Knight with Wand

Chapter 136 Visitors from afar

Dawn has not yet risen, and the early morning of Longka is still in silence.

In the dim prison, Leon stared at the corpse in front of him, his expression becoming more and more solemn.

"Leon, this is a wound from a spear piercing from the front. The shape and depth of the wound should not be caused by a sword or a dagger." Olivia, who came with her lover, pressed the hem of her skirt behind her, squatted down, and carefully looked at the burly body of Canis kneeling stiffly on the ground.

"Like this." She said, stood up and took a step back, holding the non-existent spear in her right hand, and pushed forward with force, trying to restore the only stab that killed Canis.

".Front." Looking at the girl's simulated attack, Leon couldn't help but frown, trying to restore the assassination in his mind.

There is no doubt that Canis must have been awake before his death, judging from the posture of the corpse.

But he did not fight with the assassin.

This is ridiculous.

Leon had fought with Canis before, and he knew his martial arts very well. In a one-on-one situation, even if Olivia wanted to kill him, it would not be so easy.

The young master of the Wolf family had no injuries on his legs, so he didn't even dodge before he died?

"When did you find out that Canis was killed?"

He turned his head and looked at the pale and terrified soldier.

"Just now, as soon as we found out that something was wrong, we immediately went to inform you." The soldier guarding the prison answered with sweat on his forehead and an uneasy expression.

The soldiers behind him also had sweat on their backs. Such an important prisoner of war died so unclearly. As the guards, how could they not be afraid to hold him accountable.

"Why are you all outside the cell? Is there no one staying in front of the cell to watch him?"

Leon did not attack these trembling soldiers, but continued to ask calmly.

"We can't do anything. Didn't the lords say yesterday that they could try to satisfy the lord with some small things?

As a result, the knight suddenly scolded us all out in anger last night, saying that he couldn't sleep because he was being watched.

We had to guard outside the door, but when we came in again, it was almost time for the shift change. He was dead!" The soldier looked bitter as if he had lost his parents.

"You didn't hear any noise all night? Didn't you see any suspicious people approaching the cell?"

"No, lord, we stood outside the door all night, just so close, and then..." The guarding soldier became more and more anxious and stuttered.

Leon stared at the soldiers in front of him, and then looked at the wound that penetrated Canis's chest, knowing that these people might have saved their lives.

If these soldiers didn't go out, it would be no problem for the assassin who could sneak into the prison and kill Canis silently under heavy guard, and take their lives at the same time.

The premise is that this sudden accident was not the result of a conspiracy by these soldiers.

Thinking of this, Leon looked up and down at the body of the young master of the Wolf family, and then looked around the traces in the prison.

There was no sign of a fight.

With these ordinary soldiers, it is impossible to capture a knight of military honor with superb martial arts without any damage. Even if his hands were shackled, with Canis's physical strength, he would be more ferocious than a beast.

Moreover, in the worst case, Canis is not dumb and can shout for help. There are not only these soldiers guarding the prison in the military camp.

But from the scene, the fatal blow that penetrated the heart was clean and neat. The young master of the Wolf family had only anger on his frozen expression, and he didn't even have time to fight and resist.

Who killed Canis?

Longka's people? Faroris's people?

It's unlikely.

Could it be the Wolf family? This may explain why Canis was caught off guard when he was awake, but why did the people of the Wolf family kill the eldest son of their master?

Leon shook his head in his heart.

The real problem at the moment is not to track down the murderer, but how to deal with the consequences of Canis's death.

It would be fine if he died on the battlefield.

Even if he and Baron Gunnar had a feud, the conflict was between the two sides, and the other party invaded first. He was right to kill the enemy head-on in the fight.

But for the noble prisoners of war of his own country, the impact of killing the enemy and killing the prisoners is very different.

Especially since the other party had given up resistance and surrendered first, and he had just signed an agreement with the Gunnar family to treat the prisoners well in exchange for ransom.

If it was reported to the higher-level nobles, or even the king, it would be a huge trouble even for his own lord, Baron Elliver.

