Konoha: After The Skills Hang Up, I Won By Lying Down!

Chapter 66: Izumi Who Can't Eat, Unifies Thoughts Uchiha!

"Ryoma, you're kidding me, right!!" Izumi's voice trembled, and he couldn't believe what Ryoma said was true.

Although, they Uchiha did not have a good relationship with the village.

But, it's not enough to go to war.

Moreover, in recent years, there are many peace-loving people in the Uchiha clan who are running for the family and the village.

For example, Shisui, Itachi, etc...

It was fine before.

She just went out for a trip, how did the family and the village come to this point just after she came back!

A Li was also a little unbelievable.

After all, the village is so strong, although Uchiha is not weak, but compared with the village, it is still a lot worse.

If it is done hard, the one who will be wiped out in the end can only be Uchiha!

She didn't believe it, no one in Uchiha saw this.

However, the story came from Ryoma, so she had to start thinking about whether it was true or not.

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know soon, let's go, we're going to eat, and when we're full, we'll have the strength to participate in this battle, won't we!!"

Ryoma smiled lightly.

"Ryoma, you "443" also want to participate in the battle? Then you help which side!!" Izumi looked at Ryoma eagerly.

She knows how strong Ryoma is.

Uchiha may have a lot of geniuses, and there are also a lot of strong people, but the sum of those people is probably not enough for Ryoma to push alone.

If Ryoma chooses to help the village, then the Uchiha clan will surely be doomed.

If the Uchiha clan is defeated, there will be no eggs in the nest!

She, Uchiha Izumi, will definitely not escape the fate of being killed!

"Why do you have to join one of them?" Ryoma glanced at Quan and smiled slightly.

"You want to prevent them from going to war?" Quan's eyes lit up!

"If that's the case, that's really great. With your strength, Ryoma, you can definitely prevent the two sides from going to war!"

"I didn't say stop them from fighting!" Ryoma shook his head and smiled.

"Then what do you mean..." Izumi looked at Ryoma anxiously and asked.

"I'm here to quell the civil war!" Ryoma said.

"Isn't that the same as stopping them from going to war?" Quan blinked and said.

The conflict between Uchiha and the village is almost irresolvable.

I'm not going to stop them from fighting, I'm going to wait until they're done fighting.

Go back to quell the war!

Now, see what I mean?


Ryoma said lightly.

"If this is the case, many people will die by then!!" Quan said a little bit unbearably.

"Third Generation often said that where the leaves dance, the fire is also alive!

However, the big tree Konoha itself has decayed. At this time, it needs a raging fire to burn itself to be reborn. " Ryoma said lightly.

"However, don't worry, there is someone you care about on the battlefield, you can tell me, I will save him!"

"This..." Quan wanted to say something else.

Ryoma put a hand on her head.

"Don't think so much, go eat first!"

BBQ shop!

When Hong arrived, Ryoma and A Li were eating a big piece.

Quan is a little godless.

"What's wrong with Quan?" Hong asked curiously when she saw this scene as soon as she came in.

"Now she's thinking about the matter between Konoha and Uchiha, and she's not in the mood to eat!" Ali said.

"You already know?" Hong frowned.

"When I entered the village, I already felt that the atmosphere in the village was a bit strange, but I didn't know what was going on at the time.

Ryoma said, Uchiha and the village are going to war!" Ali said.

"Why are you so clear?" Hong looked at Ryoma.

"Now Konoha probably has nothing to hide from me!!" Ryoma said lightly.

"Teacher Hong, how do you know this!" A Li asked curiously.

"Third Generation has mobilized all ninjas in the village to prepare for war.

I was told when I went to the mission hall to hand over the mission, and I was recruited into the team at the same time! After eating, I will go to report!" Hong said helplessly.

"That's it! Eat a little more, otherwise, you won't have the energy to kill the enemy!" Ryoma said.

"It might not be possible to fight yet, so don't say such unlucky words, okay!" Hongbai gave Ryoma a look.

