On the contrary, because she can't see her eyes, she can feel people's malice more clearly.

When she was standing on the road begging, the malice from all directions almost engulfed her.

More than once she heard people marching in the streets chanting 'against the cursed children'.

She didn't know what kind of mood she was in at that time.

Sadness, sadness, inferiority complex, pain.

And some anger.

She had heard that some cursed children would become partners of the police, fighting to protect people, and to kill those original creatures.

Some will even give their lives.

She didn't understand what the cursed children thought.

Obviously everyone hates them so much.

Will the slogans of the parade in the streets reach their ears?

What if they could hear it too?

"This is real."

Bending down, Luo Zhen said softly.

"Won't someone call us monsters?"


"Can we stand in the sun too?"

"Not for now, but it will be possible later."

My sister asked a lot of questions.

Luo Zhen also answered one by one very patiently.

Listening to Luo Zhen's answer, my sister felt like she was in a dream.

No, even if you dream, you won't dream of such a good thing.

In the past, the best dream my sister could dream was that she and her sister did not become cursed children.

Live happily with mom and dad.

The only regret is that she can't remember the faces of her parents very well.

In the dream, the faces of my parents were also blurred.

"So are you coming?"

Reaching out, Luo Zhen asked the two little ones.

He was not worried that the two children would refuse.

After all, they have no reason to refuse.

Of course, if they refused, Luo Zhen would continue to do psychological work patiently.

If the person doing the work has been persistent in not cooperating, it's time to resort to some physical means.

But the two girls did not refuse.


Nodding excitedly, the elder sister and younger sister took the initiative to stretch out their hands and wanted to put them on Luo Zhen's hands.

At the same time as her sister extended her hand, Luo Zhen also sent her hand forward, but the girl didn't have to search for his hand so wastefully.

Because of this small move, the younger sister of the two little ones has a little more affection for Luo Zhen.

At this time, in his sister's heart, Luo Zhen successfully evolved from a strange person to a strange good person.

Well, it's kind of weird though he's a good guy.

In this way, Luo Zhen successfully abducted (crossed out) two confused little girls.

Congratulations, Coca-Cola.

Chapter 348 Bring the two little ones back to the research institute

After the two boys accepted Luo Zhen's invitation, things were easy to say.

Clean up the scene first, and then take the two little ones to the base.

However, considering the particularity of the two of them, they may need to stay in the laboratory for a period of time.

After all, the intestinal virus is still very dangerous.

Luo Zhen didn't want the virus carried by these two children to spread.

It has nothing to do with emotions such as empathy, which must be considered.

Or to put it another way, empathy is not needed in the task.

Luo Zhen told the two little ones about this before.

At the beginning, the two little dogs were a little worried.

However, after Luo Zhen explained and assured, he still chose to believe in Luo Zhen.

It can only be said that although these two children have experienced a lot of hardships, they still maintain a pure heart.

In comparison, the adults of that world looked extremely ugly.

From an objective point of view, Luo Zhen can understand the thoughts and behaviors of these adults.

After all, they have lost too much in the war, and the resentment in their hearts needs an object to vent.

Those powerful gastrula creatures outside the safe zone are something they dare not provoke.

Children with gastroviruses in their bodies naturally become objects of their hatred.

This is the so-called anger.

Understanding is understanding, but Luo Zhen still looks down on these people from a subjective point of view.

Because from another point of view, these people are obviously protected by children, but they resist and hate these children.

Of course, some people don't actually hate gastruss much.

The reason why the cursed child is rejected is also because of a kind of "political correctness".

Or simply find a reasonable reason to vent your inner irritability.

This person is the worst.

"Thanks for your hard work."

At the entrance of the factory, Luo Zhen said to the special soldier who was in charge of the finishing touches.

As a task force, they have more than just combat skills.

Reconnaissance, anti-reconnaissance, tracking, etc. are all skills they need to learn to master.

Sweeping the tail is naturally a matter of course.

And what they need to do now is to block the factory and other institutions to clean up.

When Luo Zhen communicated with the special fighters, the younger sister of the two subconsciously shrank back.

This disciplined, uniformed team made her a little scared.

To be more precise, they are afraid of the police and civilian police in the original world.

In particular, the police in that world often beat some innocent children with their own identity and privileges.

In the eyes of the cursed child, these adults are far more terrifying than the legendary gastrula.

One is a monster that exists only in word of mouth tales.

One is a demon that really exists around him.

Gastrulations are scary, but they have never seen a gastrula, nor have they been harmed by a gastrula.

The adults are not terrible, and they are not as good as the cursed children in terms of fighting ability and other aspects, but they do bring indelible damage to the cursed children.

Such as the sister of the two little ones.

The pupils of the cursed child are all a strange red.

Only a small percentage of them can control their eyes from turning red after special training.

Naturally, the two sisters couldn't do it.

Because my mother hated her red eyes, my sister got the lead from nowhere.

He poured lead into his eyes by himself, causing him to become blind.

However, her actions did not make her biological mother feel the slightest pity and heartache.

She was only more certain that the creature in front of her was a monster, not a human.

It didn't take long for the two little ones to be kicked out of the house and wandered outside.

As an older sister, she can only support herself and her younger sister by begging.

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked your names yet."

Sitting in the car, Luo Zhen turned to look at the two little ones and asked.

It was only now that he remembered that he had never asked the two children by their names.


The elder sister, who had a begging pot and a wooden board at her feet, lowered her head.

These two items were brought with her when she left.

Although she had already agreed to Luo Zhen's invitation, her heart was still full of unease.

These two things that have been with her for a long time can give her a little comfort.

"There's no such thing."

The sister answered Luo Zhen's question:

"Mother and father never called our names."

Father never looked them in the eye.

The mother was also very disgusted when she talked to them, as if she was communicating with something dirty.

When mother and father communicated privately, they always called 'those two' and 'monsters'.

It's incredible, but it's the truth.

My sister sometimes thinks, since they are called monsters, why does the mother keep them at home?

Does it mean that the mother still loves them in her heart?

The idea continued until she and her sister were kicked out of the house.

At that time she seemed to understand.

The reason why the mother did not kick them out of the house was because she had not had enough courage.

As for any regrets after that?

She guessed no.

After all, she and her sister would beg in crowded places every day, and it would be easy to find them if they really wanted to.

"....All right."

After hearing his sister's explanation, Luo Zhen was silent.

He didn't expect that he would step on the thunder by accident.

'So I'd rather fight. ’

Sighing silently, Luo Zhen opened the tablet and started editing the mission report.

Soon, the dark commercial vehicle was parked in the base.

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