Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 207 For angels on the genetic side, the blood side will always be particularly attractive.

After seeing the power of the void, Carl, the god of death, thought about why the void could be so powerful, but the main biological civilization was so weak; how can we become the void and reach that powerful point?

How do we do this? !

What he is thinking about is not himself, but how to make the entire main biological civilization become a void-like existence.

Morgana also saw the power of the void, but what did she choose? She chose to escape

What does this amount to?

In the entire universe, except for Karl himself, almost all civilizations have chosen to stay away from him and choose to oppose him.

He is like a great wise man, and other creatures are like children. Because they do not understand his behavior, they label him as evil! There are even countless people who regard themselves as warriors and heroes, trying to stop or even destroy Karl's dream and this great thing.

How ridiculous this is

But even though he was misunderstood and resisted by so many civilizations, he still chose this path and walked on firmly;

Conspiracy, Taotie, Void Engine.

He wants to use his own methods to consume the opponent's strength and let his own era of void come; to transform this wrong world

No impatience, no giving up

Perhaps in his eyes, the main biological civilization is like primitive people; and he is a modern person

Isn't it ridiculous for ancient people to talk about justice with modern people using their own justice? Isn't it completely ignorant?

He felt the same way.

Why is Ge Xiaolun the protagonist and why is the power of the galaxy so important?

Because if you want to refute the Age of Void, you must define a new order;

Only the new order defined by the power of the galaxy is qualified to deny his void era!

There is no possibility for other people and civilizations, including Kesha’s angel civilization!

Because the angel's justice essentially has no qualifications to deny his ideas. Compared with justice and evil, his ideas are undoubtedly more advanced.

The future Anished may have some qualifications

As the new Angel King, she is qualified to work with the power of the galaxy to redefine an order that is equal to the rules of the void.

But the same thing applies. Neither the order of justice nor the morality of Kamigawa are qualified to challenge the void era, just like primitive people who are so backward are not qualified to dictate to modern civilization.

Is there anything wrong with the philosophy of Carl and the Void? Indeed, there is, but it is not the turn of a group of main biological ants to judge justice.

In Naruto's eyes, the Death God Carl looks very much like one of his subordinates - Uchiha Itachi

They all choose to bear all the blame alone, endure misunderstandings and abuses from others, and use their own ways to achieve their goals.

But it was only partially the same. Carl endured far more than Uchiha Itachi.

That is a universe that hosts all civilizations of living beings!

Just when Naruto was sighing that the god of death, Carl, was far more intelligent than the main biological civilization and wanted to embark on the path of pursuing ideals alone to transform the world, Morgana pulled him into reality.

"Okay, Kesha, you bitch, you are actually refuting my academic knowledge while studying void matter, and you are also going after me. I am really, really angry!"

Morgana pointed at Holy Kesha with her trembling index finger, her face almost deformed with anger.

This is so irritating. I brought up the shadow of the void and the threat of ultimate fear; while you were saying that I was wrong, you put me in solitary confinement, you forced me to rebel, and you hunted me for thousands of years, you were studying the matter of the void at the same time? !

Eat shit and pull thunder!

"I just admitted the existence of void matter, and I believed that these materials were trace amounts of dark elements that originally existed in the universe; it's just that the conditions for their creation were extremely harsh and required star explosions.

I still believe that everything follows the physical laws of the universe, and the conditions for nurturing the ultimate civilization are very limited. Angelic civilization is just a special existence. "

Kesha glanced at the incompetent and furious Morgana, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, just like seeing your surprised and angry look.

"I really am."

"You are awesome!"

Morgana is really powerless to complain. This Kesha is really indifferent. She only recognizes void matter, not void civilization, nor ultimate fear. Do you have to have people run in front of you to believe it?

"But your existence makes me believe in the so-called ultimate fear."

Kesha set her sights on Uzumaki Naruto. The attack just now directly shattered all the pride and arrogance of the angel civilization; there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world; how can the angel civilization be the only special existence in the universe?

The ultimate fear may also be real. Whenever after a certain period of time, it is detected how far the civilization has developed, it will appear and destroy the civilization that has developed too fast.

"Cooperation is possible, but I want to know what Jiuxuan plans to pay. After all, the technology of the sub-biological engine is very precious even in the angel civilization; what's more, your goal is not only the sub-biological engine, but also the countless years of the angel civilization. Accumulation of science and technology.

Knowledge is priceless. "

After saying that, she just looked at the other person quietly, hoping that he would be able to offer the chips that would make her heart beat.

"What's there to talk about? Let your intelligence invade Kesha's database and steal all the information. Let me see if she is still so pretentious."

Morgana said angrily.

"No, although Apocalypse has that ability, the empire does not have the technology and technology to fully utilize it; at that time, your devil wings were because of the close distance, but the angel civilization was too far away from here."

Naruto shook his head, indicating that Morgana's approach was not advisable.

Moreover, Morgana and Kesha have different personalities. Some things that can be done to Morgana do not apply to Kesha.

"For angels, although the gene side and the blood side are not the same; the world is both reasonable and unreasonable. You who bear this title also have the qualifications to truly become angels.

I believe this power is very precious to you. "

Naruto said, pulling out a tiny bit of angelic power from the huge ball of angelic energy in his body; and the moment he took out this power

Whether it was Kesha, Morgana, or even Ge Xiaolun, they couldn't help but stare at the shimmering filaments of crystal white light in Naruto's hand; their eyes were full of longing.

"It is precisely because of the lack that the desire becomes more intense."

Naruto looked at the reaction of the two people and murmured: In all the worlds, there are almost no angels created by science and recognized as angels by the world. The world of Super Seminary is a special existence.

So although Kesha and the others are recognized by the world as angels, compared to real angels, they lack the most important physical transformation.

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