Knight with Wand

Chapter 41 A Final Battle

The long sword full of anger in the girl's hand brushed Duosen's sword, and the sharp blade rolled out a whirlwind of sword flowers, bypassing the obstacle and hitting his head.

Duosen backed away desperately, raised his left arm and barely used his arm armor to block the dangerous blow to his face. The blade of the sword grazed his face, leaving a shallow blood mark.

In an instant, Duosen began to regret that he had taken off his helmet and neck gaiter in order to gnaw on the leg of mutton.

The sword missed, and the girl didn't give the opponent a moment to breathe. The cold light pierced came over her like a gust of wind and rain.

The crisp sound of weapons clashing was like the pinging of iron in the blink of an eye. Every thrust of the girl was as swift as a poisonous snake, and the sword pointed directly at the enemy's face, which was the only one not protected by heavy armor.

This forced Duosen to sheath his sword and protect his face in close combat, and he struggled to parry frequently. At this moment, the height difference between him and the girl became a disadvantage at too close a distance.

Olivia pressed forward inch by inch without any pause, making it impossible for Duoson to distance herself.

During this brief confrontation, Leon and Azerien had already drawn their long knives and were outflanking Duoson from both sides.

The attendants and knights who turned around just realized what had happened. They grabbed their weapons and turned around, returning to the rescue from outside the door in shock.

Most of the attendants thought for a moment that the two "mercenaries" running towards their master were their own.

Only the two noble knights who could understand Ferru realized that there was a spy in the team!

"Those two guys dressed as mercenaries are enemies!! Kill them!"

Rook and another knight were blocked at the door by their men, and they had no choice but to shout angrily to alert the attendants who ran into the house first.

Leon and his companions rushed past Duoson on the left and right, and did not try to attack from the front. They stopped, turned around, grasped the long sword, and stabbed the enemy's buttocks that were not completely covered by the leg armor at the same time. The base of the leg.

Even if it cannot penetrate the chain armor on it, this heavy blow is powerful enough to stab the enemy's thigh.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the two mercenaries who suddenly "rebellious". Duosen cursed in his heart, twisted his waist and bent his knees desperately, using his side to avoid the sneak attack on his weakly protected thighs.

There were two teeth-breaking sounds, and the blades of Leon and Azarian both rubbed sparks and slid across Baron Duson's thick leg armor.

But this fleeting interruption was enough for Olivia to seize the opportunity they created.

The swords clashed.

A feint deceived Duosen, who was dealing with multiple directions in a panic.

The girl leaned back to avoid the opponent's hasty counterattack, and at the same time changed her sword posture perfectly.

The slender waist was pulled back sharply, and she swung her sword to make a "furious strike" with the terrifying sound of wind.

With a bang, Pi Tou's Furious Slash hit Duosen's posture hard, until the blade got stuck in the opponent's neck.

The cut skin wound immediately overflowed with bright red. If the girl hadn't withdrawn her strength in time, the sword would have been enough to cut into the neck.

Death passed by him in an instant, and Duosen was forced to kneel on the ground with one knee, and stopped moving with a chill all over his body.

Fortunately for him, the other party only wanted to kidnap him and did not behead him. Otherwise, he would not even have time to show his trump card.

Leon and Azerion took the opportunity to put their sword blades on the neck of the Cantadar nobleman from the side and back at the same time.

"Back off!" Azerion raised his head and shouted in Uriya to the attendants and knights who were close at hand.

This loud shout was very effective. The attendants looked at the lord whose neck was strangled by three weapons, and they quickly stopped in their tracks.

The lord is dead and failed to protect his master. Even if they and their personal servants can return home alive, they will all be punished by death.

The two halberd-wielding knights squeezed through the crowd and looked at the kidnapped Lord, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Leon pressed the blade with one hand, and took the opportunity with the other hand to open the noble's right hand, disarm his knight's sword, and hold it in his hand.

"Get out of here!" Azarian continued to warn: "Find three horses and bring them to the door, and then disappear from our sight, otherwise I will kill him!"

Hearing the authentic language behind the armor, Baron Duoson chuckled and said, "You learned Uriya very well. Who taught you?"

"Shut up, Cantadar bastard." Azarian turned around and cursed. The other person's question reminded the young man of his father who died in the battle on the day the city was broken.

"What's your next plan? Just hold me hostage and escape on horseback like this? I don't believe you will release me after you get out." Duosen couldn't help but think rapidly as he was not killed immediately.

