Investigator Tom withdrew his hand before the two could react.

At this time, in addition to the small wooden hammer, there were a few more wooden boards in its hand.

What is this stuff?

The demon being held felt even more puzzled.

No matter how you look at it, it's just an ordinary wooden board, right?

Do they expect to trap themselves with this thing?

Before it could figure it out, Investigator Tom grabbed the tail behind his **** and pressed it against one of the wooden boards.

"Ding ding ding!"

A puff of smoke from out of nowhere covered Investigator Tom's hands and the demons on the ground.

Occasionally, Investigator Tom can be heard using a saw to trim the planks.

When the smoke cleared, the demon pinned by the planks lay on the ground with a blank face.

Those wooden boards were firmly fixed to him.

Once again, all kinds of doubts appeared in the small mind.

After trying to struggle for a while, I found that I couldn't break free.

This is obviously just an ordinary wooden board!

The demon screamed wildly in his heart.

In fact, it doesn't make a sound at all.

Because Investigator Tom always felt something was missing when he was finished, he took out a roll of tape from the back of his **** and put it on the demon's mouth.

Clapping his hands, Tom contentedly threw the tape aside.

Turning around, Tom pointed to the demon on the ground to indicate that his task was completed, obviously very satisfied with his masterpiece.

"Thanks a lot."

In the end, the demon who doubted life was carried into a containment box like this.

As an existence with extremely powerful combat power, he was trapped in a small box at this time.

To be precise, it was sealed by several wooden boards.

This is just outrageous **** open the door to outrageous.

Outrageous home.

"By the way, have I told you before that we are so strict with you because there is a lamp **** who said you are a great guy?"

Sitting cross-legged next to the containment box, Luo Zhen said casually.

It was only then that he released his transformation.

The driver on the waist was turned back to its original position, and the originally pitch-black armor slowly turned into a vain gray, and then turned into illusory coins and scattered.

All disappeared before falling to the ground.

In the containment box, the demon who couldn't speak was moved when he heard Luo Zhen's words.

Which talkative guy is that?

Although the result would be the same even if the lamp **** didn't talk too much, it didn't prevent him from remembering the lamp god.

Before speaking, he did feel a strange sense of peeping.

It's just that at that time, He was eagerly learning new knowledge, so he directly ignored it.

Come to think of it now, is that what happened back then?

It's your kid who attracted the devil.jpg

Thinking of this, the demon gnashed his teeth at the lamp **** who had never met before.

Boy, don't let me catch you!

At the same time, the lamp **** who was lying quietly in the oil lamp suddenly shuddered.

Is this the case?

Who am I being watched?

At this time, Deng Shen had a bad premonition.

In a pitch-dark space, a dry hand was holding a decayed quill and writing **** the old and yellowed paper.

Looking closely, a dark fairy tale was written out of it.


Suddenly, the sound of the cloth being torn came out.

A pair of icy blue pupils with an iridescent halo looked at the dry hand through the torn crack.

"Got you."

Chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the two rituals and the Eight Gods Taiyi

In the dark space, there seems to be no concept of time.

Not only time, there is no trace of light and life in this space.

Only a dry human hand clenched a rotten quill and wrote non-stop on the yellowed pages.

It seems that no matter how long it takes, it will continue to be written.

The yellowed pages remain the same thickness no matter how many times they are turned.

A "fairy tale" enough to be defined as a horror story flows out of it.

In the silent space, only the sound of pages turning and the rustling of quill writing sounded.



Like a cloth being torn apart, a crack suddenly appeared in the dark space.

Light penetrated the crack into the pitch-black space.

Saying it was a crack might not be accurate.

This is more like a slash left by a swordsman master.

Simply neat.

The dry hand that was writing paused, and then moved its position.

It was as if this dry hand was connected to a complete person. After hearing the voice, he looked back in surprise.

Looking down the light, a pair of ice-blue pupils quietly looked at the dry hand.

What kind of eyes are these?

It's hard to describe in words.

There was a rainbow-colored halo in the icy blue pupil.

At the moment of being stared at by these eyes, the dry hand seemed to feel the smell of death.

"Got you."

The owner of those eyes spoke softly.

The cold voice seemed to indicate that this was a woman with a cold personality.

It's like a famous scene in The Shining.

The woman moved her face from the crack and slashed it out again.


The sound of the cloth being torn came out again.

Cracks are constantly widening.

The dry hands in the dark space finally responded.

In a hurry, he turned the page to the end and picked up the quill to prepare to write.

However the size of the crack is well enough.

"call out!"

Something sharp seemed to be thrown.

A short wooden handle turned into a streamer and pierced straight into the dry hand.

In an instant, the dry hand shattered into pieces.

In fact, the dry hand was already 'dead' before the wooden handle dagger pierced it.

Because the line representing the death of the opponent has been cut off.

"The time is just right."

At the crack, a figure throwing a short knife was revealed in the light.

The short hair that just covers the ears makes it look very neat.

He was wearing a blue kimono with a red leather jacket lined with a white kimono.

Underfoot are clogs.

This kind of weird dress looks very natural on this person.

With both hands in their pockets, the two rituals stepped into the dark space with one foot and pulled out the wooden-handled dagger, and then left without looking back.

It wasn't for her to worry about what happened after that.

There will be a special person to take care of it.

She is very similar to Luo Zhen in this regard.

However, the two ceremonies did not care about these things at all, and most of them did not care.

She is only in charge of the battle, and she doesn't care about anything other than the battle.

Although it may feel like a senior thug or even a tool man.

But the two ceremonies themselves don't care about it.

After joining this institution, her life became much simpler.

Just be responsible for getting rid of some dangerous stuff.

The rest will be handled for her by someone.

For her this is undoubtedly a good thing.

And Luo Zhen's words are still the same.

He is not good at working with people.

No matter what, he is used to doing things by himself.

In addition to other people, I always feel that I can't let go.

The moment that dead hand is killed, many of the world's fairy tale creatures disappear with it.

For example, the Nightmare and Tin Man that Luo Zhen had encountered.

The Dry Hands who created this story are killed, and they are gone.

There is no trace left in this world.

But there are still a lot of fairy tale creatures unaffected.

Like Little Red Riding Hood and a certain goat head full of yellow scraps.

Well, that guy finally regained his goathead appearance.

In his own words, compared to the appearance of gods and demons, it is more comfortable to be like this now.

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