Running away from a problem is never shameful, and it works very well.

Hikigaya Hachiman decided to leave the problem to time.

Maybe the other party loses interest in him after a while.

Now let yourself relax a bit.

With this thought in mind, the two finished the lunch without saying a word.

"It's almost time to go back."

Clapping his hands, Kawasaki Saki swallowed the food in his mouth and said.

Unlike Hikiya Hachiman, who was full of messy thoughts.

Kawasaki Saki doesn't have that many ideas.

Like Hikigaya Hachiman, he slept very late at night, but Hikigaya Hachiman was just hanging out.

She is going to work.

The job of a bar receptionist is not easy.

Even if it is clear.

Every night there are all kinds of strange and wonderful guests.

For example, he always regards Qingba as a strange person who makes trouble.

Every day when I came to school, Kawasaki Saki felt like he was falling apart.

Sometimes she also wonders if she just dropped out of school and went to work.

Although his grades were good before, but in this situation, it will take a long time for his grades to drop very sharply, right?

University or something, let the younger brother and sister take the test.

Thinking of the high cost of college, Kawasaki Saki's eyes couldn't help but dim.

"it is good."

Nodding, Hikigaya Hachiman also stood up.

On the way back to the classroom, Kawasaki Saki inadvertently talked about what happened to him at work last night.

"A guest in a wrinkled Brazilian suit came in without knowing how."

"And holding the money is also very old-fashioned."

Before that, Kawasaki Saki complained about his situation to Hikiya Hachiman.

It may be from the recognition between the sisters, Kawasaki Saxi trusts Hachiman Hachiman more than the classmates in the class.

Already can be regarded as the point of good friends.

"That's it."

Hikigaya Hachiman did not comment too much on this matter.

After all, his role now is a listener rather than a witness.

Although ranting and criticizing that person according to the other party's topic can win the other party's favor.

But this kind of communication that caters to the topic is the one that Hikiya Hachiman hates the most.

Although he has some different feelings for this girl, Hikigaya Hachiman still maintains his bottom line of being a loner.

"Huh? Is someone talking about me?"

In a small hotel, a man covered in alcohol opened his eyes and glanced at the ceiling dazedly.

Thinking about it, I seem to have drank a lot last night.

After running several bars in a row, my mind is still dizzy.

Although for him, as long as he thinks about alcohol, it will not affect him at all.

But for hedonic purposes, he chose to let alcohol numb his brain.

Sitting up from the bed and shaking his head, the man narrowed his eyes and looked at the void in front of him.

The midday sun shines through the thin curtains into the house.

The shadow of the man on the ground seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

The goat-shaped head rests on the man's body.


Squinting, the man seemed to see something that interested him.

His fingers were in the air a little, and he lay down on the bed again.

Hikigaya Hachiman, who was in school, was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stopped and stood there in a daze.

"What's wrong?"

Kawasaki Saki looked at Hikiya Hachiman strangely.

"No, nothing."

Shaking his head, Hikigaya Hachiman quickly followed Kawasaki Saki.

At that moment just now, he suddenly seemed to feel something, very strange and uncomfortable.

It's like being stared at by something dirty.

But when he regained his senses and felt it again, he couldn't feel anything.

As if it was just an illusion.

"Let me see what fun things will happen later."

The man lying on the bed crossed his legs and said leisurely.

As soon as he finished speaking, his stomach was rumbling.

Quickly leaving the bed, the man staggered into the bathroom.


The sound of vomiting came from the bathroom.

When the man came out of the bathroom, the image had changed from a tired office worker to a goathead in a suit.

Wipe your mouth, man, no, it was the goathead who threw a piece of wood into the trash can.

Still muttering:

"I thought it had been digested long ago, but there are still remnants."

The shape of the piece of wood was exactly the same as Pinocchio's nose.

Chapter 354 The Hangover of the Goathead

The sheep-headed man lying on the bed thought for a while, then got up to pick up Pinocchio's nose from the trash can and threw it into the toilet to flush it out.

Press the button on the toilet, and the not-so-clear water flows out to form a whirlpool.

Because of its shape, Pinocchio's nose got stuck in the toilet for a while before being flushed out.

"Perfect, hiccup~"

Clap his hands, the sheep head said with satisfaction.

Also hiccups.

I don't know if it was because he had a good drink last night or because Pinocchio filled his stomach.

Judging from his pleasant look, the latter possibility is more likely?

Watching Pinocchio's nose flushed down the toilet, the Sheephead turned back to the bed and lay down.

The soft bed made the sheep-headed man sink into it, and the whole person was paralyzed.

The big rough hands were rubbing the horns of the sheep above his head, and the sheep-headed man was humming a cheerful song.

"The human world is still interesting."

The sheep-headed man, who looked extremely comfortable with his legs crossed, thought so.

Think back to where you used to live, what is that?

All day long with endless work, a group of guys who respect themselves.

It looks like you can go anywhere, but you can't really go anywhere.

No one seemed to confine him, but he was confined to that small space.

Sometimes it is necessary to listen to the thoughts of those believers and fulfill their wishes.

The constant life bored him.

Boring days make him irritable.

The boring life made him have the idea of ​​escape.

As soon as the idea appeared, it got out of hand.

One night he carried out his plan: swaggered out the door.

No one would dare to stop him anyway.

So he just left the place that had trapped him for many years.

It was easy to leave, but he actually stayed there for so many years.

Thinking about it now is incredible.

After escaping successfully, the goathead simply planned his journey.

The original plan was to go to a bonfire party in a human town or go to a country's state banquet to eat and drink.

As a result, I didn't expect to come to this ghost place.

When he first came, he felt a little bit of anger, but soon the drinks and the hot girls made him forget the original thing.


Wasn't he planning to come here?

No, no, he was originally going to come here (serious face).

This is his destination.

Although there are many deviations from his plan, he still feels very happy.

He really didn't expect it.

The human world is developing so rapidly.

And there are so many more immoral things.

Feasting and feasting, drunk with money.

It's really, really...

So exciting! (crossed out)

This is so deplorable.

Pure people are actually polluted by such filthy things.

He had to critique this deplorable situation well.

So the sheep-headed man hid his head and found an unorthodox bar, and spent one night discussing some of the meaning of life with the two **** girls.

By the way, ordered a lot of wine.

Under the expectant gaze of the two young ladies, the sheep-headed man bit his head and drank it all.

Then, under the eager eyes of the two young ladies (looking at the gold master), they ordered a bunch of wine.



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