Knight with Wand

Chapter 106 The meaning of headbands

Draw a simple sketch of women's daily attire in your mind, and label it with a white dress, blue skirt and bow tie.

Leon found that maybe because he painted more complicated magic patterns, his painting skills became more and more decent.

? However, can drawing those magic patterns really help improve drawing skills?

He didn't know, and he didn't think too much about it.

Old Salto watched the young man in front of him, who was either rich or noble, drawing and making requests, marking the required dimensions on the measuring tape, and he nodded frequently in response.

It's not a complicated piece of clothing, just a clean casual dress. The dye costs a lot, but the details required for this style are indeed rare.

What's even rarer is that this dress is paired with a pair of expensive black velvet stockings.

At first the old tailor thought the stockings were bought and worn by the young man himself.

But knowing that the girl who also had to match the dress had long legs, Old Salto couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

It is quite novel to let a girl wear men's socks. Old Salto has made clothes all his life and has never seen such an outfit before.

Taking the pen and ink from the young man's hand, the old tailor immediately wrote down on the paper the approximate height, as well as the dimensions of the chest, waist, hips, shoulders, arms, neck and so on.

While Leon was recalling it, he was also thankful that he had originally planned to become rich in the future and wanted to build Olivia a set of well-fitting knight's plate armor that would not affect her flexibility.

Therefore, I have already taken the girl and measured her various body data. Today, there is no need to bring the girl to the tailor shop for re-measurement.

After giving the request with great interest, Leon did not forget to buy several more hairbands and hair accessories of different colors from the old tailor shop.

Most of them are souvenirs for the ladies and girls at home, including Ms. Elena and Aunt Miliya, especially his little maid Lina. Leon has long wanted to tie a pair of ponytails for the little one.

As for the last carefully selected blue hairband decorated with amber stones, it was naturally prepared for Olivia.

Seeing the young man buying so many exquisite headbands at once, the old tailor naturally thought they were all for the same girl.

He couldn't help but feel deeply about the other party's affection.

after all

It is of great significance for a man to give a hair tie to a woman.

I gave so many as gifts at one time.

What a passionate young man.

Leon, who was ignorant of certain "things", did not realize there was anything wrong with the gifts he prepared for the women in his family.

If Miss Laura hadn't been a spirit, he would have helped his great benefactor choose one too.

Leon didn't favor one over the other, and he finished picking out souvenirs for all the ladies in the family.

Then he also helped Azerion, Rohark, and Corvis choose a pair of good-quality boots, and brought some sturdy casual shoes for the little valets.

After accepting the deposit for the dress and the money for the goods, the old tailor smiled like an old chrysanthemum and respectfully waived the paper money for drawings for the wealthy and infatuated young master in front of him.

The unique dress styles on the manuscript paper gave him a lot of new inspiration for making clothes. This was already a huge advantage, and old Salto didn't want to push further.

After giving another large leather bag free of charge, the old tailor called his apprentice to pack and tie the boots and shoes. He sent the customer out in a diligent manner and tied the goods to the horse's back.

Leon looked at it, feeling somewhat self-deprecating.

Originally, I was just stopping by for a stroll, but this time I went out like a little girl shopping. I couldn't help but buy a big bag of things.

But Olivia didn't know where she went. After Leon left the tailor shop after all this shopping, he still didn't see her coming back.

After waiting for almost ten more minutes, Leon saw the girl lead the horse over with satisfaction.

Leon looked at Olivia's body and the back of her horse, but he didn't find anything extra about the other party, but his expression seemed to be very happy and expectant.

"Have you bought your things?" Leon asked strangely.

"Well, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a little longer~ Hum~ let's go Leon~, I have nothing else to do." Olivia nodded briskly.

The two continued to walk together, and the girl immediately discovered the skin bag tied to her partner's horse.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Some things for Azarian and the others." After Leon finished speaking, he smiled at her and said, "There is also a surprise for you."

"?" Olivia was stunned for a moment, then blinked and said, "Huh? You... um... did you buy me a gift?"

"Guess~ it's not a surprise now." Leon pretended to be mysterious.

With a suspicious and curious girl on her face, Leon exchanged enough large and small silver coins and copper cents at the Chamber of Commerce, and then rushed to the large fortress of the Baron family on the high ground in the inner city.

