"Dimensional wall?"

Among the people in the Time Management Bureau, all Jiachen were very surprised.

The dimensional wall is the most advanced time and space travel ability known so far, and even the space gate technology of Feng Mo Hu relies on the extension of the dimensional wall.

This Xiang Neng should be extremely difficult to obtain, but why can the vampire in front of them be able to use it?

This is simply too unreasonable.

In their impression, it seems that the only person who can control both vampire and power is one person.…

"You can't be...Qi Ling!"Youjiachen couldn't help but guess.

"Oh, did you finally guess it?"Qi Ling didn't hide it, but replied with a smile.

"It really is!"The Jiachens were all shocked.

They never expected that the guy who had been causing trouble was actually his ally.

This matter must be reported back.

Immediately, several Time Demon Machines were turned on, thinking You need to leave the Gap of Light.

Although the Gap of Light blocks the Vampires, preventing them from being resurrected through genes, it also blocks the signals of the Demon Machines, preventing them from transmitting messages.

As long as you can leave the Gap, even just a little bit, They could all send such important news back.

However, just at the moment they flew upward, the wall of the sky appeared.

A large number of sky stones flew in, blocking the exit of the gap of light tightly..

In this way, the sunlight from outside cannot come in, turning the gap into darkness.

Qi Ling has two Pandora's Boxes, so he can naturally summon two copies of the Sky Wall.

One is on the earth, and the other is on the earth. Placed in the Gap of Light.

In the Gap of Light, everyone except Qi Ling can only use physical attacks, and all output methods are weakened.

Even if there is a big demon machine here, if you want to break the sky It also takes a while to destroy the sky wall. It takes much more time and strength than normal to destroy the sky wall.

"I said you are surrounded by me."Qi Ling said calmly.

The next second, he raised his arms.

He activated the Kuga belt in his body and used the ultimate power of super sublimation.

Lightning burst out instantly.

Destroy the darkness with thunder!

Qi Ling's perception is now extremely strong , can accurately feel the energy core position of Jiachen and the Demon God Machine.

Under his control, the flash attack is very precise, damaging the energy cores of all enemies with an appropriate force.

In this way, Jiachen He Mo Shen Machine wants to save energy and reduce energy consumption as much as possible.

A large amount of energy is quickly absorbed by the gap of light.

And Qi Ling can also feel that the two earths are approaching quickly.



Pandora's Tower, third floor.

The battle between Zhan Rabbit and the other four people was still going on, but it was almost over.

Zhan Rabbit, who doesn't have the Genius Bottle in his hand, can only use Rabbit Tank to break the ice.

Although this full bottle of ability is indeed very good, the ability is still not rich enough and too simple.

Pure speed and pure defense cannot pose any threat to the current Katsuragi shinobi.

Katsuragi Shinobi looked straight at him and made a few random moves, beating the war rabbit back steadily.

As for Long Ga on the side, he stopped fighting.

Because he was about to go berserk.

He was very worried that once he went completely berserk, he might directly inherit the blood potential and join the enemy.

Therefore, he simply canceled the transformation, leaned on the edge of the battlefield, stopped and took a rest.

The battle situation was so precarious that it almost turned into a one-sided defeat by Katsuragi Shinobu, even for entertainment.

"Father, tell me quickly, what kind of plan do you have here?!"The war rabbit transformed into a tank, and with its super high defense, he kept asking questions while being beaten.

He could also feel that there was an incredible pressure coming from the top of the city. (Read Baoshuang novels and fly up Lu Novel Network!)

Through the big screen in the room, he can also see another familiar earth

"Why did the second Earth appear?"

Is it possible that Qi Ling wants to gain invincible power by sacrificing two planets like Mogami Kuixing?

"Don’t worry, you’ll find out soon."There was a hint of expectation in Katsuragi Shinobi's tone.

It was a scientific experiment that he had always wanted to conduct since he came into contact with Mr. E.

Unexpectedly, it was successful today.

The world is about to merge, and the dead in the past are about to be resurrected.

He All the sins of the past will be eliminated today.

Of course, he also understands that what is eliminated today is only the superficial sins. The pain those experimental subjects experienced when they were experimented will not disappear. It was just placed in an unknown history.

At this moment, a fierce explosion suddenly came from the outside of the magic tower.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The sound of the explosion was so loud that it even caused the magic tower to produce A slight shake

"what happened?"Kasuragi Shinobi immediately looked at the display screen in the room.

The display screen changed and turned into the entrance of the magic tower.[]

As you can see, a large group of Amazon weirdos suddenly appeared at the door.

After all, without the help of the army from the Bureau of Time Management, the weirdos from the two northwest capitals finally arrived at the foot of the Magic Tower under the guidance of Namba Heavy Industries.

Among the Amazons, there were also a group of defenders and Amazon slammers, who surrounded the magic tower with a freeze.

The 4.5 hard defenders at the entrance have been eliminated by them.

As for Zhuang Wu and others, they were flying in the sky, one person holding on to the other person's legs, and Huang Yu's owl slammer at the top supporting all the weight.

"`.The army of the Western Capital."Katsuragi Shinobi murmured to himself, and recognized it immediately.

Because among the crowd, Namba Juzaburo personally took action.


Downstairs of the magic tower

"Everyone, prepare to attack!"Namba Juzaburo gave an order to the Saito army behind him.

Because he now also has Amazon compatriots, he was not regarded as food by those ordinary Amazons.

While speaking, he looked at the sky nervously.

Unexpectedly, The world fusion plan of Mogami Kuixing will actually appear for the second time. (Hello, King Nuo)

The last fusion was because Mogami Kuixing was relatively weak, and the plan was discovered in advance, and was stopped early by two fourth-level madmen. , and thus successfully avoided the collision of the worlds.

But this time, it was too sudden.

The speed of the world merging was beyond imagination.

It would take only six hours at most, and it would collide with another world in the sky.

Therefore, he anxiously personally Lead the team and come directly to Pandora's Magic Tower to stop it.

It can be seen that the light pillar connecting the two earths is the light emitted from inside the Magic Tower.

As long as the source can be found and destroyed, all this can be stopped.

Although The door to the magic tower has been closed, but he has a way to break in by himself

"Come out and help me break down the door."Jousaburo patted his chest.

The next second, a huge saber-toothed tiger monster came out of his body.

Compared with before, the saber-toothed tiger at this time had reached the height of a four-story building, which was extremely huge...

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