"Instead of all dying, why don't we compare who has the most hostages? If you don't let me go, I will let my people kill one villager every quarter of an hour. Why don't we start with this girl's father?"

Speaking of the next few words, Duosen turned to Ferru and looked at the girl with provocative eyes.

Olivia's face changed slightly. She was not worried about her father. His father had probably been rescued by Rohak, but those fellow villagers were still alive.

"You can try it." Leon suddenly interjected contemptuously from the side.

Since the other party used the Ferru language to provoke Olivia, he could also understand it.

"My companions and I are not locals. Even if you chop up all the remaining villagers, it has nothing to do with me."

Leon sneered and lowered the blade, lowered his head, imitating the other party's tone, and warned with an extremely honest and serious attitude: "And I tell you, our family has already been harmed by Kantadar beasts like you, and we can't wait to do it now." Do some body tailoring on you.

How about this, let's compare, do you have more hostages or more meat on your body? If you don't order your men to obey within a quarter of an hour, I will chop off your limbs bit by bit. Hmm, why don't I start with your dick? "

Dorson frowned and fell silent.

He could tell that the other party's indifferent attitude was not fake. Obviously, these two guys who came out of nowhere did not care much about the life and death threats of other villagers.

After failing to delay, he looked at the blonde girl again.

Although the girl's eyes were shocked and angry because of his threats, she did not interfere with the other person's words.

It's bad. Doson thought that these two guys pretending to be mercenaries followed the girl together. I'm afraid that the old blacksmith in the village house is no longer in his hands.

Olivia on the side tried hard to suppress her worries about the surviving villagers.

The girl suppressed her guilt, but she was about to escape from danger, and she must not selfishly let Leon and others bear the threat for people who had nothing to do with them.

Seeing that the knights and servants blocking the door were still hesitating about their lord's attitude, Azerien raised the blade and put it on Doson's ear, urging loudly: "Order them to do it, now! "

The boy seemed to be about to cut off the opponent's ear.

"Okay, okay, you win."

Feeling the pain behind his ear, Doson quickly called a halt. It would be fine on the battlefield, but he didn't want to lose precious parts of his body for such an unexpected situation.

As if he had compromised, he shouted to his men: "Listen to them, Luke, go and get three horses, and you all go out and step back."

The knights and servants looked at each other and had no choice but to obey. They slowly stepped back and left the house again.

"Olivia, you come to the back and keep an eye on him. If he moves unusually, don't hesitate, just do it." Leon said, taking advantage of this brief gap, he turned his head and said to Azerien: "Take off the armor on this guy and tie his hands. "

Azerien nodded. Indeed, if Olivia's swordsmanship was not so strong, he and Leon would not have been able to threaten the other party with such a tight armor, and even holding him hostage would have been difficult.

The young man immediately put away his sword and worked with Leon to quickly remove the mortise and tenon joints and iron buckles of the other party's armor.

Dosen snorted twice, but did not resist. He just let himself be stripped of the breastplate and the chain mail and lining inside, leaving only a single piece of clothing on his upper body.

He closed his eyes, felt the coolness of the sword tip on the back of his neck, and wondered what he was thinking in his heart.

Picking up the rope that had tied Olivia on the ground before, Azerien really tied the noble's hands tightly from behind this time.

After doing everything they could, both sides fell into a short and tense wait.

After a while, the knights outside the door really brought three war horses as promised.

"Let's go! "

Holding the knight's sword upside down in his left hand, he pressed the noble's chin to force him to stand up. Leon was in front, Azerien was on the side, and Olivia was behind.

The weapons of several people were against the noble's neck, chest, and waist, three vital points, and they slowly stepped out of the door.

Everything went well, and the knights and servants did retreat far enough.

Leon lowered his sword and stepped forward to try to lead the horse closer, so as to lift the noble hostage with his hands tied onto the horse's back.

Unnoticed, under the single piece of cloth, Baron Dason's chest, as if there were beetles in larvae, quietly crawling towards his heart.

Dadoson's heart twitched silently.

I will remember you for me The damage caused.

Under the collar, the necklace rope was dragged by the moving pendant and swayed slightly against Duosen's chest.

The opportunity he had been waiting for had come. He was surrounded by his men and had nowhere to escape on the open village road.

The sharp spikes on the pendant pierced his skin like short legs.

Baron Duosen's eyes widened with boiling blood, and his expression suddenly became ferocious.

