Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 531 Okay...so good...

Chapter 531 Okay, great.

The ring also returned to Shan Zhang Yao's neck, turning into the previous collar.

"I'm really sorry to keep you waiting here. Coming from that great country, we all believe you are a good monster."

The village chief of Maple Village said kindly to Shan Zhang Yao.

Since the first delivery, they got to know this monster tamed by Jiu Xuan; and as the moonlight went to Jiu Xuan more and more times, the amount of goods they needed to buy each time also became larger and larger. Thanks to Shan Zhang Yao's tentacles are many and long, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to carry so many things.

After going back and forth more times, they became more and more familiar with this monster. Until the last time, the king sent someone to ask Yueguang to go to the palace, saying that they had important matters to discuss, and this monster because the contract he signed contained It comes and goes, so I am still waiting for the moonlight in Qiu Mountain.

Because of his identity as a monster, even though he trusts that country, but just in case, he is still allowed to wait for his return in Maple Village, because the miko Kikyo is here

"It's okay, and it's actually better here. There are so many monsters coming now, and I can still gain some more points."

Shan Zhangyao scratched his head and said naively.

"Just give me a good review when the time comes."


The old man said with a smile, and Shan Zhang Yao laughed too when he saw him smiling.

He is a combination of a mountain ghost and an octopus demon. Nature is wonderful, creating new monsters every moment, and there are countless varieties of him; but because his father and mother are both ordinary monsters, he Although it looks big, it's not that strong, it's just a little stronger than an ordinary little demon.

In the past, I usually lived independently, then joined a monster group when I felt lonely, and continued wandering when it felt noisy. Anyway, I ended up living near Luoyuan City for no reason.

At that time, Luo Yuan was just an ordinary Luo Yuan, not favored by Jiu Xuan, and his life had always been peaceful, living leisurely every day.

I have killed monsters and humans. After all, in this era, it is not easy for monsters and not just humans to stay alive, especially when they are alone.

He originally thought that this kind of life would continue like this, but the arrival of Jiu Xuan completely changed his life. He could never forget that man holding a sickle pointed at him with the red and purple sickle and asked him who he was. A scene of surrender or death.

It was still a rainy day, and when I asked him, there were already many monsters behind the man. He originally felt it was a bit shameful to surrender to humans, but seeing that there were so many monsters surrendering, it probably wouldn't matter if he had one more, so he just Surrendered.

Then, after being swiped by a man who looked a bit like a snake with a special thing, he felt that he was of little use to the experiment, so he was sent out and then was assigned to a mercenary group.

Life in that place, how should I put it, usually when you have nothing to do, the most common things are bragging and spanking, drinking and playing, and fighting.

Even though he was a monster, no one in the mercenary group looked at him like a normal human being. They even made him a particularly large wine glass that fit him, and they drank and bragged together.

He talked about what the monsters saw and heard, and they talked about the human race. However, because he didn’t know much about humans, he didn’t understand many things very well, but the atmosphere really made him intoxicated.

Slowly he accepted his new identity as a citizen of the Nine-Xuan Demon Clan.

Although due to some killings, he needs to use points to exchange for citizenship, he has already exchanged it, so it should be okay to use the title of citizen in advance.

He was hired by Nadutong Company and was given a basic salary and a commission for delivering express delivery. He could get four to five thousand Jiuxuan coins each time, which was neither too little nor too much. Anyway, with his appetite, each One or two thousand moonlight is spent on food.

He still needs to save money to buy a house in Luoyuan City. Although the price is not too expensive, a few hundred Jiuxuan coins can buy one square meter, but because his body is too big, the required area is not limited to other things. The height is more than 100 meters.

In the past, he was alone and everything was okay, but now in a company that has access to everything, he met his true love, an octopus demon who was not as powerful as him and didn't have as many tentacles as him, but it was love at first sight.

The two monsters fell in love at first sight, and even worshiped in the eyes of the brothers in the mercenary group and got married as a human being.

Anyway, he is a husband now.

Therefore, what he needs to consider is no longer himself, he has to consider the entire family; naturally, the area of ​​​​the house is larger, and the cost of food and clothing must be considered not only for himself, but also for his wife.

And although the brothers in the mercenary group didn't say anything, they were captured into Jiu Xuan after all, and there was still another layer of identity that had not yet been resolved. It would take 150 points to truly become a member of Jiu Xuan.

Naturally, he himself is enough, but his wife is still far behind, and he feels that as a husband, he should also take on this responsibility, so he wants to earn 300 points, and now he is just a little short.

Once the points were in, his first dream was completed, and then it was time to really think about the house.

The price of the house will definitely increase in the future, this is what the brothers in the mercenary group told him. I don’t know why some brothers still have tears on their faces; anyway, he doesn’t care very much.

As long as they accumulate like this little by little, they will definitely be able to own their own house in the future.

Anyway, they are demons and have a long lifespan. They can make money and buy a house in a hundred years.

You can enjoy it then.

"Now or in the past, which one do you think is more suitable for you? Shan Zhang?"

Shan Zhang is Shan Zhang Yao, and everyone in the mercenary group calls him that; but some people call him Xiao Bai, saying that he looks so dark, it would be a pity not to call him Xiao Bai.

"Now, I am very happy now."

Shan Zhang sat on the ground and said gently.

Maybe other monsters like to live freely and freely, but they like life in Jiuxuan very much.

With a goal to pursue, friends to chat with, and a family life of his own, he felt that he was already the happiest monster in the world.

"Okay. That's great. The world will be better in the future."

The old man held a cup of green tea in his hand, and his aged eyes held a hazy vision of the future and a sense of joy for the present.

If it were in the past, even if it was less than a year ago, if Yamazaki had come to Maple Village, then without saying a word, Kikyo Miko's demon-breaking arrow would have hit his head.

No mercy at all.

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