Like some kind of enemy of life and death.

The identity of the fighting tyrannosaurus vampire beast is still very clear.

After all, the Digimon on the human side should only be those around the chosen children.

In fact, strictly speaking, the killing intent of the fighting tyrannosaurus was not aimed at the vampire beast in front of him.

It was the bitter vampire beast that made it feel powerless and hopeless many years ago.

Although the Venomous Vampire Beast was cut into a pile of pieces after that, the Fighting Greymon still thinks of the powerless self from time to time.

Not to mention the protection of Taiyi, it can't even protect itself.

After many years, the flame in the heart of the battle-Greymon who saw the vampire beast again was instantly ignited.

It thought that it had seen it, but in fact this pimple has been deeply buried in its heart.

As well as rapidly spinning its body to form a tornado, the battle tyrannosaurus slayed the blood-sucking beast with an indomitable aura.

In the face of the fighting tyrannosaurus beast without any sign of keeping a hand, only the complete vampire beast can only flee in embarrassment.

It is not the ultimate parallel import body or the shame of the ultimate body in front of it.

Rather, it is the God of War Greymon, who represents courage.

The scarlet energy was constantly transformed in the hands of the vampire beasts, but it only served as a delay.

After all, one of the introductions of Battle Greymon is that it will never be defeated by a complete body.

"Vampire monster..."

Looking at the blood-sucking beast fleeing in embarrassment, Taiichi Yagami's expression was a little dazed.

The first time he saw the vampire beast, he and his companions could only choose to escape.

And now, this vampire beast can only escape.

"You bastard!"

The proud nirvana [Night Demon Flying Assault] was once again torn apart by the Battle Greymon, and the Vampire Beast looked at the Battle Greymon and Taiichi Yagami with an ugly face.

It is very clear in its heart that the human in the distance is the weak underbelly of the BattleGreymon, but now it will not save its own life, let alone catch the human to threaten the BattleGreymon.

Just as the Vampire Warcraft was thinking about how to break the game, a strange energy was injected into its body.

"This power...... is Lord Barbamon!"

The face of the vampire beast became happy, because it meant that the Barba beast had also come to the human world.

But after the joy comes anxiety and fear.

Not only did it fail to complete the mission of Barbamon, it even failed to invade the human world.

Got stuck before taking the first step.

To be precise, it and its subordinates were beaten by a group of humans at the passage between the two worlds.

'The top priority now is to get rid of this guy as soon as possible, and then take the chosen child to see Lord Balba. ’

With a scarlet light flashing in his eyes, the vampire beast looked at Yagami Taichi in the distance.

The next moment, the familiar light of evolution lit up.

The battle tyrannosaurus's eyes narrowed, and he cast [Battle Tornado] again.

What invincible time and what do not talk about martial arts.

all fake.

Fighting is to leave no means and do everything in your power to kill the opponent.

This is a fact that every Digimon knows.

It is also an instinct etched in the bones.

However, the Battle Greymon was still a bit slower.

A thick, monster-like arm protruded from the light and blocked the blow.

Yagami Taichi's pupils shrank, although it was a hastily launched attack by the battle tyrannosaurus beast, but it was actually blocked like this.

"Damn bug, I'm going to run over you!"

After the light completely dissipated, what was revealed was a monster with the lower body of a beast and the upper body of the beetle-like shell.

A venomous blood-sucking beast, a beast-type Ultimate Digimon.

It is said that the venomous blood-sucking monsters that have liberated their hidden powers have only the urge to destroy and kill.

Judging by the performance of this guy, it's true.

The bats transformed into scarlet energy flew out. Compared with the previous group of small bats, the scarlet bats this time did bring some trouble to the fighting tyrannosaurus.

"Vampiric Vampire Demon......"

Looking at the familiar image of the enemy, Taiichi Yagami's eyes flashed with complex light.

There is excitement, there is anger, there is regret and a little nostalgia.

What did he remember?

no one knows.

Maybe it was the powerless self back then, or maybe it was the old friends.