As for arguing that he was not the murderer?

For countless royal nobles who were eyeing the Thorn Flower Family, the truth was not important, and it was not important to those people who killed Canis.

What was important was that Canis was dead. After surrendering, he was "brutally killed in prison" by a knight of the Thorn Flower Family. This was enough for them.

Once the news leaked, the conflict would immediately escalate from the Gunnar family against the Farolis family to the royal party against the Farolis family.

As long as the internal disputes among the nobles of the Northern Kingdom did not rise to the level of suppressing rebellion, killing surrendered nobles was seriously against the rules and traditional consensus.

Leon immediately turned to the soldiers and ordered: "From today on, you will live in the same barracks with my guards, and your freedom will be temporarily restricted until the truth is found out. In addition, you are not allowed to mention this matter to anyone else from now on! Remember, it is anyone! Including Sir Redo and others, otherwise I will punish you severely!"

"Yes! Sir." Several soldiers were temporarily relieved. They were just confined to silence, which was a blessing for them.

"Zabron, go outside and guard. No one is allowed to approach the prison."

Ordering the guards to seal the cell, Leon sighed, stared at the corpse in front of him, and continued to think about countermeasures.

The incident has already happened. At least before Baron Elliver comes back, the Wolf family must not know that their young master died in prison inexplicably.

Otherwise, I am afraid that Baron Gray Wolf will really lead his troops back to the country in anger and kill all the way from Mamor County to question him.

The consequence is just like...

It's just like what the thieves who sneaked into the Farolis Castle and tried to murder Lady Adelina expected before, but their identities were changed.

It's probably the same group of people.

Perhaps as Baron Elliver expected, those people behind the scenes didn't see the battle between the two families they wanted, so they took the initiative to jump out and change their targets again.

They are really everywhere and they even touched me.

What should I do now?

How to reverse the serious consequences of Canis' death at his hands?

Leon covered his mouth and fell into deep thought.

Until an idea that shocked him came to his mind!

But, can this work?

Gritting his teeth, Leon changed his mind and put aside his hesitation.

No matter whether it works or not, he has to try it.

The sun is setting.

The coachman who looks like a servant drives the covered wagon, and the two axles slowly press over the dirt road in the countryside.

The covered wagon is swaying with six or seven women with headscarves covering their faces. Under the leisurely drag of two pack horses, it creaks and drives across the northern slope of Selva.

On the side of the coachman, there is also a young rider riding a horse, guarding in front of the moving carriage.

The young rider is wearing light leather-covered chain mail, a wide travel cloak covering his military uniform, and the Uriah long sword hidden in the sheath is slung at his waist.

The rider with the sword took off his hood and urged his horse to rush to a craftsman who was walking down the hill with tools.

He asked in a strange accent in Feru language: "Old man? Excuse me, is this Selva? Is the local lord a knight named Pendragon?"

The old carpenter employed by the local looked at the other party's horse and armor, as well as the young and handsome face, and hurriedly made way slightly and bowed his head to salute: "Yes, sir, this is Selva, and Lord Leon Pendragon is the owner of this place."

The rider with the sword was delighted to hear this, and hurriedly asked: "I am a knight from afar, and I want to visit Lord Pendragon. May I ask where I can find him?"

"Then you come at an unfortunate time. The lord doesn't seem to be in Selva now, but if you have anything, maybe you can go to that big house and talk to the housekeeper, Ms. Elena." The old carpenter pointed to the house where the lord lived at the bottom of the slope.

".Elena?" Several masked women in the caravan behind looked over and then couldn't help but look at each other.

"It must be a coincidence, sister Martha." A younger girl with good facial features whispered to the woman next to her.

"Same name? What does it mean?" Another masked girl sitting opposite them couldn't help but ask curiously.

"When we were there before, there was a companion with the same name, but now, I don't know what her situation is now." The lady named Martha answered with some sadness.

At this time, the saber rider in front also finished asking questions. He took out a few Orland copper coins from his pocket and handed them to the old man: "Thank you for showing me the way."

