"It's really impatient."

A slightly hoarse female voice came out.

A woman in a luxurious long dress appeared in front of Luo Zhen and the little knight.

From the appearance alone, it can be seen that this man is a nobleman.

Graceful posture, gorgeous clothing.

In his hand he held a folding fan adorned with precious stones.

Facing the surging murderous aura, she just stretched out her hand calmly.

A blue semi-circular water curtain wrapped her in it.

The menacing murderous aura was unable to break through this layer of defense for a while.

Looking at the calm and freehand woman, Luo Zhen raised his brows.

Taking advantage of the other party's arrangement of hats, it seemed that he was planning to introduce himself.

The seemingly unbreakable water curtain was instantly filled with cracks and became shaky.

The woman's expression changed, and she quickly waved her wrist.

But this layer of water curtain shattered under the attack of murderous aura.

"You bastard!"

The blood-drenched woman who was cut by an invisible murderous blade looked at Luo Zhen in disbelief.

Has this guy read those hero biographies?

Don't you even understand the unspoken rules that you can't do it when you report to your home? !

Seemingly hearing the inner cry of the woman, Luo Zhen grinned, raised a finger and said:

"First, I'm not interested in who you are, and I'm not interested in what you want to do. Just keep your lofty ideals, I don't want to hear them."

While speaking, Luo Zhen flipped his wrist and the die gun appeared in his hand.

As the trigger was pulled, a large number of light bullets were fired.

This stuff is much better than magic or something.

With another finger raised, Luo Zhen continued:

"Secondly, I'm very unhappy with your bastard, so I might kill you next."

"be ready."

In the coin storage box, the V3 core coin suddenly trembled with excitement.

It seems to be feeling something.

Chapter 305 Sharpening the stick

Happy people are all alike, and unfortunate people are unhappy in their own way.

Luo Zhen has also seen a lot of those guys who began to twist and madly take revenge on society because of some tragic pasts.

Those guys always have this 'I'm miserable, so everyone else should be miserable' mentality.

Although from a personal point of view, Luo Zhen can understand this kind of thinking very well.

He even thought about it himself, if he encountered a similar situation, it would become like this.

But the problem is that he is now an investigator of the agency, and his task is to ensure that abnormal events will not be discovered by ordinary people.

Therefore, although he is not deeply disgusted by such incidents, he is also quite disgusted.

Because it would add extra work to him.

Therefore, Luo Zhen's handling of such incidents has always been neat and tidy.

He didn't want to hear those stories.

This will affect his mood.

He couldn't do anything after hearing this kind of thing, let alone change it to make up for the tragedy.

"What a boring man."

With the back of her hand behind her, the woman's face was gloomy and uncertain.

The man in front of him made him feel troubled from the bottom of his heart.

Not to mention the strength, and there is no chivalrous spirit in his heart.

In the past, facing those heroes or knights, they always put on a sane look.

She has a thousand ways to deal with these stupid guys.

This is true even if there is a relatively obvious gap in strength.

But Luo Zhen. . . .


A lightsaber, blazing brightly, almost slid past the woman's nose.

Even without direct contact, the hot beam burned the woman's nose black.

At this point, she looked like a clown with black dye on her nose.

Although not wearing such a gorgeous clown.

But her frantic expression was a little funny at the moment, which perfectly matched the clown's temperament.

"You bastard!"

Feeling the tingling sensation from the tip of the nose, the woman trembled all over.

But I don't know if it's because she came from a fairy tale world. The word **** is the most vicious word she can swear.

Subject to the limitations of the world, those more vicious words and sentences are not something she can scold.

In her world, these two words were the greatest malice she could express.


Luo Zhen under the mask grinned, completely disregarding the woman's 'swearing'.

At this level, go to Zaun to study for a few years and then come back.

This level of swearing, let alone arousing Luo Zhen's anger, can't even make Luo Zhen's mood fluctuate.

The power of the three knights gave Luo Zhen an unimaginable physical strength.

Even without the use of any special abilities, the burst speed is difficult for the naked eye to capture, and even afterimages will not remain.

Dazzling spells swayed from the woman's hands.

The surrounding clearing was tattered under the spell's attack.

This sight did not make the woman's heart relax, because until now, her spells have not been able to hit the guy who was running around.

The dazzling streamer swam in the woman's palm, like a fish in the water full of life.


The woman carefully felt the movement of the streamer in her palm. When one of the streamers trembled slightly, the woman immediately threw a lot of spells in a certain direction.

Like a spell machine gun, a large number of spells smashed the land into pieces.

However, Luo Zhen's voice sounded behind her.

"The alignment is good, but it's a bit slow."

A light curtain fell with the voice.

It turned out to be an illusion created by swinging the wand at high speed.

The woman only felt light in her calf, and then fell to the ground unconsciously.

A touch of bright red came into view, and only then did the pain spread into her mind.

The woman's face instantly turned hideous, but she condensed magic in her palm without saying a word.

The palm of the hand is close to the wound, and the woman intends to do some emergency treatment for herself.

Although it does have healing in the spells she has learned.

But she prefers transformation to healing, so it can only be said to be rough with healing spells.

It is unfamiliar to use, and there is still the possibility of failure.

The woman had already figured out that after she killed the **** bastard, she must dismember him into pieces, and then remodel his legs to make up for her damage.

The wound shone by the light of the spell was wriggling with flesh and blood, and the wound that was bleeding profusely managed to stop the blood.

Before the woman could breathe a sigh of relief, Luo Zhen's figure appeared again.

The wand fell and the woman's other leg was amputated.

According to medical research, when a person's aorta bleeds, it does not flow out, but ejects.

The first wave of blood sprayed even several meters away.

The second wave was a little closer, and so was the third wave.

After such a few waves, the blood will stop spraying.

This person will die too.

This is the case with women at this time.

The woman who gritted her teeth kept the spell in her hand close to the new wound.

This time, before she could stop the bleeding from the wound, Luo Zhen's attack arrived.

A scorching beam of light flashed across, and a white arm fluttered in the air.

Then it fell into the dust like a kite with a broken string.


This time the woman finally couldn't stand it anymore.

A scream full of resentment came out of his mouth, and a wave of sound visible to the naked eye attacked Luo Zhen.

Facing the incoming sound waves, Luo Zhen's reaction was very simple.

Light flashed in the red compound eyes.

The armor-like protective device on the mouth opened, revealing the sharp teeth in it, and then. . .


A roar full of wild breath came out.

Directly overwrite the original volume.

As Luo Zhen's initial belt, Amazon's influence on Luo Zhen is not that big.

Luo Zhen, who usually looks a little cold in character, has a kind of wild wildness that belongs to predators in his bones.

It's just that the usual Luo Zhen will unconsciously suppress this wildness.

When the volume disappeared, Luo Zhen's figure disappeared with it.

When it reappeared, it was already behind the woman.

With one foot on the woman, the wand in his hand chopped off the woman's remaining arm without hesitation.

A brand new stick appeared in Luo Zhen's hands.

Looking at the woman under her feet, many complex emotions flashed through her scarlet compound eyes.

In the end, Luo Zhen put down the wand in his hand.

With a sigh, Luo Zhen removed his feet from the woman's body.

"Ho ho-"

The woman squeezed out a leaky laughter from her throat.

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