Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 209 Everyone is greedy, not just the consciousness, but even the body

As long as my devil brothers live a comfortable life, that's fine

Besides, I’m not stupid, can the devil defeat Jiu Xuan? Kesha can’t do it, and I definitely can’t do it either.

Surrender is better than death.

"But does that guy Carl deserve to be taken so seriously by that guy? What else has wisdom that surpasses all of us? Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter to me."

Morgana shrugged, opened the communication and said to Atto:

"Atuo, I'm going to Jiu Xuan. Please guard your home so that it doesn't get stolen. Although Kesha's bitch has gone away, it's inevitable that she will come back and cause trouble for me. You should be careful.

Also, if those gluttons come back to ask for cooperation, just tell them to get lost. "

"Yes, Queen."

Atuo said respectfully.

At the same time, I also sighed in my heart. Although it was wrong to speculate on the Queen's thoughts; but going to Jiuxuan so frequently seemed to mean something. Behind my back, the brothers also secretly felt that their Queen might be gone.

But if the opponent is the king of Jiuxuan, no one will be dissatisfied.

Being able to kill Holy Kesha instantly, they have no right to be dissatisfied with this strength.

If the queen loves me, she is not my queen

Atuo could only wish silently in his heart.

"Okay, okay, originally I wanted you to find a chance to go to Frazier to cause trouble for those angels, but now it seems that it's no longer possible, and there's no need. Keisha, that bitch, has offended the wrong person.

She was not wrong, but she was too weak, and anything a weak person said was wrong. "

Atuo was confused, what is the queen talking about? Keisha is weak? If we were weak, could we be pushed to where we are now?

"Then Queen, are we going to do our plan to bomb the Grand Strait or not?"

"It's okay, don't act without my permission."

Morgana cursed and then hung up the communication.

I opened the wardrobe and picked out some clothes, saying that if I wanted to make the man's eyes fall off, using cigarette ash makeup would not be suitable.

the other side

Kesha and others were sailing in the universe, and they were very silent along the way. Kesha kept frowning, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Queen, did you talk about something with Morgana and the one from Jiuxuan?"

Finally, Angel Yan plucked up the courage and asked cautiously.

Kesha came back from her thoughts and looked at the cautious-looking Angel Yan and the rest of the angels. She knew that her actions had caused them some misunderstanding, and she shook her head gently.

"It's nothing, Yan; but did you encounter anything during the death process?"

"What happened?"

Yan was stunned when he heard this. What will happen after death?

At that time, she just felt a powerful force destroying her body. Without a fourth-generation body, she naturally died without any consciousness of thinking, let alone memory.

"No, forget it."

Keisha looked at Yan's reaction and roughly understood. It seemed that the other party had really disabled the sub-organism engine.

You must study it quickly after you go back. If you don’t want to surrender or be destroyed, then the only way is to fight.

Unexpectedly, 30,000 years ago, they resisted; 30,000 years later, they will resist again

This enemy is not comparable to the original enemy.

Thinking of Uzumaki Naruto's strength, even Keisha couldn't help but feel a flash of eagerness in her heart.

And Carl, the god of death

If it weren't for Uzumaki Naruto's emphasis on Death God Karl's words, she would never have placed him in too high a position. Although she sent Zhi Xin to suppress Death God Karl by herself, she certainly had the idea of ​​​​testing and asked Zhi Xin to activate the secondary biological engine.

But the most basic thing is that Kesha doesn't pay too much attention to the other party and still feels that the other party is under her control; but now it seems that she seems to underestimate the other party.

"But, Queen, why did the other party resurrect us after killing us? Does the other party have any purpose?"

Angel Lingxi was a little confused about Uzumaki Naruto's behavior. Why did he do such a thing? If they are going to become enemies in the future, would it be better to kill them?

"There must be some calculation in mind, and it's definitely not a good thing anyway."

Angel Leng crossed his arms and said coldly.

"Who knows."

Holy Kesha looked into the distance and said softly.

Even if the other party does not resurrect Yan and others, she will use technology to resurrect them; even Morgana has mastered the technology of resurrecting demons, how could angels not?

It's just that it is not used under normal circumstances because it violates the sacred order set by her.

But she set the order, and it doesn't matter if she breaks it once.

"Queen, how do you plan to respond next?"

Angel Yan looked at Holy Kesha and asked.

Kesha turned her gaze from the front and looked at her favorite left winger

"Yan, what kind of person do you think the other person is?"


Yan hesitated for a moment, then shook his head

"I don't know, my contact time with the other party was very short."

"How would you feel if you were his guardian angel?"

"But Queen, didn't you choose the power of the Galaxy for me?"

"The power of the Galaxy is not mature enough yet, and we don't have time to wait for it to mature now, but you don't have to rush to reply to me. This is just a question, don't think too much."

"But I didn't expect people from another world to have such great strength. As for the opponent, we didn't know how strong he was. He defeated me with just one blow. This was something I never expected.

And that angelic bloodline really makes people feel an indescribable throbbing in their souls; I was almost, just almost, ready to agree."

Kesha slowly closed her eyes, her voice trembling a little. Although there was only a trace of angel blood, the involuntary impulse and the strong desire emanating from her heart were almost unbearable by her will.

Everyone is greedy, even if your will does not have such emotions, your body will involuntarily


"Let's go back first. We'll think about everything in the long run."


Time is like running water, passing by quietly

A month passed in a blink of an eye. In these days, apart from training, Hinata and Konan, the person who had the most trouble with Naruto was not Orochimaru, but Morgana.

The other party brought Naruto a huge fortune

All-round surrender to demonic forces

A top force in the universe took refuge; and she also added herself

Said to be Morgana, named Liang Bing, a top scholar in the super-god world with super wisdom

Her joining and understanding of the concept of time and space have allowed the research on time and space genes, which had almost stagnated, to grow at a rapid speed. Moreover, it seemed that the main world had also determined her identity and brought her the same A layer of thick luck buff

The Super God World is different from Naruto. This is a rigorous scientific world with almost no bugs. But what Morgana has joined is a force from another world.

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