If something really happened, all five people in this room would die.

Even other innocent people will be implicated.

In Luo Zhen's view, this kind of person has no value in whitewashing.

After getting the containment in his hand, wash away the memory and let him be an ordinary person.

In fact, Luo Zhen suggested more than once that such a dead person should be used as a D-level consumable.

It's fine if no one dies, and if someone dies because of it, that person should be held responsible.

This somewhat extreme idea was dismissed as a matter of course.

"Who are you?"

Jintang Dahe looked at Luo Zhen in horror, and roared fiercely.

He had a hunch that his dream was about to end before it even started.

No superpowers, no road to hegemony.

"Tsk, have you brought Veritaserum?"


The expatriate with the bag was stunned.

Is this too extreme?

Veritaserum is very irritating to the human body, and if the dose is too large, it may leave some sequelae.

"No? The hypnotized one is fine, as long as this guy can tell the truth."

Scratching his head, Luo Zhen urged.

He doesn't want to spend time in this place.

End get off work early. Get off work early.

"I try my best."

Nodding, the investigator with the bag walked up to Jintang and began to negotiate.

He hasn't been exposed too much about the containment.

Just vaguely know something.

For the student in front of him, he still had a trace of kindness.

In his view, this is just a child who has not grown up.

It is also understandable that there is no clear distinction between right and wrong.

Luo Zhen, who is also a high school student, does not agree with this view.

In Luo Zhen's view, high school students already have the ability to judge right from wrong.

Not growing up, being a child, etc. are all excuses.

After about a minute or two, Jintang Yamato explained everything.

Although the people he negotiated with looked friendly, Luo Zhen, who dealt with the rest of the people, had little to do with the word 'friendly'.

He watched Luo Zhen force A-level material amnestics on an uncooperative boy.

When the boy's head made a muffled sound, his heart also trembled.

When Luo Zhen looked at him with a baseball bat, he couldn't bear it any longer and confided everything he knew.

"A talking mirror?"

About a week ago, Daiwa Kindo picked up a mirror.

The mirror seemed to have some kind of magic power, so Kando Daiwa took it home and put it up.

Originally, he thought it was just an ordinary mirror, but who knew that it actually started to speak.

For the first time, Luo Zhen thought of the magic mirror in Snow White.

It is said that you know everything and answer any questions.

However, there are some differences between the mirror and the magic mirror of Yamato.

It only answers some of the questions, not all questions.

If you encounter a question you don't know, you will directly answer the question you don't know.

"Is that mirror in your house now?"


Nodding, Jintang looked at Luo Zhen with some fear.

For some reason, he always felt that there was a dangerous aura about this person.

He, an ordinary person, should not be able to perceive this kind of thing, but he did feel it.

"Take him to the nearest base of the institute for an inspection, and then perform amnestics."


The member in charge of recording nodded and immediately reported the matter here.

After receiving the news, the institute immediately sent a team to surround Yamato Kindo's home.

Chapter Thirty Oh My God

Near Yamato's house, Luo Zhen stood in front of a full-length mirror covered by a curtain.

There was a question in his mind now.

What kind of mood did Yamato Kinido have in the first place to pick up this mirror that looked very wrong?

The dark purple frame was stained with specks of unknown liquid.

Some like dried blood, or something.

At the top of the mirror, a skull with a wizard hat stared at the void ahead with its empty eye sockets.

There seemed to be a secret hidden in those empty eye sockets.

But in fact it was just a decoration.

When Kondo Yamato communicated with the mirror, he learned that the frame and the mirror surface are two parts.

The frame is an ordinary iron handicraft, while the mirror surface. . .

"Oh my god, look who's here?"

"I'll bet it's definitely not the close boy, poor boy, now he doesn't know what kind of pain he's going through!"

"Holy Mother, this is really bad, like a baked apple pie."

A very uncomfortable interpreter's voice came from under the curtain.

The voice sounded a bit snarky female.

But there are only two people in this room.

One is Luo Zhen, and the other is an investigator from the institute.

"How about the relevant test report?"

Without immediately responding to the somewhat talkative mirror, Luo Zhen turned to look at the investigator of the institute and asked.

"Judging from the test results, Jintang Dahe's spirit is normal, and there is no trace of interference."

After Kondo was sent to the institute, the scientists on standby at the institute immediately performed a full-body examination on Kondo.

This includes psychiatric examinations.

With the technology of the institute, let alone mental disorders.

Even if there is a problem with the soul, it can be found, and then it will be fixed for you.

"Including retrieving this ugly mirror?"

Pointing to the covered mirror, Luo Zhen said 'in a low voice'.

To be honest, the image of this mirror is really sorry for the audience.

The mirror surface is fine, just wearing Kill Matt makeup.

The frame is like a decompression pattern drawn by a drunk artist when he vomits on the toilet.

"Yes, at present, Jintang Dahe picked up this mirror entirely out of his own subjective will."

Speaking of which, the investigator couldn't help scratching his head.

He really couldn't understand the behavior of this clock picking things up at random.

Although Jintang Yamato's parents are not elite, their salary is not bad.

The pocket money of Jintang Yamato is also a lot among the classmates.

What the **** was he thinking of picking this up and taking it home?

"Oh man, for God's sake, can you please, I mean if you can, get this stinky sock-smelling curtain off me?"

"God, this is really unacceptable."

The mirror under the curtain was still chattering and trying to talk to Luo Zhen.

But in Luo Zhen's view, this guy is just habitually talking to himself.

At least he didn't feel that the mirror had an urgent desire to communicate with people.

Its chatter is more of a self-entertainment.

Rubbing his smooth chin, Luo Zhen said:

"Oh, put away your lame translation accent."

"Your stupid interpreter is as tiresome as Grandma Susie's corny tales."

"I promise, if, I mean, if you speak in your groundhog interpreter, I'll kick your **** with my boots! I promise!"

Daddy said, use magic to defeat magic.

In the same way, the translation cavity should be used to deal with the translation cavity.


Luo Zhen's words made the mirror pause for a few seconds.

It was the first time he had met such a person.

"Who is Grandma Susie?"

"Ghost knows."

The investigator holding the tablet quietly leaned into Luo Zhen's ear and asked.

Not only the mirror, but also the investigator was confused by this long list of interpreters.

Who is Grandma Susie? Don't you have sneakers on your feet? And you're going to kick its ass? But it doesn't have this thing?

Although he was madly complaining, the researcher of the institute showed excellent professionalism, and his face was calm from beginning to end.

"So, what do you have to do with me?"

There was silence for a few seconds, as if adjusting his language system.

The mirror said in a normal tone.

"Oh my friend, now we have a huge problem."

"Yes, you heard that right, huge, about your troubles."

Listening to Luo Zhen's translation, the mirror fell silent.

What does this guy mean?

"Oh, my dear—wait, have something to say!"

Just as he was about to answer Luo Zhen in the interpreter, the mirror 'saw' Luo Zhen's raised foot.

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