They did have a lot of unpleasantness in the beginning.

There are still some hidden contradictions in their small team until the fight against the Venomous Vampires.

But, never got a chance to unravel...  

Those years are over.

Tightening the goggles in his hand, Taiichi Yagami's expression became decisive little by little.

It's time to say goodbye to the past.

The clouds in the sky drifted away, and a ray of sunlight shone on Taiichi Yagami's back.

The goggles in his hand reflected a dazzling light.

the other side--

'My luck seems to have been bad lately. ’

Looking at the Digimon with the appearance of a long-bearded old man and a strange-looking scepter in his hand, Luo Zhen couldn't help blinking.

Barbamon, a Demon Lord-type Ultimate Digimon.

One of the Seven Deadly Sins, representing a greedy Digimon.

Why did the boss come to him?

Logically speaking, shouldn't Taiichi Yagami, who represents courage, defeat the elite monsters and then defeat Barbamon?

How did it become him to deal with the Barba beast?

But I can't think about it anymore.

The drive at the waist is already ready, and the battle is about to break out.

"Although someone may have already said it, there is still one thing to say."

"Welcome to the human world."

With a smile, Luo Zhen's eyes flashed a strange light.

Chapter 535: The Devil of Greed and the King of Lust

"This is the human world."

Taking a deep breath, Barbamon opened its scarlet eyes.

The ruby ​​in the mouth of the skull at the top of the strange scepter in his hand exudes a strange light.

At the moment when Barbamon descended, the sky suddenly became dark.

Thick clouds blocked the sun from the sky.

Barbamon floating in the air is a good explanation of what a Demon Lord Digimon is.

The scarlet pupils turned slightly, and Luo Zhen in the distance entered the sight of the Barba beast.

"Although there is a high probability that someone has said it, let's say it again."

Putting his hand lightly on the driver on his waist, Luo Zhen looked at the Barba beast and said:

"Welcome to the human world."

Three core coins are stuffed into the OOO drive at the waist.

Flip the belt, pick up the ring scanner on the waist and scan it.

The mechanical sound sounded.


The three-color aperture popped from the drive and swirled.

become one at a time.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Barbamon felt a dangerous aura from them.

Although I don't know what this human wants to do, it is absolutely right not to let this guy finish it smoothly.

He raised his hand, and the scarlet flame mixed with a trace of darkness gushed out from his palm.

The raging flame instantly engulfed Luo Zhen's figure, and a huge explosion occurred.

However, after the flames dissipated, a human figure could be vaguely seen in the raised dust.

Three different light rays pierced through the smoke.

The next moment, a wave of air was lifted.

The smoke and dust floating in the air stagnated for a while, and then was blown away without a trace.

The scarlet cloak fluttered in the air.

It is different from the scarlet eyes of Barbamon, which are full of treacherous and cunning colors.

This cape gives a sense of grandeur.

After the smoke cleared, Luo Zhen, who had completed his transformation, appeared in front of Barbamon.

The overall image is somewhat similar to the kiva in the form of the demon emperor.

But it gives the impression that the evil spirit of kiva is a little less, and the majesty of the king is more.

The crimson eye armor is a little transparent, but it doesn't make people feel evil.

Perhaps because of the king's core coins at some point, Luo Zhen seemed to hear the man's voice again.


'Tsk, why is it you again? ’

The sound of celebration suddenly stopped.

There is always a feeling of disgust.

Obviously, I encountered it once last time, but this time I accidentally misread it.

A strange sound came from the void, as if looking for something.

Two seconds later————


"He is the one who has obtained the power of the most benevolent, best, highest and strongest king!"

The familiar soft and tender girl sounded, if I heard correctly.

It should be the Son of Heaven of the Black Bullet World, right?

This guy Woz didn't want to congratulate him, but because he was the power of the Demon King, he felt that it was a pity not to congratulate him, so he deliberately went to the Black Bullet World to ask the Son of Heaven to congratulate him?

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