After realizing that Skullmon had made a decision, Barbamon launched an attack without hesitation.

Although his mouth seemed to be disapproving, the other party was a member of the Royal Knights after all.

It is an existence on the same level as the Seven Great Demon Lords.

This is true even if the opponent's combat power in the Royal Knights is not very high.

Most of the royal knights are very similar in combat power with only a slight difference.

These gaps are not so much the gaps in hard power as they are because of their different areas of expertise, so they will have different performances in battle.

Of course, Omegamon and Alphamon are excluded.

These two are really strong.

It is the official pro-son level.

See what other royal knights are capable of.

Taking out a weapon from its armor, it can transform into a leopard shape, and can protrude a long, sharp blade from the armor.

Look at the abilities of Omegamon and Alphamon again.

"The power of the first gain", the attack ends in an instant, in fact, I don't know how many times I attacked, theoretically, the enemy can only see the last blow that he was knocked down.

"The power of ultimate gain" is the ultimate power that instantly reads the next step during battle and can respond in advance. (Although it is the ability of Omegamon X).

The difference in this style is a bit too big.

Cough, far away.

At this moment, Skullmon, whose painting style was far from Omegamon, even had a low-level ability, attacked Barbamon.


The sharp edge of the magic spear "Klau Soras" cut through the raging flames that sloped down like a waterfall.

The specially treated armor on his body was not affected in the slightest.

Most members of the Royal Knights have super strong armor.

And they all fit their abilities very well.

The magic spear "Klau Soras" is more like a double-headed sword in appearance than a spear.

This kind of weapon is an ornament in the hands of most people, and its practicality is not as good as that of a two-handed sword or even a one-handed sword.

However, in the hands of the skull beast, the magic spear "Klau Soras" is extremely flexible, as if it has life.

Every time, it can accurately block the attack of Barbamon and counterattack.

Luo Zhen was not idle while the skull beast attacked.

He didn't want to just watch from the sidelines.

"Should it be said to be a royal knight?"

A peculiar fluctuation flashed past, and Luo Zhen's original offensive suddenly stagnated.

The Sacred Emblem Sword in his hand stood in front of him without hesitation, and in the next second, the end of the magic spear "Klau Solas" slammed into the Sacred Emblem Sword and burst into dazzling sparks.

"This combat experience is really nothing to say."

With a sigh, Luo Zhen said a little unhappily.

After all, he is only seventeen years old now, and even if he learns combat experience from his mother's womb, it is impossible to surpass Skullmon who is a royal knight.

Luo Zhen didn't know when the skull beast became a royal knight or when it was born.

But this guy has definitely lived dozens and hundreds of times longer than Luo Zhen.

No matter how talented Luo Zhen was, it would be difficult to catch up with the opponent in this regard.

After all, being able to become a royal knight not only means that the opponent is strong, but to a certain extent, it also means that the opponent is extremely talented in combat.

"Human boy, can I trouble you to stand a little further away?"

The magic spear slashed the barba beast's wand from the air, and the skull beast looked at Luo Zhen on the ground and said.

Luo Zhen, who put three cell coins in the pilgrimage emblem Zhanjian, was ready to go.


A sharp slash flew towards the fallen Barbamon and engulfed it, and a large cloud of smoke suddenly exploded.

"I refuse, I also have my own task."

With his eyes fixed on the dust of the explosion, Luo Zhen responded.

In the next second, the Barba beast rushed out of the smoke, and the scarlet energy was wrapped around the scepter and smashed down.

Although Luo Zhen, who jumped up, escaped the blow, he was smashed and flew out by the sweep that followed.

After smashing Luo Zhen, the wand in the hand of Barba beast aimed at the skull beast and fired a ray containing terrifying energy.

After adjusting his body shape in the air, the holy emblem sword stabbed behind him.


The magic spear and the sacred sword collided again, and the low voice of the skull beast sounded.

"That's really a pity."

Luo Zhen, who had not yet landed, was shocked again.

After withdrawing several meters, he barely stopped.

Taking a breath, Luo Zhen raised the holy emblem sword in his hand and looked at the skull beast and the barba beast.