The old carpenter took it with both hands in fear and bowed repeatedly: "I praise your generosity, sir who has come from afar."

The saber rider pulled the reins, urged the horse back to the side of the caravan, and said to the servant who followed him: "Go around the slope in front and turn down. There seems to be a hotel. Let's go there."

After giving instructions, he looked at his lover in the car again: "Margarina, the local lord is not here, let's stay for a few days and wait and see. If we still can't see the knights in Master Goliad's poem, we will continue on the road."

"Well, it doesn't matter if we go to the 'Kingdom of Dieneshien' for a few days anyway." Margarina nodded.

Martha on the opposite side reached out and hooked her scarf, and gave an apologetic smile to the young knight Cantadar beside the carriage: "I'm sorry, Lord Larian, we have really delayed your journey along the way."

The masked women around also lowered their heads in shame.

They have different identities. Some are the daughters of defeated foreign nobles, and some are from wealthy families who were captured. They can read and count. After being trained as slaves, they also know how to do housework and clean. They are not without the ability to make a living.

It's just that now they are homeless. Without protection and a stable place to stay, it is hard to say that with their respective looks, they will fall into the hands of people with ill intentions again before they find a livelihood, and become playthings to repeat the unfortunate fate of the past.

Without family, without home, without the protection of father, brothers and husband, this is the cruel reality that ordinary women need to face in this era.

"Don't mind, Ms. Martha. Protecting women is my duty as a knight. I promise to live up to Master Goliath's trust and find a suitable place for you to stay." Larian smiled and comforted her.

Margarina also held Martha's hand: "Don't worry, Ms. Martha, with you accompanying me, I won't feel lonely on the road. Let Larian see if the knights are as good as in the poems. If this is not a good place, you might as well go to the Holy Kingdom with us to find a way out."

Martha did not refuse, but still sighed quietly in her heart.

Traveling long distances with so many people, the expenses along the way are huge. How can she have the nerve to be supported by this kind-hearted couple who eloped for nothing.

Now she has escaped the wanted list in Kantadar.

No matter what other companions plan, in the next few days, Martha has made up her mind that even if she sells her unclean body or works as a maid and mistress for the nobles in the countryside, she must find a way to make a living in the Northern Kingdom as soon as possible.

Can't continue to trouble Lord Larian and Miss Margarina.

The carriages and horses moved forward slowly.

Soon, everyone came to the block north of Selva and stopped in front of the obviously newly built brand new hotel building.

Larion walked in, and with the warm welcome from the proprietress at the counter, he paid for the fodder for the carriages and horses, and opened three guest rooms of different sizes for the accompanying women, servants, and himself and his lover.

The women in the carriage were not idle either, and they moved the luggage swiftly.

After the team settled down, Larion asked the servants to stay and look after the women, and then left the inn to go to the lord's house mentioned by the old carpenter, wanting to visit the housekeeper named "Elena" here first.

Walking out of the tavern lobby on the first floor of the hotel, Larion suddenly saw a beautiful woman in a gorgeous dress, a feather hat, and a flute hanging around her waist walking towards the hotel.

Because of the fresh memory of Master Goliad, Larion's eyes couldn't help but pay more attention to the poet.

A female bard? Is she the resident poet of the tavern behind?

It's really rare. The world in Orland is not so good, right? He entered the northern kingdom all the way, and encountered many bandits blocking the road when passing through the mountains and forests. Otherwise, he would not have asked the women accompanying him to cover their faces with robes and scarves to avoid trouble. At least in his hometown of Kantardar, Larian had never seen a beautiful woman wandering alone in the countryside. Curious, he staggered his steps politely and nodded slightly to the other party. The poetess smiled brightly and walked by with a normal expression. The moment they passed by. The warrior's intuition made Larian's left hand instinctively touch the handle of the moonlight long sword at his waist. "?" The young knight turned his head slightly, and glanced at the poetess's sexy and slender back. Such light steps.

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