Azarian has been here many times, but this is the first time for Leon to visit the lord's castle.

After showing the sheepskin document, revealing the heraldic ring, proving his identity and explaining his purpose of coming, Leon led Olivia, who was looking around on horseback, into the first outer gate, and stepped onto the inner slope of the castle surrounding the high ground.

After passing through the towering fortress passes, passing through the winding and intricately designed complex outer wall area, and crossing the suspension bridge in front of the inner castle gate, the two finally entered the true interior of the castle.

Here is the entire territory of the Thorn Flower Family, the center of ruling power with a population of nearly 100,000 people.

Behind the inner wall of the castle filled with crossbows, there is a polygonal area with clear twists and turns.

Directly ahead is the tall and majestic main castle and tower.

On the left is a low building complex close to the city wall, with servants and craftsmen's residences, barracks, internal shops, workshops, warehouses, and many figures coming and going there.

The building complex is divided into an area by a row of houses. Behind the tower in that area, there are several huge and tall defensive catapults, but they are not fully assembled.

On the right side behind the city gate, a huge building seems to be the office of some kind of administrative agency.

Further to the right is the square open space.

There is a fenced archery range on the square, and there are soldiers, knights, or family members practicing archery.

On the other side, there is a double-row racecourse.

On one side of the racecourse that can accommodate multiple knights charging and fighting, there is a stepped viewing platform built against the wall, which is obviously used to watch the knights' fighting.

Although the entire castle is not as large as the town-like fortress of Count Fercon in Western Port, it is still not small.

Following the castle guards, the two walked along the stone-paved road to the main castle.

The castle servants helped unload the luggage on the horses and moved them to the guest rooms in the main castle.

The guards took the horses away and arranged the stables.

Leon entered the main castle under the guidance of the servants and went to the hall first to receive the reception of the steward as usual.

Perhaps because she had seen the gorgeous wizard tower with a beautiful interior like a palace, Olivia followed behind Leon and was not too surprised by the luxurious aristocratic decoration in the baron's main castle. In comparison, she felt ashamed and felt that it was a bit simple and rough.

Putting the idea of ​​being rude in her heart, Olivia stopped in front of the door of the lord's hall and stayed outside obediently like the castle servants.

Leon said to the girl to wait a moment and stepped into it.

After entering, he unexpectedly found that there were many noble men and women in gorgeous clothes talking in the hall, both old and young.

Leon basically didn't know any of them, but fortunately he still saw an acquaintance.

"Look who's here, Ser Pendragon, the snake slayer of Selva."

Balfe, who seemed to have known about the young man's visit, smiled warmly and greeted him.

"Good day, Ser Balfe, and all the nobles." Leon saluted the scarred knight and the nobles, and his heart became confused.

Snake slayer? What the hell?

When did he get this nickname?

The nobles of the Thorn Flower family turned around from their discussion, and looked at the overly young knight with curious eyes.

Balfe patted Leon's arm and pulled him to the noblewoman with the highest status in the center of the crowd.

She looked about thirty years old, and her elegant and beautiful face was still as beautiful as when she was young.

"I am honored to introduce you to this beautiful lady, the wife of Lord Elliver, Lady Adelina Farolis."

Adelina in the crowd smiled elegantly and dignifiedly at the young knight in front of her.

Leon knew the other party's identity, and then he bowed to the wife of the feudal lord solemnly according to etiquette.

According to his current understanding, there is no unspoken rule in the political system of this world that the harem cannot interfere in politics.

Excluding some special cases of weak individuals, in most cases, whether in the king's court or the noble family, the queen or the wife of the noble has power second only to her husband.

The lady in front of him, if nothing unexpected happens, is the head of the Thorn Flower family after the baron went to war.

Before Leon could raise his bow, he unexpectedly saw the white back of the Thorn Flower lady's hand with a ring raised.

His head was a little confused, and then he realized that this was the kissing hand gesture of the upper-level married noble of the Feru people.

So he followed the teachings of Azerian and Corvis in his memory, gently lifted the hand handed by the lady, lowered his head and touched it lightly to complete the etiquette.

It was just a symbolic bow, no offense at all, in fact, there is not much to it, kiss the back of the hand, kiss the fingers, or bow the head in the air without any contact, depending on the situation.

