Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 506 The new role of monsters

This is not good news, because Jiuxuan has not researched the composition of demonic energy in a short period of time, and they have rarely reached a bottleneck period; it is not that their knowledge is not enough, nor that their instruments are not advanced enough.

It’s that they don’t have the relevant cultivation methods.

Whether it is magic, chakra, innate energy, or curse power; their research cannot be analyzed by relying on so-called instruments. It requires the use of relevant books, cultivation methods, calculations, experiments, and further calculations, etc. A series of processes.

But the demonic energy and spiritual energy in this world are different; originally they thought that this world had a power similar to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and it was this energy that mutated beasts into monsters, caused witches to appear among humans, and gave rise to the underworld and the birth of underworld. God.

But in fact this is not the case. There is no so-called spiritual energy in this world, and demonic energy and spiritual power have nothing to do with the so-called spiritual energy of heaven and earth. There is no orthodox cultivation method for either demonic power or spiritual power.

Therefore, no matter how they experiment, they can only simulate the demonic energy, but they cannot truly solve it; nor can they rely on the demonic energy to reversely deduce spiritual power. Therefore, in a short period of time, if there is a strong person from the demon clan who is good at hiding, he can As for Luo Yuancheng, it's hard to say whether he can discover it or not.

They need to create a barrier with purifying power like the original, and then modify it into a suitable form according to Jiu Xuan's needs. At least, they can allow monsters who are not hostile to Luo Yuan to enter and exit.

Although Naruto can send strong men to station here, just like leaving Luo Yuancheng in charge of Bai Mu, it is obviously not advisable.

Now, it is just one Luo Yuan. In the future, Jiuxuan will build the second, third, fourth and even the entire world in this world. Does it mean that each one needs to send strong men?

The number of strong men that need to be consumed is too much, so it is better to simply wipe out the monsters.

But it was obvious that Jiuxuan had no such idea.

Moreover, monsters and humans can get along with each other after they have equal status.

There is no shortage of monsters in Luoyuan now; after sweeping the area of ​​a hundred miles, in addition to the monsters who are ignorant and full of disdain, there are also many "reasonable" monsters who are willing to surrender.

Just like Suojin and the previous Yuehua Nine-Life Cat Demon, although there are not as many as humans, there are still nearly a thousand.

In addition to a small number of them being borrowed by Orochimaru and other scientists because of their abilities, there are also many distributed in various areas of Jiuxuan.

Those with strong strength can do transportation, plowing, and construction.

Those with strong eyesight can do surveillance and supervision.

Fast flight, door-to-door delivery

Compared to the humans in this world, these monsters can play more uses in more industries.

There are also some with many tentacles, which are responsible for transporting goods.

Although they are not considered human beings, they all have the identity of the people of Jiuxuan. However, considering that they are suppressed by force rather than sincerely, they still need to be beaten; they will not be liberated until the influence of the emperor's fate reaches a certain level.

Of course, these monsters who are willing to surrender are not very powerful. Although there are many large monsters among them, the bigger the monsters are, the stronger they are. On the contrary, these large monsters can easily attract local firepower.

The power of monsters lies more in those who possess strange powers. They are simply powerful and can only be regarded as ordinary monsters among monsters.

In the monster world, these monsters can only be the younger brothers of the strong monster clan, but in Jiuxuan, they have been reused in a new way.

Musashi Country is a country with a long history among other countries, although it is still only a hundred years old.

In Qingtian Village, under the stunned eyes of his hometown relatives, Akiyama Moonlight sat on the body of a huge black monster, waving goodbye to them.

"Everything has been collected. These are all good things. I'll talk about the details when I get back. Now I'm going to Maple Village to deliver their goods. See you later, folks."

After saying something loudly, the huge black monster walked in the direction pointed by Akiyama's moonlight.

In place, only one kind of person was left looking at each other.

"Is that a monster?"


"Is that moonlight?"


"Moonlight sitting on a monster?"


"Not a dream?"


"It hurts. Why did you hit me?"

"It hurts a little. It seems like I wasn't dreaming."


At the same time, Kikyo, who didn't know that a monster was coming, was sitting on her knees next to the shrine, her eyes slightly closed, and the warm sunshine came in from outside the door and poured on her body.

The breeze blows, and the thousand-year-old sacred tree blows its branches and leaves.

Slowly, the dark eyes opened, and Kikyo stood up and took down the arrow beside him with his right hand.

Powerful spiritual power surged out of her body, surrounding the arrow. She opened the bowstring and pulled hard.

"call out!"

Kikyo stared at his arrow, and soon, he shook his head slightly and walked out.

Although the demonic energy has been restrained, it is impossible to hide it from her perception; but what level of demon is it actually offsets her own demon-breaking arrow?

Could it be the Demon King?

No matter who it is, she is now the guardian of this village, and no monsters are allowed to enter.




There was a sound like an earthquake, and the villagers in Maple Village could feel the shaking coming closer and closer, and they walked out of their homes one after another; when they saw Kikyo, they knew something was going to happen.

"Miko-sama, is there a monster coming?"

A middle-aged woman asked in a panic.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you, Miko-sama."

The man beside him pulled the woman over and said calmly.

Kikyo didn't say much, she just waited quietly for the shock initiator to arrive, but the bow in her hand became tighter and tighter.

Finally, the shaking stopped, and in front of them, an extremely huge pitch-black monster with hundreds of tentacles appeared. It looked weird, with legs like rocks and a huge number of tentacles. .

This was supposed to be an extremely penetrating monster, a monster that could arouse fear and fear in humans.

But when the villagers of Maple Village, including Kikyo, saw it for the first time, they were not afraid, but shocked.

Yes, stunned.

He obviously has a strong appearance, but why do he have so many bags on his tentacles?

Moreover, you are obviously a monster, why are you wearing human clothes? And it seems that the clothes are specially customized to fit your body shape?

If it's a dog demon or a fox demon that's relatively small and looks like a human, that's fine. But for someone with your size... well, they don't know how to describe it.

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