Konoha: After The Skills Hang Up, I Won By Lying Down!

Chapter 61: Ready To Use Distinguished Heavenly Gods On Ryoma?

"Master Third Generation, it's not that we don't want to get rid of Moonlight Ryoma, it's that he is too slippery.

We played against him three times.

He slipped away three times!" Shisui explained.

"You two can beat him to escape three times??" Danzo retorted immediately.

Because, he played against Ryoma the most.

He knows best how strong Ryoma is.

He didn't believe that Shisui and Itachi beat Ryoma three times.

"It's true! It's true that Moonlight Ryoma is very strong, but itachi and I have already activated Mangekyō, and we can still suppress Ryoma with the cooperation of the two of us," Shisui said.

Anyway, they have never seen Ryoma's true strength, even if it is Danzo, what they have seen is just the tip of the iceberg of Ryoma.

He was talking nonsense, and the four of the Third Generation couldn't tell the difference.

Follow Shisui's words.

The four of them also paid more attention to the matter of Itachi's awakening of Mangekyō.

"Nah? Itachi has also awakened Mangekyō?" Third Generation exclaimed in a gaffe.

Not to mention the other three.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura were shocked more than "157" by fear.

While Danzo was shocked, he let out a grinding sound.

The four of them looked at each other faintly.

They both saw anxiety in each other's eyes.

What a troubled time.

First there was Moonlight Ryoma, an unstable factor.

Then, the Uchiha clan directly appeared with two pairs of Mangekyō, and the threat level surpassed Moonlight Ryoma at once.

Trouble one after another!

The four of them are almost numb.


The four of them behaved very well, and none of them showed their worries.

"Yes, Lord Third Generation!" It seemed that the atmosphere in the office had not changed.

Answered truthfully.

"Double Mangekyō, you can indeed suppress Moonlight Ryoma!!" Third Generation nodded and said with a look of 'gratification'.

Konoha is in this lean period, it is great to have two rising stars, Shisui and Itachi!!

Tell us about the situation at that time!!”

"Hi!" Shisui responded, and continued:

"The first time, we attacked him on the night they wiped out the bandit gang in Hongxi Mountain.

At that time, they were placed in an independent yard by the client. I made Itachi blush senior and the other two girls, and I turned into Izumi to knock on Moonlight Ryoma's door.

Moonlight Ryoma, I wasn't wary of me at the time.

The moment I opened the door, I stabbed a kunai.

However, he reacted quickly and avoided the vitals, and I only hurt his arm.

After being stabbed by me, he also kicked me and forced me back a few steps.

At that time, I missed the initiative, and he used the Body Flicker Technique to attack me. Fortunately, Itachi arrived in time to defuse the attack for me.

At that moment, he seemed to recognize us.

Know that we didn't hurt Senior Red and the others.

It led us to a small valley.

We fought Moonlight Ryoma in that little valley.

At that time, I turned on the Susanoo, and Itachi assisted me.

The two of us should be regarded as rivals.

He can't hit us, and we can't hit him with teleportation.

Finally, when he was done playing, he just left.

the second time.

He came to find us on his own initiative, and we don't know how he found us.

At the time, we had little vigilance.

Moonlight Ryoma secretly played a black hand, Itachi was manipulated by him unknowingly.

and attacked me.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly, didn't suffer any injuries, and even realized that Itachi was hit by Moonlight Ryoma's magical illusion.

Then, I used Mangekyō Sharingan's ability to unlock Itachi's illusion.

When Itachi wakes up, he naturally awakens Mangekyō.

We were also able to suppress Moonlight Ryoma from that time on.

Unfortunately, he is too slippery for us to catch him.

The third fight was the next morning.

In order to complete the important tasks entrusted by the Lord Third Generation and the elders, Itachi proposed that we tie up the three red seniors to threaten Ryoma.

At that time, I hesitated for a long time, but agreed to Itachi's proposal.

However, we didn't hurt Senior Hong and the others, we just stunned them and took them away.