It seems like it's been a long time since I got the OOO drive in such a difficult battle.

Over Tokyo where no one noticed, a new passage quietly opened.

Figures covered in black and dark gold quietly watched the battles everywhere.

Chapter 541 How can you not bring gifts?

A paladin-type Digimon whose body is covered in black and dark gold quietly watches the battle of its colleagues.

Whether it's fighting humans, or civil war.

It just watched silently.

The two metal wings were tucked away under the blue-and-white cloak.

The huge holy sword "Gredarfa" in his hand was tightly gripped.

Alphamon is known as the "Lonely Hermit".

Although it is a Paladin itself, it exists as a restraining Paladin.

Perhaps it is because of this consideration that I usually try to minimize the number of times I appear in the eyes of my colleagues.

It's like the hamster looks terrified even though it knows the cat won't eat it.

After glancing around, Alphamon turned his attention to Omegamon.

At this time, the target of Omegamon's battle became Battle Greymon at some point.

On the other hand, the Dukemon fought against the Aromamon.

From an objective point of view, it is absolutely impossible for BattleGreymon to defeat Omegamon.

After all, Omegamon itself is a fusion of Omegamon and Steel Garurumon.

It can be said that it is a fusion of materials.

Combat Greymon's next act of defeating Omegamon was as outrageous as the ingredients in the pot that had already been processed jumped up and slapped the cook.

But the truth is, this BattleGreymon did not lose against the full-on Omegamon.

Alphamon can confirm that Omegamon is already doing its best under normal circumstances.

And although the Battle Greymon was clearly at a disadvantage, it was still fighting.

Like a reef on the coast when a storm comes.

No matter how big the tide is, no matter how many times it is engulfed by the sea.

It will still stand proudly after the water has receded.


The "Dragon Beast Buster" in his hand is no longer as clean and sharp as it was at the beginning.

Various scars appeared on the surface of the BattleGreymon's armor.

Not only the Fighting Greymon, but the original white body of Omegamon who fought against it also left a lot of scars and dust at this time.

Obviously the battle is not a crush on one side.


Omegamon looked at the Battle Greymon in front of him in disbelief.

Logically speaking, this BattleGreymon has no reason to persist until now.

Whether it is strength or combat experience, it should have the upper hand.

"I will never lose, I will win."

Straightening its body, Battle Greymon said firmly.

A raging flame burned in the blue dragon pupil.

That is the desire to win.

Compared to the battle of Battle Greymon and Omegamon.

On the other side, the battle between Dukemon and Aromamon is very delicate.

The angry Aroma Beast unleashed its power recklessly.

Switching back and forth between the panther form and the knight form, various nirvanas bombard the Dukemon one after another.

On the other side, Dukemon used the holy shield "Aegis" to block the attack of Aromamon most of the time.

Only occasionally use the holy spear "Gramer" to counterattack.

Facing the angry Fragrant Beast, Duke Beast subconsciously felt a little guilty.

But the blind defense is almost over.

The frequency of Dukemon's attacks is increasing.

The guilt that Dukemon had in the beginning was also due to years of colleagues.

And this little guilt was wiped out bit by bit under the attack of the fragrant beast.

After all the dust has fallen, maybe it will go to the fragrant beast to chat and have a heart-to-heart.

but now..........

"You'd better calm down."

With a slight twist of the wrist, the holy spear "Gramer" turned into a silver-white meteor.

It hit the opponent's chest at a speed that Aromamon couldn't react.

The usual shot of Aromamon's ability was not enough to keep him from reacting.

But at this time it fell into the rage of being betrayed by its companions.

At the same time, Dukemon's blind defense made it slowly accustomed to this attack rhythm.

And the sudden change of Duke beast interrupted its rhythm.

Watching the Fragrant Beast that was knocked out, Duke Beast followed without hesitation.

The holy spear "Gramer" in his hand kept falling like a torrential rain.

The aromatic beast that switched to the leopard form was somewhat unable to parry for a while.

Among the many royal knights, the Duke beast is the more balanced one.

The attack has the holy spear "Glamer", and the defense has the holy shield "Aegis".

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