this time, Kaiwu Wu noticed that when Lu Li was moving forward, there seemed to be something similar to black liquid left behind.

The black liquid seemed to be still squirming. He didn't know what it was.

Suddenly Lu Li stopped and looked around at the large number of junior aliens..

They were all trash fish, and Lu Li didn't even bother to deal with them.


He stepped on the ground violently, and the terrifying force made the ground tremble slightly.

After the ground withstood this force, spiderweb-like cracks appeared with Lu Li as the center, and a pit was left. When Kaiwu felt confused, a large amount of black swamp suddenly appeared where Lu Li was, spreading crazily around him. The swamp of fear!

In Kaiwu's surprised eyes, the black swamp spread crazily around him.

The junior foreigners who were exposed seemed to have been drained of their power, lying helplessly in the black mire.

The same was true for those who were also enveloped in the black mire.

This black liquid was very strange!

He noticed the armor attack at the first moment and jumped directly to a tree. It was impossible for him to stay here any longer. If he was swallowed by the black mire later, he might not end well. Where to go.

According to his observation, there seems to be a strange power in the black quagmire that can make the target lose its combat effectiveness.

The function of the fear quagmire is to amplify the fear in the target's heart and make the opponent collapse in fear. Lost the battle.

PS: Thanks to

Menghui Xiangu for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 538 The golden demon that brings fear!

The fear of Utopia memory after the fusion with the memory body, the fear quagmire released after using the power of the memory body, It's not just about generating fear.

Utopia's memory has the characteristic of absorbing the target's ability and converting the opponent's ability into its own adaptable ability.

Utopia's power is also the key to why these junior aliens lose their combat effectiveness so quickly.

In just a moment, all the junior aliens in that place were enveloped by this terrifying black quagmire. Even the junior aliens with wings would lose their combat effectiveness in an instant as long as they touched the fearful mire.

Falling into the quagmire of fear, he was immediately swallowed up.

Standing on top of the tree, Kaiwu patted his chest with lingering fear after seeing this scene.

"Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have suffered too.

Suddenly, he thought of those people shrouded in the black mire. Would those people also be swallowed up?!

Kaiwu reacted and immediately searched for those trapped in the black mire.

But he found that although those people lost their fighting power in the black mire, they were not swallowed up.

Kaiwu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, these people were not swallowed by the black mire.

At this time, he had a deeper understanding of Lu Li's power.

The true strength of the man in front of him was definitely not the facial spots he had seen before. He had even more terrifying power.

A breathtaking and inaccessible power.

Inna was also in the quagmire of fear. When her feet came into contact with the quagmire of fear, she felt as if the power in her body had been drained out.

A silent fear was born in my heart.

The golden figure was like a demon that brought terror and disaster, but with Lu Li's control, although Inna felt fear in her heart, it was not very strong, otherwise she would have been on the verge of collapse.

But don't underestimate the power of fear. Fear can easily make people collapse, or even make people enter an extremely negative and pessimistic state.

It is not strange to collapse because of fear and become unable to take care of yourself.

In more serious cases, you may directly choose to commit suicide because you cannot bear the huge psychological pressure caused by fear.

"How did Lu Li do it?! Is this the power of memory?"

Of course she knew that Lu Li was using a memory.

But she never thought that the power of the memory could be so terrifying.

For a moment, Inna seemed to start to yearn for the power of the memory.

According to this period of time and other people After getting to know each other for a short period of time, she already knew that no one in the Sonosaki family was simple.

They all had their own powers, some were memories, and some were others.

The only one who was more ordinary among them happened to be Yin. Na.

It was clear that he was a very good spy in the past, with extraordinary skills, and spent a long time in the rain of bullets, but even so, his power was only at the bottom of the Sonosaki family.

, she was frightened by the power of the memory.

Once she had the power of the memory, she could be so powerful.

Inna had already made a decision in her heart, and planned to discuss it with Lu Li to see what kind of memory it was. The power suits him.

At this time,

Zhan Yue and Long Xuan met again.

After a battle, Zang Yue easily captured Long Xuan. What made him feel confused was the guy in front of him. Why doesn't he seem to have any intention to fight against him? What exactly does the other party want to do?

I can't figure out this problem at the moment. Zangetsu is not ready to think about it so much at this time.

He plans to carry out the recycling work first and then think about these issues after the recycling is completed.

Just as he was about to give Long Xuan the final blow and let him release his transformation, a panicked cry suddenly came from the communicator.

"director!! A large number of foreigners appeared on this side of the crack, and they seemed to be attracted by the lock seeds we collected! need help! ah!!"

Just after he finished speaking, he heard a scream and some strange sounds.

For Zangetsu, who has always been dealing with people from other lands, these sounds are naturally familiar to him. They are the voices of people from other lands.

Just like According to what the other party said, the stronghold was attacked.

Zangyue knew that things were in trouble. He immediately switched channels and contacted the commando team to take away Long Xuan, but he didn't get any response. It was obvious that he was in trouble.

With Long Xuan lying on the ground, Zhan Yue felt helpless and had no choice but to give up and expel the opponent to Shiya City.

The current situation meant that he had to go back and rescue the person first, so

Zang Yue turned around directly. Leave.

After seeing this, Long Xuan, who had not released his transformation, felt relieved.

If he was really beaten to release his transformation, his identity would be exposed.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to be in trouble. Time will take care of yourself.

At this moment, the knight shadow transformed by another hip-hop team leader Hatsuse Ryoji suddenly rushed out to attack Zangetsu, but this guy had no idea how much he weighed and how strong he was. The powerful Zangetsu, the black shadow was completely blasted, but Zangetsu had no time to continue fighting with this guy. After knocking him down in two or three blows, the black shadow was very persistent and charged again with the spear. Zangetsu went up, which angered Zangetsu.

Zangetsu, who was in a furious mood, didn't care that much and chopped him to the ground in two or three strokes.

However, because he didn't control his strength, he directly knocked the sword from the black shadow's waist. The extreme drive was destroyed.

The black shadow whose extreme drive was destroyed directly exited the transformation state.


Seeing that the Zhanji Drive was destroyed by himself, Zangetsu immediately recalled what Zhanji Lingma had told him before, and he must not destroy the Zhanji Drive.

He had promised the other party swornly before, but he didn't expect that the Zhanji drive would be destroyed by him now.


Although he knew that things were in trouble, Zangetsu didn't have time to think so much at this time, so he hurried back to the stronghold as soon as possible.

After Zangetsu left completely, Ryugen just glanced at Hatsuse Ryoji lying on the ground and ignored him at all.

For Long Xuan, if this kind of guy disappears, he disappears and has no impact at all.

What's more, Hatsase Ryoji had secretly plotted against Ryu Xuan some time ago, but he remembered it very clearly.

This kind of guy can just leave him here to fend for himself. Whether he can survive or not depends entirely on his own destiny.

Long Xuan followed Zhan Yue secretly and approached the stronghold.

Return to the stronghold.

More than 80% of the junior aliens have been swallowed up by the quagmire of fear.

Only some junior aliens who could fly were not devoured.

However, these junior aliens were very afraid of the aura emanating from the Dread Mire and flew towards the cracks one after another.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Even if the high-voltage current released by the instrument outside the crack can prevent the primary aliens from rushing out, after all, the instrument is always efficient.

Such long-term use directly leads to overloading of the instrument.

The instrument is directly destroyed under high-intensity operation. After the destruction, the surviving aliens rushed into the World Tree headquarters one after another.

"ah! Help!! The aliens rush in!

"Where are people?! Someone come quickly!"

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