"No way, today is a suitable day for war!" Ryoma said with a faint smile.

"Izumi, what about you, you are a member of the Uchiha clan, born to stand on Uchiha's side, do you want to participate in this battle!

If you also participate, by then, you will become enemies with Teacher Hong!!" A Li said while eating roasted pork belly.

"I don't know, what should I do..." Quan shook his head in distress.

"If you don't know what to do, just stay with me. I will help you decide everything!" Ryoma said.

Izumi glanced at Ryoma and nodded.

at the same time.

Nanga Shrine!

The Uchiha clan held a clan meeting.

"Everyone must know what happened today.

Danzo invites Shisui to meet at Luofengpo. As a result, as soon as they meet, Danzo wants to take Shisui's Sharingan.

Shisui was forced to resist, but in the process of resisting, he hit a little harder and injured Danzo.

As a result, Third Generation indiscriminately wanted to take down Shisui!

If I hadn't arrived in time, Shisui would have been imprisoned in Anbu's prison by now.

I don't know what it's like to be tortured by those people...

In the past, for the sake of the overall situation, I always advised everyone to be patient.

But, what is our forbearance in exchange for?

It is the pressing of the top.

In broad daylight, you dare to attack our clansmen..."

Fugaku colors his words with emotion.

Instantly aroused the common hatred of countless Uchiha people.

"It's too much, Konoha and these high-level officials are really too much, we have been suppressed by them in every possible way these years, and they don't think it is enough.

Now, they are blatantly robbing the eyes of our Uchiha clan......

If things continue like this, sooner or later our Uchiha clan will be bullied to death by the group of bird people in the village!"

"Patriarch, let's turn against each other. I don't want to suffer such birdishness!"



Fugaku's words, like a fuse, instantly ignited the anger of most of the Uchiha clan!

these years.

They have been bullied too much by the village's high-level officials.

They were already dissatisfied with the village.

Now, the village is doing this kind of thing again.

It's completely challenging the bottom line of their Uchiha family.

They can still stand it.

All of them started to howl angrily.

At this time, Fugaku raised his hand, suppressing the voices of his clansmen.

He said again: "It seems that everyone thinks the same as me!

They have reached the limit of their patience with the village's domineering behavior.

Since the higher-ups in the village don't regard us Uchiha as their own, they want to put us Uchiha to death.

Then we don't have to be polite to the high-level leaders headed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, tonight, we will launch a coup against the village!!"

"Is it too hasty to start a coup tonight??"

"That's right, Patriarch, no matter what, you have to make a detailed plan, and it's never too late to act!!"

As soon as Fugaku's words fell, the whole shrine was in an uproar.

I feel that this is too hasty, too hasty.

They were not even prepared.

"Soldiers are precious and fast, everyone, we are not ready, are the high-level leaders headed by Fei Hiruzen ready?

Now that we have broken our face with them, we should stop procrastinating and kill them decisively.

Otherwise, when we are ready, then they are probably ready too.

At that time, what we have to face is not only the enemies we have to face today, I am afraid, but also 3.7 Jiraiya, Tsunade and others who have returned from outside.

In this way, our chances of winning, there are many workers

"The patriarch is right, since he decided to launch a coup, it must be done quickly, so fast that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even have time to prepare.

After all, Konoha is much bigger than our Uchiha, the longer it is delayed, the more unfavorable it will be for us Uchiha. " Shisui stood up and said at this time.

"Today, we have three pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan, and the village has only one Kage-level strongman, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In terms of high-end combat power, our Uchiha clan is stronger than the village.

If you wait until Jiraiya, Tsunade and others come back.

Then our only advantage is gone.

At that time, the only result of launching a coup will be complete suppression!!" Itachi also continued at this time.

After hearing the words of Fugaku, Shisui and Itachi, the Uchiha tribe fell silent for a while.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true as they said.

Therefore, members of the Uchiha clan did not hesitate any longer, and rose up one by one.



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