Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 213 A dragon is a dragon and will not turn into a bug over time


The previous transactions were entirely due to the particularity of the period. Do you understand the particularity? !

Jiu Xuan is now a thorn stuck in Hua Xia's neck. Only by pulling it out can he recover.

And, any questions? What’s wrong with our excuses!

Losing territory, defense, ensuring people's safety

What a great excuse!

Do you know how much development China can achieve if it succeeds? Do you know how powerful it will become?

Not even this world, but other worlds

That is the essence of greed!

"War Madman, I think your title, Admiral Dukao, is indeed very suitable. China will never say such words for no reason. It will only let us train and become stronger silently."

If Jiu Xuan doesn't move, we won't move and will maintain our friendship with Jiu Xuan.

But you showed everything to us

Yes, we admit that this is very reasonable. In fact, this is not what we are refuting.

Almost all of us feel that this is just an excuse. You just want to stir up a war between China and Jiuxuan and plan something from it; this feeling is ridiculous and incredible.

But didn't you notice? Almost everyone, including me and Xiao Lun, can feel this

One person is wrong, two people are wrong

But if everyone feels this way, then it is not necessarily our abnormality, but your abnormality; more importantly, Admiral Dukao, you have not refuted this meaning. "

"Ancestor Zhao Yun, there are some things that you don't want to do and you can't do it. In addition to being loyal, the Zhao family also has courage!"

At this moment, Xin Zhao no longer looks like a gangster. Now he is sharp, perseverant, loyal and courageous. It is like Zhao Yun is reincarnated, exuding the momentum of a warrior.

After patting Ge Xiaolun on the shoulder, the two of them left without saying anything more.

Dukao's face turned red again, anger rising in his chest.

Liu Chuang glanced at him silently and sighed, not knowing what to do.

Xin Zhao was right, really, everyone felt it.

After that, he also walked out

In place, only Jiawen and Dukao were left.

"Marshal, it seems our plan has failed."

Jiawen's expression did not change.

"We were indeed too eager, and they all saw the signs; but the plan did not fail. As long as the Xiongbing Company is still around, we will not completely fail.

Dexing and Nuoxing will be re-established in our hands. "

"I, Dukao, will re-establish the glory and glory of Deno."

Dukao took off his military cap and said firmly.

Yes, just like Qilin felt that Dukao and Jiawen were very close recently, in fact, the relationship between them was not extraordinary in the first place.

One is the highest military executive of Nuoxing and the marshal of Nuoxing; the other is a descendant of the royal family of German Star and a descendant of the Light Shield family of the German Star royal family;

If you say there is no relationship between them, would anyone believe it?

This is exactly the case

Their dream is to rebuild the glory of Deno; perhaps they were once against each other, but now they must cooperate with each other for the sake of their homeland; as possessors of the power of the earth, the future God of the Earth

Jarvan is an important figure in their creation of a new planet and the restoration of Deno.

A prince with a blood feud will never forget his identity, let alone truly replace himself as the son of a poor farmer, let alone forget his identity!

A dragon is a dragon. He will not shrink into a bug because of his change of identity. Even if his body becomes smaller, it is just hiding his strength and biding his time;

only one possibility

He is hiding himself, deliberately hiding himself.

Wait for the right time to complete your plan.

"I hope so, but can the four main gods really destroy Jiu Xuan?"

Jarvan and Dukao have had many exchanges on this point. Although three of them are the top products of the Kamigawa civilization, and the other one is also a special existence, only four main gods can attempt to destroy that powerful and difficult-to-reach god. Is the description of Jiu Xuan in words a bit too imaginative?

"If it were just an ordinary main god, of course I wouldn't be able to give such a guarantee, but you have to understand that they are the three major god-making projects of Principal Kieran.

The sword that cuts through fear - the power of the galaxy

The ax that cuts through thorns and thorns - Noxing God of War

The light that lights up the darkness - the light of the sun

The enemy their genes deal with is the most terrifying and powerful enemy in the universe - the ultimate fear.

The Pangu civilization back then was so powerful. There were strong men with the strength of the Lord God or even above the Lord God everywhere. Compared with the current Jiuxuan, it was definitely not weaker or even stronger, but what was the result? Still destroyed by ultimate fear

If the ultimate strongman created by these three genes can defeat the ultimate fear, then defeating the Nine Whirlpool Empire will naturally not be a problem!

Then we won't have to stay in this country, this land

And qualified to rebuild the glory of our Deno!

So before the goal is achieved, you need to restrain your hatred towards Leina and even Lieyang Civilization, so as not to be noticed by her. Also, our recent contact has indeed been too frequent, and Qilin has noticed it, but fortunately, they We are not thinking about the higher things, so for now we just need to spend this period of time peacefully. "

Jiawen opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

I'm sorry, brothers of the Xiongbing Company, forgive me, I once really regarded you as brothers!

Angel Nebula, a hanging garden

"Oh, it was a miscalculation. No way, you, Kesha, were defeated against a little man."

Hexi crossed his legs and looked at Kesha's eyes full of fun.

After the Battle of the Raging Sea, Kesha must have never suffered such a big loss, and she was actually killed.

"I didn't come here to ask you to laugh at me. Don't talk about me. Your results won't change at all."

Kesha said to He Xi angrily.

After returning to Angel Nebula, Kesha sent a communication message to He Xi, hoping to discuss a better method with the other party. The power of Jiu Xuan was somewhat beyond her expectation.

"My strength is not comparable to yours. I am just a sub-biological engine. He wants you to give it to him. If you don't want the so-called angel bloodline, just change it. I didn't say you can only choose that one."

Didn't the other party bring it out because they think the angel blood is the most attractive to us? You can choose other items. "

He Xi shook his head, his tone was frivolous, as if he didn't take Jiu Xuan into his heart at all.

Angels are not afraid of death, neither she nor Kesha. Angels naturally have no fear of the so-called war. They just don't like meaningless death.

"Besides, just surrender, it's not a big deal."

Hexi shrugged

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