At that time, Ryoma did come.

However, we still couldn't keep him.

He fought with the two of us alone, and then sent a Shadow Clone to rescue the red seniors and the others.

After they escaped.

We can no longer catch up with them, and we can't find them, so we can only return to Lord Third Generation and the elders!"

When Shisui said this, he had another expression that hesitated to speak.

"I see!!"

The four showed a sudden look.

Almost everyone believed Shisui's rhetoric.

After all, water is not too much of a problem.

At most, the battle between the two sides was a bit too child's play.

However, they are also understandable.

After all, Ryoma's teleportation is really tricky.

Without being able to limit his range of movement.

It is very difficult to take down Ryoma.

Thinking of this, the three of Danzo glanced vaguely at Third Generation.

Third Generation coughed a few times and pretended not to see it.

Laughing at Shisui:

"Shisui, I see you are hesitant to speak, if there is anything else you want to say, don't be polite, just say it!"

"Master Third Generation, elders, although Moonlight Ryoma is slippery, I still have a way to deal with him!!" Ye Shui gritted his teeth and said.

"Since there is a way, why didn't you use it then?" Danzo said displeased.

"This method is related to my Mangekyō Sharingan. After using it once, it takes a long time to recover.

Before, I wanted to keep it to resolve the conflict between Uchiha and the village. That's why"

When Shisui said this, Third Generation knew why Shisui said that this trick was useful for Moonlight Ryoma...

Shisui's high hopes and ability to resolve conflicts between the family and the village must be extraordinary.

"Then why do you want to use it now?" Danzo asked again.

"Because Itachi has also awakened Mangekyō, so we have two pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan.

As long as we work together, this ability is no longer needed, and we will be able to persuade the family and the village to reconcile.

This was something I figured out on the way back, so, at the time, didn't make it in time for Moonshine Ryoma, sorry. ’ explains Shisui.

"So that's how it is!!" The four of Third Generation were stunned.

But I said in my heart, when the time comes, your Uchiha's arrogance will probably be even higher!

"So, Shisui, can you tell us about the ability of your Mangekyō Sharingan?" Third Generation said with a sincere and kind face.

"Okay, my Mangekyō ability is called—— Distinguished Heavenly Gods!

It can forcibly distort the will and thoughts of others..." Shisui said with a straight face.

Third Generation and Danzo all secretly gasped!

It's a terrifying ability. If the Third Generation hadn't confirmed that he was manipulated by Ryoma, he couldn't help but think of Shisui as the murderer.

This ability is too cruel, and Konoha absolutely cannot allow such an ability to exist.

Be it Moonlight Ryoma or Uchiha Shisui, they must all die!

In that short moment, Konoha F4 reached a consensus through their eyes!

"It's a really good skill! Since that's the case, Shisui, I support your decision, let's do it!" Third Generation said kindly.

"Hi!!" Shisui responded, and then hesitated to speak.

"If you have anything else you want to say, let's say it!" Seeing this, Third Generation had no choice but to continue.

*3.2 Hi! Lord Third Generation, elders, after I use Distinguished Heavenly Gods to control Moonlight Ryoma, can you not kill him.

After all, he is also a genius no matter what, if he works hard for Konoha, wouldn't it be a great addition to Konoha?" Shisui said.

Whether it is Third Generation, or Danzo, or the other two, they are very familiar with Shisui.

His rephrasing is also very in line with his personality.

But, how could Third Generation allow this kind of thing to happen.

Just being a Shisui already made him fearful.

If you let Shisui control Ryoma again and don't kill him.

Then he can still sleep??

"Shisui, to be honest, I don't want to kill Moonlight Ryoma, but he has violated Konoha's laws and broken Konoha's rules many times. If we don't kill him, we can't explain to everyone in Konoha! ’ persuaded Third Generation.

"That's it..." Shisui responded with some disappointment.

Then he went on to say: "Alright then, I was the one who said too much, Lord Third Generation, let's do as you wish!"

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