After all, there are only so few living creatures in this forest.

The little knight of Rozen, two brothers and sisters and a woman.

Although the Tin Man is a mechanical creature, it has a human heart in its chest.

The heart remains alive under the action of a special force.

Therefore, Luo Zhen easily sensed its existence in the creation made of a pile of syrup.


Pulling out the bone nails behind him, the little knight slowly walked towards the Tin Woodman with his weapon.

The light that is imperceptible to the naked eye converges on the bone nail.

One step out, the little knight rushed forward.

A crescent-like slash swung out.

The sour voice sounded, and a huge wound appeared on the chest of the Tin Woodman.

The dash and slash learned from the bone nail master Oro showed a powerful attack.

The little knight did not stop after one blow, and moved quickly after landing.

The bone nails in his hands kept leaving scars on the Tin Woodman.

When he first embarked on the battle journey, the little knight's own strength was not great.

As an outcast vessel, he doesn't seem to have much to offer.

In addition to the subtle fighting style.

Before the White King officially trained the Hollow Knight, all the containers were on the same platform to learn and fight.

Although after many battles, the little knight has grown and made up for his shortcomings.

But he still maintains the original fighting style, and did not abandon his fighting style because of the great strength.

Compared with powerful spells, he prefers to defeat the enemy one by one with the bone nails in his hands.

Although the Tin Woodman, who lost his weapon, resisted with all his might, he soon lost his ability to resist under the continuous offensive.

Looking at the tin man lying on the ground, the little knight inserted the bone nail behind him.

Picking up the Tin Woodman with one hand, he jumped slightly under his feet to a sloping tree.

A few crystals surfaced on the surface of the tree when the knight's feet touched the trunk.

A large amount of airflow surrounds the little knight.

After a short charge, the little knight was pushed out by a strong thrust.

The white air wave was lifted, and the slanted trees were thrown away under the impact.

The little knight with the Tin Man in his hand flew in the air like a fired missile.

Sprint to be precise.

The Crystal Heart allows the holder to fly horizontally forward, that is, to perform a super sprint.

Obtained by the knight from an abandoned mining golem in the crystal vein.

Although there are some doubts about why this kind of thing appears in the abandoned mining puppet, the little knight is not too entangled.

Maybe it's the resentment of the mining puppet?

like a talisman.

Many amulets are formed after the corpse of the dead bug has undergone a series of changes.

The scenery on both sides kept retreating, and the cape on the little knight's shoulders rustled.

If you look down from the sky, you may see a long wave of air.

When he was about to reach the edge of the forest, the little knight took the initiative to disperse the power of the crystal heart.

Under the action of inertia, the little knight still slid forward with the Tin Woodman for a certain distance.



Two voices sounded simultaneously.

One is the sound of the little knight landing smoothly.

The other is the sound of the Tin Woodman being thrown to the ground by the little knight.

Unlike the little knight who landed smoothly, the Tin Woodman rolled several times on the ground before stopping.

"What is this?"

Sakata Ginshi, with his wrists on his waist, looked curiously at the Tin Man with a little rust on his body.

He had never seen such a thing.

Neither living things nor those characteristic of technological creations.

It is a body made of iron, with a human heart placed on the chest.

Is this the so-called magical creation?

Squatting on the ground, Sakata Ginshi carefully poked the Tin Man with Lake Toya.

"who knows."

Luo Zhen said indifferently, and at the same time began to prepare to contain the tin man.

He really doesn't care much about this kind of stuff.

If the other party has any special abilities, Luo Zhen may treat it with caution.

But the truth is that this guy doesn't seem to have any dangerous abilities.

The tin man, who was lying face down on the ground, pretended to have passed out and didn't dare to move.

It is well aware that it is now in a predicament.

Not to mention violent murder, it can't even take a hostage.

Judging from the current attitude of these guys, they shouldn't kill it immediately, so don't worry about safety for the time being.

The best way to deal with it now is to play dead first and wait for the moment slowly.

With this thought in mind, the Tin Woodman allowed Sakata Ginshi to poke around him with Lake Toya without reacting.

It didn't do anything until it was put into the containment box.

As if it really was a lifeless tin man.

"It really matches."


Looking at the Tin Man who was put into the containment box, Luo Zhen said with some emotion.

If only all anomalous creatures could cooperate like this.

Yes, Luo Zhen knew very well that this guy didn't pass out.

However, out of curiosity, he did not pierce the Tin Woodman.

Luo Zhen was surprised when he saw that the Tin Man was put into the containment box very cooperatively.

As a rebellious abnormal creature, how can you cooperate so well?

I'm used to seeing those abnormal creatures that are stunned, and suddenly there is such a cooperative abnormal creature, which is really uncomfortable.

With a sigh, Luo Zhen got into the car with Bantian Yinshi.

And put the storage box with the Tin Man in the place closest to him.

He wanted to see if this guy could be a demon.

Chapter 308 When Little Red Riding Hood meets a werewolf

The Tin Woodman in the box moved his body, which was beginning to rust, a little.

Over time, the steel body has gradually been covered with bits of rust.


There was a dull thud as the stiff joints collided with the sturdy containment box.

The Tin Woodman immediately stopped and continued to pretend to be unconscious, hoping that Luo Zhen and the others would treat this as a normal collision when the car was running.

But unfortunately, the members in charge of driving are very good.

Luo Zhen and the others did not feel any bumps along the way.

"Dong dong!"

A crisp knock sounded from the outside of the containment box.

The Tin Woodman's nerves were immediately tense, and he didn't dare to move.

If it is the same as the physiological structure of a normal human, I am afraid that it is already full of cold sweats on the forehead.

Fortunately, the knocking sound from the outside disappeared after two bangs.

The Tin Woodman breathed a sigh of relief.

Inside the car, Luo Zhen retracted his hand with satisfaction.

Good, this guy is very quiet.

Luo Zhen was very satisfied with the response of the Tin Woodman.

After all, he is not a system holder so that the world will not be chaotic.

His mission is to prevent these abnormal creatures from appearing in the world of ordinary people or affecting the operation of normal society.

After that, the Tin Woodman was very quiet all the way.

From the street to the base, from the car to the containment room, the Tin Man has always behaved very peacefully.

At least there's nothing unusual about its behavior.

'Damn it! ! Where is the flaw! ’

The Tin Woodman did not find a suitable opportunity to escape until he was locked in the containment chamber.

Humans along the way have great vigilance against it.

Maybe try it if the axe is still there, but it's empty at the moment.

Nothing but a heart that has begun to falter.

The Tin Woodman's mind turned rapidly.

Countless ideas came up and then were rejected.

It fantasized countless times that it would shoot by itself, kill these humans, and then go away.

He fantasized about the dashing look of his pursuers when he fled.

Imagine yourself enjoying the inexhaustible fresh heart in this steel forest after killing the pursuers.

Before being sent to the containment room, the Tin Woodman felt like he was going to lose control.

Now! immediately!

It's about to go!

However, fantasy is fantasy because it does not happen in reality.

The Tin Woodman didn't move until the door of the containment room closed.

Maybe it has so little hope, but it has not grasped.

Not even taking the initiative to try to grasp.

Squatting down in the containment room, the Tin Woodman almost wrote depression on his face.

If only that face could show emotion.

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