The red spreading from bottom to top instantly dyed his skin, and the bulging blue veins made him look like a cooked prawn.


The hemp ropes that bound his arms exploded.

The hands that broke free suddenly swung at an unimaginable speed, and the inhuman force punched out, It fell on Azerien who was completely unable to react.

The mercenary's inferior breastplate dented, and the fist mark was like being crushed by a war hammer. The boy was like a kite that had lost its line, his feet off the ground, and flew backwards.

Olivia, surprised, pushed the blade forward in an instant, trying to pierce the throat of the suddenly rising Dosen.

But the touch from the tip of the blade seemed to be against the thick leather armor, and the girl used all her strength to just penetrate a little.

There was no time to stab more, and she saw the other party turn around and open his neck at an unimaginable speed through her reaction perception like a high-speed camera.

The red fist wrapped in rolling heat waves hit her face.

In a hurry, the girl hurriedly She quickly changed her tactics and turned around to put away her sword.

She instantly realized the terrifying force. She couldn't use her sword to fight the enemy, fearing that the blade would be pushed back to the edge, so she could only hurriedly block it with the blade facing in front of her.

The loud sound of the collision between hard objects and steel shook.

The high-quality steel sword forged by the old blacksmith bent into an exaggerated arc, and the girl's petite body flew into the air with inertia.

Leon, who had just reached out to grab the reins, heard two sudden muffled sounds coming from behind.

One was the heavy sound of armor being hit.

The other was the loud sound of steel being bent!

Suddenly, he felt the wind coming from behind, and his intuitive action preceded his reaction. The experience gained from many dangers made Leon think without thinking and pounced.


He narrowly avoided the heavy blow, but the warhorse in front of Leon was not so lucky.

The huge body suddenly bounced up, and the warhorse neighed in pain as if it was hit by a chariot, and fell to the ground and wailed.

Leon ran away desperately, and only stopped and turned around when he came to Olivia who had landed and stood firm, looking at the place where he was standing in confusion.

I saw Dason not far away, his face twisted like a demon.

He retracted his fist, and the unbearable heat swept over his body. Dason simply tore off his shirt, revealing his red muscular upper body.

A trace of heat rose from his body, and I saw an insect-shaped gem pendant on his chest, tightly buckling his heart with its limbs, and densely packed tendons and veins spread over Dason's upper body.


Baron Dason, with an expression like a hideous devil, stretched out his left hand, spread his five fingers, and shouted at the knight running from a distance.

The halberd-wielding knight who had been through life and death for many years was not surprised by the change of the lord. He turned the halberd in his hand upside down and threw it fiercely.

The whistling halberd axe was caught by Duosen, and his fingers easily turned a circle to relieve the force. The heavy handle fell to the ground with a bang, and dust flew.

"I gave you the opportunity to choose the bed."

Duosen's voice was hoarse. He raised the halberd, held the handle horizontally with both hands, and walked towards the blonde girl who had regained her balance in the distance.

"But since you choose to fight, I will give you a real fight."

Olivia frowned, not understanding the sudden change in the other party.

She learned swordsmanship from her father's teaching, and also understood what fighting was.

But the only thing that the girl had no idea about the sudden change in the enemy in front of her was that she had no idea at all.

Facing the "Red Knight" who was walking with a halberd,

Olivia dropped the long sword in her hand that was bent more than 90 degrees, and took the Cantadar noble sword handed by Leon.

She took a step to adjust her breathing and got ready to fight again.

Leon looked in the direction where Azerien flew out. His partner fell to the ground and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive. He was anxious, but he had no strength to check at this moment.

Then he looked at the noble Kantadar who tore his shirt like a second-stage BOSS.

He wondered if he had offended the local god who was in charge of luck.

Magic? Or something else?

His eyes stayed on the gem pendant flashing red on the noble's heart for a moment, and Leon sighed. Maybe it was that thing.

Turned around and stood behind Olivia.

Leon raised his long sword towards the enemy who surrounded him from the other side, skillfully posed in the middle of the ancient style, and gave the girl behind him a final reminder.

"Olivia, if you can, try to destroy the glowing thing on his chest."

Facing the enemies in front and behind with the boy behind her, the girl softly replied: "Yes."

Olivia felt a sense of calm for no reason, even though she was in a desperate situation.

"I will defeat him, I will! I will definitely let you get out alive!"

The girl promised her companions behind her.

Listening to the girl's promise, Leon couldn't help but joked: "Haha, I believe you, you are the lion of Selva."

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