Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 294 Four Rakshasa Ghosts

Therefore, they cannot be exposed at all in a short period of time.

We can only hope that the fight between the Central Empire and Jiu Xuan will give them time to develop.

So, it's not that the revolutionary army doesn't do anything, it's just that they can't do it at all; they don't have as much power as Jiuxuan, nor do they have much wealth.

What can be done in a short time?

But it's a pity for Brand. After going to Jiuxuan, he can basically think of his ending.

Or, if Jiuxuan is really as good as the rumors say, as Brand thinks, then he will keep his resources there.

Or, Jiuxuan is the second Central Empire, and Brand was disappointed with it and took action. Although his strength is good and he is one of the best in the revolutionary army, he is still far behind monsters like Esdeath, even more so. What's more, there is someone stronger than Esdeath, so he is destined to be captured

No matter which way it is, Brand has no chance to join the revolutionary army.

Jiu Xuan was indeed a formidable opponent, and many times he wanted to give up; but his ambition made him unwilling to be the commoner he once was.

At the same time, on a dark road

Different from the Central Empire, this is a brand new road, and its builder is Jiuxuan

On this road, there was a strong man wearing armor.

His appearance is not outstanding, but he has an indescribable hairstyle. The front part of his unusual airplane head forms a heart-shaped pattern, which makes him look indescribable.

At least, the civilians next to him looked at him with fear and pervert on their faces, and couldn't help but distance themselves from him.

Even those businessmen didn't dare to look at him.

It has nothing to do with anything else. They just think that they have experienced a lot of things and seen a lot of new things. It is difficult for them to understand this strange hairstyle. The airplane head is still acceptable, but the heart shape on it...?

However, Brand did not show any anger. On the contrary, he enjoyed the journey to Jiuxuan extremely, and he felt that he was getting closer to his dream.

Ever since Jiu Xuan first appeared in the Central Empire and exchanged land with the empire's high-level officials, he had been very interested in this abnormal force.

Later, whether it was the concept of Jiu Xuan's factory, the manufacturing of the No. 1 bracelet, or many policies that were very beneficial to the people were implemented one by one, he became more and more interested in Jiu Xuan, and even became obsessed with it.

Later, their actions of conquering the north, annihilating the alien races, and establishing a new empire made him want to pursue it.

He felt that Jiuxuan seemed to be what he had always wanted, the dream country

The monarch of the Jiuxuan Empire is the best king in this world!

If it hadn't been for the thought that the Revolutionary Army had helped him after he was in trouble and had been kind to him, he would have wanted to leave.

Although the revolutionary army can be considered a voluntary gathering for the happiness of the people, like-minded people who are not afraid of life and death and are ready to overthrow the Central Empire also have the same dream as him

But the darkness contained in it is not much less than that of the Central Empire

It can only be said that they have not yet reached the point of explosion. If they are allowed to become the masters of this land, it will not take long for them to become the next Central Empire.

This is not what Brand wants. What he wants to pursue is an emperor like the First Emperor a thousand years ago! Such a great monarch with extraordinary wisdom that will be deeply remembered by future generations.

Although the leader of the revolutionary army had some courage, it was still far from what he had in mind.

Unless he had no choice, he didn't want to recognize him as his monarch.

And the king named Uzumaki Naruto did things that he had thought of and things he had never thought of in the past, but without exception, they were all things that were beneficial to the people.

Although the Revolutionary Army told him that there might be a deeper darkness hidden in it, he did not believe it.

You haven't even met each other, so how can you say that the other person is dark? !

If it was really dark, why were those people unwilling to come out after going in? Even businessmen are willing to stay in Jiuxuan.

Businessmen pursue profits!

If Jiu Xuan couldn't bring them benefits, how could they go?

On this road, he was not the only one going to Jiuxuan, there were also many women, old people, young people and even children, who were basically moving with their families.

Among them, there were also people who went to understand and experience the life in Jiuxuan. They felt that the life there was very beautiful, so they came back and brought their families with them.

It can also be seen from this that Jiu Xuan does not restrict the entry and exit of residents.

As for why the Revolutionary Army’s spies couldn’t come out? Why are the Revolutionary Army unwilling to investigate these people who came out of Jiu Xuan? Brand didn't know and didn't bother to know.

He just wanted to go to Jiuxuan and see the country he had been looking for and pursuing.

Originally, he had not planned to go there so soon, but when he learned that the emperor of the Central Empire invited the king of the Jiuxuan Empire to communicate between emperors, he felt that the time had come when he was needed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the point where Jiu Xuan and the Central Empire broke out!

After this time, the two sides will definitely go to war.

And he has been practicing martial arts and marksmanship since he was born, and he even possesses a powerful imperial weapon. After so many years of hard work, he believes that there are no more than ten people in the world who are stronger than him.

Jiuxuan needs him! That king needs him! Civilians need him!

He must use all his strength, even if he pays his life, to make that king the new king of this continent!


Brand picked up the water bottle at his side and took a big gulp into his mouth.

What he went to this time was not the Nine Whirlpools in the Northern Territory, but the Nine Whirlpools in the Central Empire.

He didn't care where the king was now, but the one in the central empire was closest to him, so he had no choice.

Even if he has a strong body, it is impossible for him to directly cross the west to the north in a short time.


Suddenly, Brand felt vigilant in his heart, and stared at the black figure in front of him seriously. Then his face changed slightly, and he quickly shouted to the people around him to step back or even run away.

That guy was no stranger to him;

With his feet exposed, his upper body naked, and his tongue sticking out from time to time, he looked like a perverted guy.

There is such a person among the information collected by the Revolutionary Army on powerful people in the Central Empire.

One of the four Rakshasa ghosts, the minister's personal executioner, able to manipulate the body at will

Discover your opponent's strengths and become fascinated by them, and take pleasure in killing your fascinated opponents.

His codename seems to be Thorn!

I really have to thank Jiu Xuan and the Revolutionary Army.

Before Jiu Xuan appeared, the Revolutionary Army collected information on the empire's powerful men step by step; but after Jiu Xuan appeared and revealed its strong strength and ambition, the Revolutionary Army became a little anxious.

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