Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 512 It is natural for the weak to rely on the strong

The jet black cloak, golden patterns and extremely calm eyes

And behind him is a young man in white.

At the same time, outside the Buddhist temple, hundreds of soldiers in military uniforms were guarding the place; including the previous few warriors, they all stood there with some worry on their faces.

"You must be the king of the Nine Whirlpool Empire. I am really lucky to be able to see you before I die."

Wu Nian smiled and said to Naruto.

"With such a broken body, although I don't know what kind of saint the Buddhist monk captured by the ocelot clan is, but for the sake of this country, you will definitely sacrifice less than him."

He could clearly see how damaged the body of the Buddhist monk in front of him was. It could be said that the lamp was exhausted. Without his arrival, he might not have lasted three days.

I didn’t expect that after the captured Buddhist monk, there were such people in this country.


To be honest, he didn't have a good impression of Buddha, but if it was the monk in front of him, Buddha might not be bad. It was just a pity that most of the feelings given to him in this Buddhist temple were full of various human emotions, positive and negative. ;

Only he gave himself a true Buddha mind.

Was the Buddhist monk who was arrested the same kind of guy?

This is really interesting.

Naruto noticed the tall Buddha statue above the Buddhist temple with his peripheral vision, and felt a little disdainful in his heart; Xiba country admired Buddhism, but when the country was ruined and the family was destroyed, no Buddha came.

It would be fine if it were a world without Tao, Buddha, gods and demons, but in this world, all these things really exist. Does the Buddha really love the world as it says?

It has nothing to do with him whether it is right or wrong. They don't need to interfere with the fate of Jiuxuan.

"Remove the barrier. You have no spiritual power and use your own life to extend the barrier. You are great, but also stupid."

Naruto said calmly.

After the words fell, Wu Nian had not said anything, but all the monks looked panicked and worried. Naturally, what they were worried about was not Wu Nian's life, but once the barrier was broken, the monsters that were watching eagerly outside would break in. Come in, and then the last city of Xibo Kingdom will become a hell on earth, and Xibo Kingdom will also be officially declared destroyed.

they are a little scared

It is precisely because of Wu Nian and the captured monk Wu Wu that Xibo Kingdom can gain peace. And because of the Jade of Four Souls, Xibo Kingdom was besieged by monsters. The two monks worked together to maintain peace in the last city. .

Wuwang has been taken away, and Wu Nian is the only one left in the barrier.

If even Wu Nian dies, what will happen to the barrier? Their lives and lives will be out of control.

"I wonder what identity the King of Nine Whirlpools came to Xibo Kingdom today?"

Wu Nian did not respond directly but asked a question.

"What do you think?"

Naruto also did not answer, but asked him in return.

After a moment of silence, Wu Nian said with some relief and joy, and cut off the connection between himself and the barrier.



A sound like shattering glass sounded over the city, and cracks like spider webs continued to expand, as if the barrier that had maintained the city for several years would disappear in the next second.

People in the entire city stopped what they were doing and focused their eyes on the sky.

They naturally know what the broken barrier means.

It means that their comfortable and peaceful life will be broken; it means that they will return to precarious life, living day by day, and it means that they will lead to a life called hell.

Fear and panic were born in their hearts. As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After they have enjoyed a peaceful life for so long, how can they still have the courage to return to the chaotic and cruel life of escape? .

But do they have a choice?

Panic and despair surrounded the entire city, and even some people who were not strong in their hearts cried and wailed; gradually, more and more people joined in, and except for a few who showed unwillingness, most of them tried to Rely on such behavior to vent the sadness and pain in your heart.

And such a scene was naturally seen by Wu Nian.

If the King of Nine Whirlpools hadn't arrived today, he might have shown a look of intolerance and pity; but when the King of Nine Whirlpools arrived, their weak mood actually made his face turn red.

"It's funny, Lord Pluto."

Wu Nian smiled bitterly and said that although he could imagine that these people relied heavily on him, he did not expect that it would be so deep that it was almost to the point where they could not live without him.

"There is nothing to laugh at. It is natural for the weak to rely on the strong."

"It's just that you protected them so well that you gradually made them forget what kind of world this was, and even their hearts became so fragile."

"But in this era, it can only be like this."

Naruto said calmly

Not just this city, why isn't Luoyuan like this?

If Jiuxuan no longer protects Luo Yuan and lets Luo Yuan become what he was before, can the people who have enjoyed a peaceful and happy life really bear it? Are you really not going to do anything out of inner despair?

This is the result of the times, and if you want to change all this, you must end this era.

There is too little of this generation worth cultivating, and the next generation and even the generations after that are the foundation.

"However, it does get a little noisy."

As he spoke, Naruto's right hand pressed down slightly.





Except for Bai Mu, Wu Nian and Wu Nian's senior brothers, and hundreds of soldiers outside the Buddhist temple, the people of the entire city and the warriors all rolled their eyes and fainted.

The pervasive sounds of despair, fear, crying, and pain finally disappeared.

Now, it's quiet.

And the barrier finally couldn't stop all the monsters, and more or less broke in.

There was no hesitation, and no one cared about those humans. Their eyes were only focused on the Buddhist temple.

Although the Four Souls Jade has disappeared, these humans definitely know where the Four Souls Jade is; even if they don't know, their meat is more delicious than those of ordinary people.

If there are people with spiritual qualifications mixed in, it will be a great supplement!

Just thinking about it makes me drool.

Ordinary humans can eat whatever is delicious and eat it if they have spiritual power.

The monsters were always very fast, and the city was not large. In just a moment, their figures appeared in front of the Buddhist temple. What surprised them was that there was a group of soldiers standing outside the Buddhist temple.

I thought they had all run away, but I didn’t expect there were still

Well, before the official meal, I'll give you an appetizer.

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