Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 237 I look forward to the day when you can become my true king

And not just financially, but also with delicious food.

This is also one of the motivations for their hard work.

Speaking of which, for civilians like them, the Central Empire taxes them too much. Apart from the balance they turn in, they can barely survive.

It’s impossible to think about how food tastes or how healthy it is

Even eating soil is not a big deal in this country. People who are extremely poor and want to continue living will not let go of soil, bark, grass roots, anything that can be eaten.

But the food that is precious in their eyes has no value at all in Jiuxuan's eyes. Now Jiuxuan has no shortage of food at all.

Not to mention that they have the resources of two worlds and endless planets, with their technology alone, it is not difficult to develop fast-growing plant seeds; what's more, Naruto has opened up the magic in the Imperial Academy. a subject

Over the past thirty years, countless students have been trained to study magic, including many who study plant magic. Any low-level growth technique can greatly speed up the growth of crops. How could they possibly do this? Lack of food?

This is based on ensuring the taste of the food. If you don't care about or consider the taste of the food, the growth rate will be at a new level.

In order to prevent inflation in this world, Naruto naturally cannot always produce gold coins by himself.

Most of the time, he would send Jiuxuan merchants to conduct transactions in various parts of the country. The targets of the transactions were naturally the nobles, and the wealth they possessed was always unknown.

In addition to gaining wealth, the most important purpose is to impress the minister in the palace.

On the one hand, it can further stimulate the other party's greed; on the other hand, it can also increase the other party's fear and curiosity.

In a short period of time, without Esdeath returning, he would not choose to take action against Naruto.

Among the Nine Whirlpools, because Naruto promulgated policies that benefited the people time and time again, giving generous rewards and giving away delicious food, he gained a great reputation in this county.

For the first time, they felt closeness and pride to the name Jiuxuan

For the first time, they had new hope for their future life

For the first time, they felt admiration for this mysterious prefect.


They know that life can be so beautiful.

They just hope that this governor can stay here forever and serve as their governor forever.

"I just discovered that you always seem to have an inexplicable sense of urgency about construction. When you first went to our world, you also traded a piece of land with China, and then you kept building, right?"

He Xi leaned against the wall, looked at the scene in the distance, and said calmly.

"Is it a rush? Maybe, but I think it's worth it."

Naruto's faint reply may be due to the idea of ​​home that runs deep in his bones. When Naruto becomes the owner of this land, his first thought is always to build and improve his home.

Moreover, these people are too poor; if they are not given something to do, how can they harvest their own share of capital to survive?

As for giving it directly? That's a charity

He doesn't like those two words. Exchange of labor for wealth is what he advocates.

"If it was really urgent, they wouldn't be working here. What a kind king."

He Xi shrugged and said with a smile.

"It's just selfish."

When Naruto builds this place brilliantly and is excellent enough, it will naturally attract more people and their yearning for it, or compare it with various places under the rule of the Central Empire.

When they discovered that Jiuxuan was far superior to the Central Empire in every aspect, they would naturally become dissatisfied, especially those who were oppressed and bullied under the rule of the Central Empire.

When the time comes, Jiuxuan will uphold its righteousness and directly replace the Central Empire. It will be justified!

Thinking of this, Naruto couldn't help but smile.

"As long as they are satisfied, no matter what the purpose, you will be an excellent king."

"I like you more and more, King of Nine Spins."

He Xi turned around and left here slowly and leisurely.

"Come on, king, I look forward to the day when you can become my real king."

After the voice calmed down completely, Hexi's figure had disappeared from Naruto's eyes.

"Still such a bad character."

Naruto didn't take Hexi's words to heart, and he didn't have any psychological fluctuations about her leaving. His eyes were still silently watching Jiu Xuan, who was still in the process of establishing this world.

Looking from a high place, one can clearly see that countless buildings are being built. It is estimated that most of the labor force in this county is involved in the construction of Jiuxuan

Because the world's technology is relatively backward, their construction is as close to modern as possible. After completing their rule, they will spend a certain amount of time rebuilding

Whether it is roads, schools, parks, houses, hospitals, or shops; anything that can promote development is in the construction; if he does not have huge resources and enough money and manpower, Naruto may proceed step by step

But he lacked nothing, and it was precisely because he worked so hard that these people had something to do.

After the construction of these facilities is completed, there will be factories involving various fields waiting for them to join; in a sense, they will have more choices and opportunities.

Of course, for safety reasons, Naruto also built city walls that were tens of meters high; this world is different from other worlds, and most of the people's sense of security revolves around many aspects.

If a city does not have a huge city wall, then their sense of security may be greatly reduced.

And what Naruto did is not a secret in this wrong county. In other words, Naruto's original plan was to make it known to everyone. Otherwise, how could anyone know what you are doing? How to speed up their recognition of you? How to attract other people to join?

In fact, it is exactly the same

What Naruto did, what they understood, everything refreshed their world view again

Businesses, hospitals, and the like are okay; but parks, roads, and city walls really have no way of bringing benefits to the other party, and even those who need money will not be able to enter in a short time.

So the other party has been dumping money for quite a long time!

And who benefits?

They are ordinary people!

Although it is unbelievable, it is the fact and they are the beneficiaries!

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