Konoha: After The Skills Hang Up, I Won By Lying Down!

Chapter 236: The Aftermath Of The Attack On Sand Shinobi

Luo Sha is dead.

But he didn't die in the first round of attacks from Scorpion and Deidara.

Although the first round of attacks by the two caused Luo Sha a lot of trouble, it also caused him considerable injuries.


With his strength.

But he won't die in this situation.

Even Scorpion's Qianben couldn't hurt him at all.

But he used Magnet Style to keep him at a distance.

What really gave him trouble was Deidara's Clay Bomb.

Luosha was embarrassed by Deidara's clay explosion, and then fell into the siege of three people.

Two fists were no match for four hands, and he was beaten to death by three people with six hands.

In the end, Xie failed to collect a complete body.

After Luo Sha's team was completely wiped out.

Less than a day, just a few hours later.

Sand Shinobi then noticed that Luo Sha and other "883" people were under attack.

The reason why it is so fast.

But it was because of the letters sent to Sunagakure from the three major ninja villages that attracted the attention of the top management of the sand layer.

When they learned that the three hidden villages of Yun, Yan and Wu were preparing to form an alliance, they realized that the event was serious and did not dare to delay. They wanted to let Luo Sha know about it as soon as possible.

A small team was sent to inform Luo Sha.

As a result, the team made it all the way.

Those battlefields were discovered where Luo Sha and others were attacked.

Although, after the battle, White Zetsu came out to clean up the battlefield.

But with the powerful detection capabilities of those Sand Shinobi, some clues were still found.

After a search.

They have determined that Luo Sha and others were attacked.

So the information was sent back to Sunagakure without stopping.

After Sand Shinobi learned the information, when the entire senior management was in a panic, Konoha also learned the information.

"What did you say?? Luo Sha was attacked??"

Ryoma couldn't help but stand up after hearing Xiyan's words.

"Yes!! Sand Shinobi has confirmed it!!" Xiyan said solemnly.

"How is the situation??" Ryoma asked again.

"Everyone is missing. Including Fourth Kazekage Rasa and One Tail Jinchūriki Gaara!!" Yugao said

"When did it happen??" Ryoma asked again.

"A few hours ago!!" Xiyan said solemnly.

"Do you know who did it??" Ryoma asked again.

"It's not clear yet! However, Sand Shinobi suspects that we, Konoha, did it, so they want us, Konoha, to give them an explanation!" Xi Yan said solemnly.

"Hmph, we in Konoha want to kill Rasa, do we still need to be sneaky?" Ryoma snorted coldly.

Sit back in the chair again.

After thinking for a while, he continued: "Tell Sand Shinobi that if you want to find the murderer, ask them to collect some of the blood of the murdered people and other things containing genes and come to Konoha!

I help them find the truth!"

Ryoma did all this not to give Sand Shinobi an explanation, but just out of curiosity as to who attacked Rasa and the others.

"Okay!!" Xiyan nodded, turned and left Hokage's office.

Ryoma leaned on the office chair and thought for a while.

At this time, several forces that might attack Luo Sha and others flashed through his mind.

But the one with the greatest suspicion is undoubtedly the Akatsuki organization.

He suspected that the attack was not aimed at Luosha, but at Gaara.

It's just that Luosha walked with Gaara and was affected.

"Could it be Obito and the others??"

"If it's them, it means that the Akatsuki organization's plan to capture the tailed beasts has started ahead of schedule!!"


Some conference room!

Rasa is missing, and Sand Shinobi is leaderless.

In the end, Chiyo, an old woman in her sixties or seventies, was invited to chair the meeting again.

"Konoha has already told us that if we want to know who the murderer is who attacked the Fourth Generation, we can collect the blood of the victims in the attack and other genetic things to remove the smell.

Fifth Hokage is willing to help us find the real murderer!" A Jōnin said first.

"Huh, maybe catching a thief is just a trick!" A Jōnin snorted coldly.

"Yes, in my opinion, this matter was caused by Konoha. Otherwise, how could the Fourth Generation have attacked just on their way back from Konoha.

"That guy in Konoha is too insidious and cunning."

"We are still allies, but they clearly don't take us Sand Shinobi seriously.


As soon as he opened his mouth, others joined in the team that condemned Konoha...

Of course, there are some people who always keep their mouths shut and never say a word, such as the two siblings Chiyo.

"Grandma Chiyo, please say something too!" At this time, a Jōnin glanced at Chiyo and said.

"Since you have all concluded that Konoha did it, what else do you want me to do? Just do whatever you want!!" Granny Chiyo said coldly.

"Oh? From what you said, Grandma Chiyo, you don't seem to think that Konoha did this?" a Jōnin asked somewhat unhappily.

"Use your brains to think about it. With Konoha's current strength, do they need to use such methods? What are they doing this for??" Namidai said in a deep voice.

"Gaara is also missing. Konoha did this to weaken our Sand Shinobi and seize One Tail!" said a Jōnin.

"I can understand the weakening of Sand Shinobi, but if it's for One Tail, they can just hold Gaara in Konoha, so that they can still use One Tail's power openly.

Now that they are so secretive and do not dare to be known by others, do you think they dare to use it openly??"


"Since Konoha didn't do it, then who did it??"

"I don't completely rule out the suspicion of Konoha, but it is also very likely that other forces did it. In this case, then collect some genes of Fourth Generation and Gaara and go to Konoha, and let Fifth Generation help find out who it is. Attacked our Fourth Kazekage!2.2"

"What if this is a trap??"

"Then do you still want to find out the truth? If this is a trap, does that mean that this incident was completely directed and performed by Konoha? If not, wouldn't we also know the truth?" Chiyo The mother-in-law said in a deep voice.

"Then who would be better to send??"

Speaking of this, everyone in the conference room was silent for a while, obviously they didn't want to go.

Grandma Chiyo looked at this scene with great disappointment.

The current Sand Shinobi really doesn't have a responsible senior executive.

"Since no one wants to go, then I'll go. It just so happens that I also want to see the Fifth Hokage's elegance." Chiyo stood up and said.


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