However, as a serious Chinese, whether you say he is conservative or feudal, cultural differences have led him to have a lot of opinions on some etiquette in this world.

The kiss on the cheek is fine, it is a rare etiquette between relatives or good old men, and it is uncomfortable for only oneself.

But the kiss on the hand

He felt that if he saw other men in the future who chose to touch and really kiss the back of his wife's hand with their mouths, he would probably be disgusted beyond words.

Fortunately, this etiquette is active or request-based, and whether to accept the etiquette depends mainly on the woman.

In fact, generally, when meeting the wife of a feudal lord, it is customary to bow and be done.

Leon guessed that the thorn flower lady took the initiative to let him perform a solemn etiquette when they first met, probably because Baron Elliver recently expressed his importance to her.

After the ceremony, Leon put down the lady's hand, and just as he looked up, he heard Lady Adelina's gentle question.

".Are you the hero who slew the snake in the poem "The Knight of Selva"? "

"Uh, poem? The Knight of Selva?" Leon said blankly.

In the vestibule outside the Lord's Hall, Olivia quietly put her hand on her sword, waiting for Leon to come out, while curiously looking at the servants walking back and forth in the corridors around her.

"Hey, are you the maid of the lord who just went in?"

A man's voice suddenly came from the side.

Olivia heard this and looked sideways. The man who came over looked to be in his twenties. Judging from his clothes, he seemed to be a male servant in the castle.

The girl was speechless after hearing this question.

She was certainly not Leon's maid, but she felt that it would be troublesome to explain too much, so she nodded silently.

The male servant smiled inexplicably and asked the girl: "You are so beautiful, but why are you wearing men's clothes? And your master's sword? If it weren't for your dress, I would have thought you were a noble lady. What's your name?"

"My name is Olivia." The girl answered politely without any expression.

She was not the kind of person who would keep people at a distance, but Olivia had an indescribable feeling about the man in front of her.

"It sounds so nice. Will you stay here tonight?" The male servant seemed to approach inadvertently.

The girl frowned

I don't know if it was an illusion, but in the other's strange eyes, Olivia seemed to see a shadow similar to Boris.

Just as the girl frowned and considered whether to pay attention to the stranger, she heard Leon's voice.

Leon returned to the front yard and greeted the girl from a distance: "Olivia."

Hearing the knight's voice, the male servant immediately shut up, lowered his head, and turned away abruptly.

Coming to his companion, Leon looked at the man's back.

"Who is it?"

Olivia shook her head: "I don't know him, it seems to be a servant in the castle."

Leon shrugged and continued to pull Olivia to do the business of this trip.

Soon, he found the herald of the Farolis family, explained his purpose, and then explained the requirements of the custom-made flags in the painters' workshop under the guidance of the attendant officer.

After dealing with the flag, it was already late.

Leon was invited to have dinner with the nobles in the castle in the main hall.

Olivia, who could not attend the banquet, did not return to her room, but took the dinner brought by the servants and ran to Leon's room early to wait for him to come back.

To be honest, since she couldn't move around freely, the girl sincerely felt that the lord's castle was much more boring than she had imagined when she came.

If she had known this, she thought it would be more interesting to ask Leon to stay in the tavern where he had stayed before in the city, at least she could listen to the bragging of the traveling merchants.

When the banquet was finally over, Leon pushed the door and returned to the room, only to see the girl sitting on the windowsill with her knees hugged, leaning against the window frame, nodding her head, and she was so bored that she seemed to be about to fall asleep.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Olivia's squinting eyes immediately woke up, and she looked up at her friend who came in: "Hey, Leon, you're finally back."

"I can't help it. It's the dinner party that the lord's wife invited everyone to, and I can't leave halfway." Leon apologized helplessly.

He turned his head to look at his bag filled with gifts, and smiled at the girl: "You didn't peek when I was away, did you?"

"How could it be~! Of course not!" Olivia finally came to life, and her green eyes flashed with a bright light.

The girl turned around and jumped down from the windowsill, quickly walked to the back of Leon who was squatting to get something, and leaned on his shoulder, looking around expectantly: "Let me see what it is~?"

Leon raised his right hand, covered her eyes amid the girl's small protest, quickly took out the gift from his bag with his left hand, turned around and hid it behind his back.

"Hey~ why don't you guess it first?" He smiled and kept the secret.

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