"By the way, be careful in the next performances."

"This is a friendly reminder."

After speaking, he walked directly into the dimension wall without giving Tojo Nozomi time to react.

It was not until the dimension wall disappeared that Tojo Nozomi let out a long breath.

The tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

An inexplicable tiredness came over him.

I don't know when a layer of fine sweat has appeared on the back.


Putting away the dragon riding timetable, Tojo Nozomi said to himself.

I didn't do anything, but I felt very tired and stressed.

Is this the destroyer of the world?

So scary.

Just not being stage frightened is already exhausting.

What Tojo Nozomi didn't notice was that.

After Menyashi left, a figure more than 90% like her quietly disappeared on the glass not far away.

There was only a faint word floating in the air.

"Graduation Ceremony..."

'That's good. ’

"Hey? What are you doing here?"

"Hurry up and get ready, it's coming to us soon."

When Nozomi Tojo was in a daze, Erri Ayase and Kayo Koizumi came all the way.

It's almost time for them, so what is Xi doing here alone?

"Ah, here we come."

Nozomi Tojo trotted all the way back and said.

Although there are many doubts and doubts in my heart.

But for now, it can only be suppressed for the time being.

After Tojo Nozomi left.

The dimensional wall fell again, and the door Yashi, who had a nasty smile on his face, looked at the auditorium not far away and seemed to think of something.

He took out his headset and said:

"After Tojo Nozomi's performance is over, follow her, take the initiative to reveal some flaws to let her notice you, and leave immediately."


Chuncheon Fengxi on the other end of the headset said without hesitation after receiving the order.

For Chuncheon Fengxi, it doesn't matter what the purpose of the mission is, and it doesn't matter what the meaning is.

As long as it is the order arranged above, she will seriously implement it.

Of course, except for the death.

Chapter 899 Chapter 878 Friendship and fetters between girls

On the stage, Nozomi Tojo, who was bathed in lights, was dancing to the rhythm of the music.

Although she has been training very hard during this time, the rehearsal of this performance has not been pulled down.

'Wait, what is that? ’

At a certain moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared out of the corner of Tojo's eyes.

A uniform similar to Nishiki's Chisou, and that face that always looked unhappy.

It was the same person last time.

The moment he saw Chunchuan Fengxi, Tojo Xi confirmed the identity of the other party.

When I went back that day, Tojo Nozomi also asked Nishiki Chisho and got Chunchuan Fengxi's identity from the other party.

Like Nishiki Chishu, he is one of the chiefs of Lycoris.

It's odd to say that, but there's not just one chief.

Although Chunchuan Fengxi did not have the super-standard dynamic vision and reaction speed like Nishiki Chisho, he still successfully won the title of chief by his own abilities.

After confirming that the unhappy guy in the corner was the one from the DA organization, Nozomi Tojo's breathing was messy for a moment.

I almost couldn't control my emotions.

Why does this dangerous guy show up at the school's graduation ceremony? !

In Tojo Nozomi's heart, Chuncheon Fengxi has been equated with dangerous elements.

After all, a specially trained agent with a license to kill and a weapon appeared here.

It's not a good thing anyway.

Especially when Tojo Nozomi was followed before.

Does this guy think that he killed Chishu Nishiki and Takina Inoue, so he wants to avenge his comrades?

Tojo Nozomi's heart suddenly panicked.

How to do?

Do I have to remind others?

But in this case I myself...

Tojo Nozomi was suddenly a little uncertain.

Suddenly yelling at someone while performing on stage and saying that person has a gun or something.

This kind of thing feels outrageous.

And Tojo Nozomi was sure that Chuncheon Fengxi would be able to leave gracefully before the others found Chuncheon Fengxi.

And there is a high probability that he will be regarded as a fool with a bad mind.

The protagonist in the movie will make a choice without hesitation when faced with such a situation. Even if it has no effect, the other party will disappear immediately.

But what the movie doesn't say is that the protagonist after that is seen as a fool by the people around him.

The misunderstanding will not be resolved until much later, if not ever.

Do you really have the courage to take on other people's strange eyes?

Tojo Nozomi didn't know.

Fortunately, Chuncheon Fengxi seems to be showing his face.

Soon after Tojo Nozomi saw himself, he disappeared into the darkness.

As if it never happened.

With a sigh of relief, Tojo Nozomi once again devoted his attention to the performance.

Although there are many puzzles, let's wait for the performance to end for now.

Think about the rest when it's over.

At the same time, there were several other people in μ\'s who were relieved.

Those watching below may not feel it.

But they can clearly feel that Tojo Nozomi has just obviously had a problem.

There is a certain degree of distortion in both the sound and the movement.

Fortunately, the C position at the time was not Tojo Nozomi, so there was no major problem.

' Then ask Xi what happened. ’

Ayase Eri glanced at Tojo Nozomi next to her with some worry.

Her heartbeat slowed for half a beat when she just found out that Tojo Nozomi's movements were deformed.

Even if there are some small problems, it doesn't hurt.

But everyone must hope that this graduation ceremony can end smoothly without leaving any regrets.

Soon, μ\'s performance is over.

On the stage, nine girls in gorgeous costumes stood patted and bowed to the audience.

All kinds of lights set them off like big stars on TV.

Off the stage, there was thunderous applause.

There were bursts of applause and cheers from the packed auditorium.

Everyone who watched the performance sent praise and blessings to the girls.


Before leaving the stage, Nan Xiaoniao pursed her lips and looked back at the audience under the stage.

"What's wrong?"

Honoka Takaban, who was bouncing around, asked with some doubts.

"We made it."

Nan Xiaoniao muttered to himself.

Although it has been a long time, the scene where the audience was empty when they performed for the first time seemed to be yesterday.

At that time, no one knew how they felt in their hearts.

And now, the huge auditorium is full.

In fact, a long time ago, as a star idol group of Otonogisaka, the performances of several people were already full.

But it was only now that Nan Xiaoniao realized it with hindsight.

They seem to have really achieved their original dream.


With a smile full of energy, Takaban Honogo hugged Minami Kotori and said.

It was also a very unforgettable experience for Honoka Takaban.

Not only Takaban Honoka and Minami Kotori.

The rest of μ\'s also had excited smiles on their faces.

The performance of this graduation ceremony was undoubtedly a perfect ending to their high school life for the graduating students.

A person hangs at the back of the team, Tojo Nozomi watched this scene quietly.

There was an unconscious smile on his face.

At this moment, she suddenly understood something in her heart.

But the feeling was fleeting, and when Tojo Nozomi tried to recall it, it seemed that he couldn't remember it again.

This kind of empty feeling is very uncomfortable.

Tojo Nozomi could only force himself to forget about it.

"That's right, Hee."

Ayase Eri, who was walking in front, suddenly turned her head to look at Nozomi Tojo.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But for a while he didn't know how to speak.

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