"Ju, it was actually a crushing game!" Uraga Apocalypse looked at Qi Ling, his eyes full of shock.

Because he used the alien Ex-aid disk, he specially learned about the history of Kamen Rider Ex-aid, so he roughly knew how powerful the invincible player was. Outrageous.

He originally imagined that as long as he could master the power of the invincible player, he would have the strength to take revenge on Qi Ling.

But he didn't expect that this was all his overthinking.

Even with the invincible defense, Qi Ling could be on the spot. Breakthrough.

Although I don’t know what method he used, but this is too outrageous.

"How can we win over Qi Ling?" Uraga's mind was filled with confusion.

He couldn't imagine that if he wanted to become a king, he would have to absorb all the power.

"How could it be..." Baosheng Yongmeng barely supported his body, holding on little by little, and wanted to get up.

However, from the blow just now, he had suffered all the damage from Qi Ling.

Especially the toxins in his body, it was even more intense. Absolutely.

In his current physical condition, being able to get up is considered to be the limit. Now it is difficult to even take a step forward.

"Who are you?"He spoke with difficulty and couldn't help but ask.

For some reason, Baosheng Yongmeng had a strange feeling. The person in front of him might be more terrifying than Tan Lidou.

"Just think of me as passing by."Qi Ling just shrugged indifferently and did not turn to look at the alien Ex-aid dial in his hand.

"It worked."

The avatar printed on the dial at this time has completely turned into a golden weirdo.

The alien invincible player has finally arrived.

Now, it is equivalent to Qi Ling holding the power of two invincible players at the same time.

Here In this state, he holds a double-strengthened invincible power.

I am afraid that even in the Ex-aid Taiwanese drama, the God of Games at his peak who has the power to defeat invincible players will not be his opponent.

"It's a pity that your little friend didn't come this time?"Qi Ling observed the surroundings. Parade did not seem to appear this time.

In the original work, Parade did not appear in the plot of King of Time.

Could it be that he had other things in his hands?

It is a pity that Qi Ling originally planned to Through Baosheng Yongmeng, Parade was also subdued. It seems that he can only wait until next time.

Thinking of this, Qi Ling took out a cell coin from his arms.

He leaned in front of Yongmeng, and then Directly into his forehead

"Damn it, what bad idea did Qi Ling have!"Not far away, Gates couldn't help but roared and asked.

After all, Nagamu is also his teammate.

After all, Nagamu is the only way for him to rescue Tokiwa Shougo. In any case, he can't just watch Nagamu get into trouble.

However, Gates He couldn't get up at all.

Although he was not poisoned, the injuries on his body were too serious.

There was no pain in his body.

He couldn't provide even a little help.

He could only watch the large dragon scales. , spread rapidly.

In the end, only the ends of the limbs remained the same, and the skin on the torso had completely changed

"Not bad, very good."The newly born Desire Monster in Qi Ling Yongmeng's body.

According to Qi Ling's judgment, the daily output of this Desire Monster can reach at least two thousand.

This output is almost the same as the danger level 7.0, which exceeds the peak of human beings.

After all, he is an infected person of the Bengyuan body virus, and he is no longer a mortal body.

"Next time, maybe you can try Jing Feicai and the others."Qi Ling muttered to himself.

Although they are not possessed by Collapse Body monsters, they have undergone physical transformation. Now they all have the ability to fight monsters with their bodies. If cell coins are inserted into their bodies, they should It also has a certain effect.

With a move of his hand, a flowing gray wall opens out of thin air.

"let's go."

Taking Shayu with him, Qi Ling left.

As for Uraga's revelation, of course he brought it back by the way. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although his power has been completely controlled by Qi Ling Oh, but this guy is still an experienced Nebula Gas user, and the danger level can reach 5.0.

There are not many people with such a high danger level.

Since it is so valuable for research, of course he should take it back to Katsuragi Shinobu as an experimental subject After all , the new world is a peaceful world. It is like an experimental body used for research. It is not as easy to deal with as the old world.

Uraga revealed that this precious body cannot be wasted.

Looking at the closing of the dimensional wall, the empty game field Inside, there was a roar of unwillingness.

"asshole!"Bao Sheng Yongmeng roared.

He watched a victim being taken away by Qi Ling, but he couldn't do anything.

This feeling of powerlessness made him feel extremely desperate as a doctor and a Kamen Rider..I have neglected my duty.

If I had been calmer when dealing with Qi Ling, I might have been able to make a better decision.

…… at the same time.

In a dark room.

Aura opened the door and walked in[]

"Didn’t you go to rescue your own king? Why did you come back alone? What happened? Ur asked curiously

"Humph, don’t mention it."As soon as Aura thought of today's events, she puffed up her cheeks, and her whole face looked like a bulging puffer fish.

Then, she briefly recounted the incident of Uraga's defeat.

"What are you talking about? Not only did Uraga lose, but even the invincible Ex-aid player was crushed by Qi Ling on the spot!"Ur was stunned.

Qi Ling's strength was simply beyond people's imagination.

He suddenly recalled the first time he went to the Build world...

He was still alive at that time. It was a blessing.

If he had known that Qi Ling was 377 A being who can easily crush even invincible players would definitely not have chosen to come into contact with Qi Ling.

At this time, a faint voice sounded

"Oh, did even the invincible players lose?"Swaruts walked out from behind the door slowly.

Of course he heard Ola's description of Qi Ling, but he didn't feel that he couldn't deal with Qi Ling.

"Swarutz, do you have a way to deal with Qi Ling?"Aura asked.

As time progressed, she felt that Qi Ling was getting more and more dangerous.

She felt that Qi Ling now was really capable of defeating the Bureau of Time Management.

Once the Bureau of Time Management was defeated, she would not know How should we deal with Qi Ling after the incident?

"Of course, I was just ready."As he spoke, Swaruts took a step aside.

A strange woman walked out from behind him, wearing a gorgeous robe.

The shape of the robe was similar to the clothes worn by ancient kings when they mimicked human beings.

"Her name is Kara, and she is an alchemist from eight hundred years ago."

Kara is one of the bosses in the OOO movie version.

Although Kara in this world has been defeated by OOO, Swarutz found a sleeping one from another parallel world.

Kara was the most senior eight hundred years ago. An alchemist, she was even feared by the ancient king because her alchemy skills were too strong, so she was attacked and sealed by the ancient king.

To deal with Qi Ling, this guy is definitely a more suitable candidate than the ancient king.

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