Konoha: After The Skills Hang Up, I Won By Lying Down!

Chapter 69: Battle Of Life And Death, Third Generation Vs Fugaku!

"Uchiha Shisui, you damned traitor! Watch how I deal with you!!"

With a loud shout, Third Generation rushed towards Shisui.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, your opponent is me!" At this moment, a voice came from the sky.

Immediately, a figure descended from the sky and quickly landed in front of Third Generation, blocking his way!

This person is the head of the Uchiha clan——Uchiha Fugaku!!

King against king, general against general.

In their action plan, Uchiha Fugaku was designated from the beginning to deal with Third Hokage.

As a result, Shisui killed Danzo lying on the hospital bed too easily, and came here early to join Fugaku.

At that time, in order to kill Kondo, he even appeared in the sight of these people one step earlier than Fugaku.

"Uchiha Fugaku!! I didn't expect you to come too!!" Third Generation's face darkened instantly!

The sense of crisis in my heart increased countless times in an instant.

One Shisui is enough to give you a headache.

Now comes another Fugaku.

Damn, I really don't intend to give them a way out.

"How could I not come at this time!" Fugaku looked at Third Generation indifferently.

Heart Chūnin couldn't help expressing a burst of emotion 647 .

once Upon a time.

He was almost out of breath by the high-level Konoha headed by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

For the survival of the family, he had to bow his head to them again and again, admit his mistakes, surrender and endure.

The result is that it is pressing harder and harder.

Now, when he looks at Third Generation again, he feels that Third Generation is like a dog, an old dog that is dying!

"Now, the three main forces of your Uchiha are coming out! Don't you be afraid that the ninja brigade surrounding your Uchiha's house will directly rush into your Uchiha's house and kill your Uchiha?" Third Generation snorted coldly road.

At this time, he can only threaten Fugaku through this.

"As long as you don't pass the order on! That ninja army is a toothless tiger. It looks scary, but it's not scary at all!" Fugaku sneered.

When Third Generation heard Fugaku's words, his expression darkened instantly.

Damn Moonlight Ryoma.

If it wasn't for him helping Uchiha.

Uchiha couldn't jump out of the siege of his army.

Not to mention it would cause him the predicament he is in now.

It's really a one-stroke loss, and the whole game is lost!

However, up to now, he has nothing to say, and decides everything directly by strength!


Third Generation roared.

Wave your Vajra Omnistick and stab Fugaku straight!

The moment the Vajra Wishful Stick was poked out, it also extended rapidly.

The golden stick head pierced through layers of air barriers, and arrived in front of Fugaku in the blink of an eye.

Although Fugaku has never fought against the Third Generation before, he also knows his fighting characteristics, coupled with his Mangekyō level of insight, "he will never be hit by the main generation's Vajra Omnistick.

When the vajra wishful stick was stabbed.

He used the Blink Technique and dodged to the other side!

"Fire Style·Fire Extinction!!"

Fugaku instantly spewed out a sea of ​​flames.

Although its power cannot be compared with Madara's, it is still quite impressive.

Within dozens of meters around, the void quickly became distorted under the burning of high temperature.

"Water Style·Water Dragon Bomb Technique!"

"Earth Style·Earth Dragon Bullet!"


Fighting ninjutsu, Third Generation has never been afraid of anyone.

Third Generation released several ninjutsu in a short period of time.

Haohuomi, who destroyed Fugaku, didn't say anything, and began to chase after the victory.

A wave of ninjutsu sprayed down.

Fugaku was a little overwhelmed.

Also no longer playing ninjutsu with Third Generation.

Just played with the eyes!

"Magic·Yang Hang Technique!!"

This illusion can be unleashed with a Sharingan.

No printing required.

The power is quite impressive.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was instantly caught in the illusion carefully crafted by Fugaku.

"Sarutobi, wake up!!" (cjbe) At the moment when Third Generation fell into the illusion, the Vajra Rod in his hand was directly drawn to his face.

wake him up!

"Ape Demon, thank you so much!! The illusion of the Uchiha clan really shouldn't be underestimated." When Third Generation looked at Fugaku again, his eyes gradually became serious!

"As expected of the Third Generation, they woke up so quickly!"

Fugaku was also secretly shocked to see Third Generation wake up so quickly.

Although with the help of the ape demon, given the circumstances of the Third Generation at the time, even without the ape demon, he should be able to break the illusion very quickly.

It is completely different from Orochimaru in the original work, who is completely immersed in Itachi's magical shackle Technique, unable to struggle.

"Uchiha's Sharingan is too troublesome, you have to limit Fugaku's Sharingan!"

Thinking about it, Third Generation raised the Vajra Wishful Stick and rushed towards Fugaku.

On the way of charging, he didn't use the Vajra Ruyi stick to attack Fugaku, but wrapped it around his waist and quickly formed mudras with both hands.

"Dark Walk Technique!!"

Dark row Technique belongs to the range of illusion.

Therefore, it must be used close to it to be effective.

With Third Generation, ninjutsu is fully released.

A radius of tens of meters seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

Especially Fugaku, at that moment, felt like his vision was taken away.

Completely plunged into darkness.

Can't see anything.

"Not good! It's a restraint Technique developed by Second Hokage for Sharingan, Dark Line Technique!"

Fugaku's heart skipped a beat.

Without even thinking about it, I directly mobilized all the Chakra into the eyes!


How to crack Third Generation's Dark Line Technique.

Fugaku thinks that Susano can do it easily!

As long as he hides in Susanoo, no matter what Third Generation wants to do next, he can ensure his own safety.


The moment Fugaku turned on Susanoo.

A big golden stick swept across and slammed onto Fugaku's Susan.

Shot Fugaku and the half-length Susan into the air for more than ten meters.

"Damn it!! Uchiha Fugaku has also awakened Mangekyō Sharingan!!" Third Generation looked at the half-length Susanoo and didn't understand what was going on.

"This bastard is hiding very deep! If I knew this, I should have listened to Danzo and killed Uchiha as soon as possible!"

At this moment, Third Generation felt regret in his heart.

However, his actions did not stop there.

I saw him throwing out the Vajra Ruyi stick, and quickly formed a seal with both hands.

"Diamond Prison Wall!"

In an instant, the vajra wishful stick quickly split into dozens of identical wishful sticks, and a large prison was quickly built near Fugaku.

Trapped Fugaku thoroughly from front to back, left to right, up and down and all around.


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