Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 545 Research on Spiritual Power

So, leave everything to time.

Minato looked at Kushina who was smiling and talking to the girl and smiled.

At the same time, in Luoyuan City, several witches walked into the Imperial Research Institute with ease. This was an extremely splendid building built not far from the palace. The material used for the entrance was even harder and rarer than that of the palace.

Moreover, countless items including monster corpses, medicinal materials, weapons and other items are transported in and out every day; this is the most important place in the empire.

The Jiu Xuan Empire Scientific Research Institute was founded by Orochimaru. There are countless researchers with scientific research talent and strength. They have entered it through layers of screening from various worlds, and they are also the most precious group of people in the entire Jiu Xuan.

It is precisely because of their existence that Jiuxuan's technology, weapons, power systems, and genetic medicines can achieve rapid progress and development.

Although not everyone is like Orochimaru, who is protected by a world's scientific research luck and enhances his scientific research talent; nor is everyone like Carl and Hexi, who have the best skills in countless galaxies and the vast universe. Talents and insights; but they also play an extremely important role in the development of Jiu Xuan.

Research that plays an important role in the Nine Spins, such as weapon amplification, improvement of medicines, and consciousness recovery, are all the results of their scientific research.

"I was quite scared when I first came here. I heard that I was going to be studied. I thought they were going to do something to us."

A girl named Fujiko among the miko said with a smile.

"Yes, yes. At that time, I saw a scientist who I thought was cutting up the corpse of a monster with a knife. He smiled at me when he saw me. My face turned green at the time."

Several other witches also spoke out one after another.

"Also, also, when I saw Lord Orochimaru, I really had a feeling of death; it was like being stared at by a snake; my blood ran cold."

"Stop talking. Although Lord Orochimaru doesn't mind what we say, we need to know what can and cannot be said."

Tsubaki glanced at the miko who was talking about Lord Orochimaru and said.

It's not a scolding. After spending so many days together, Chun still has some status among these miko. After all, her talent and strength are the strongest among these miko; so as long as she speaks, everyone will listen.

Several mikos covered their mouths after Chun opened her mouth.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

As if deliberately waiting for them to finish talking, Orochimaru stood beside them at some point, leaning against the wall and speaking softly.

"Lord Orochimaru? When will you show up?"

"Probably when you guys are talking about me."

Orochimaru said calmly.

"Feel sorry."

"It's okay, I don't care about this, and neither does Jiu Xuan; what's more, you have played a big role in my research, and I will not blame you for such a small thing."

"Besides, you are a snake yourself."

A magnetic voice came from the laboratory, and Death God Carl, wearing a black research suit, smiled at Orochimaru and said.

Smiling, Orochimaru said nothing more.

"Lord Orochimaru, when I was purifying the Western Kingdom, I saw several generals from the military department using their own power to purify 70% of the demonic pollution in the Western Kingdom in an instant. Lord Najehitan said that they simulated spiritual power; you have already studied Have you developed spiritual power?"

Tsubaki asked Orochimaru doubtfully.

After hearing Orochimaru's words, she knew that he didn't care about these details, so she boldly asked the questions she wanted to ask.

"They only simulated part of the properties of spiritual power. It is their own ability that has the ability to purify demonic power, but it is still a little short of real spiritual power; however, it is getting closer."

Orochimaru explained.

"Spiritual power is a very special power, and old-fashioned research cannot truly study its essence; this requires special inspiration and methods."

"If you have been spending time pursuing the essence of spiritual power and want to create it out of nothing, it will not be an easy task even for Jiu Xuan, and there is no possibility of completing it in a short time.

"But if you only analyze the part of purifying the demonic power, it will be relatively easy."

After hearing Orochimaru's words, Chun nodded thoughtfully, and then looked at Orochimaru with great admiration in his eyes; she had never seen anyone who could analyze spiritual power, even she in Musashi Country He Qingjie's master only believed that spiritual power was a power given by God, and no one understood or imagined how spiritual power was composed.

Orochimaru-sama is so awesome.

"Is the research on spiritual power almost completed?"

In front of Naruto, Orochimaru licked his lips and said:

"We have reached the final step. We will be able to crack it in three days at most."

"To be more specific, how much has been analyzed about the particularity of spiritual power?"

Naruto was not surprised at all that the scientific research institute had reached this point in analyzing spiritual power; after all, whether it was Orochimaru, Carl, Hexi, Liang Bing, etc., their talents in scientific research were among the best in the world.

With enough research materials, he would be very disappointed if they still couldn't analyze the spiritual power through the collision of their minds.

What he wants to know is why spiritual power is so special as one of the power systems in this world. It has no harm to humans, but it has almost the same power to restrain demons.

If this is the ability given to humans by God, giving humans the power to restrain monsters; then why are the number of humans with spiritual power so rare? In most cases, even a witch has to protect a land.

This is even said to be a unique qualification.

Although every world has its own system and rules, why are the monsters in this world so superior and advanced compared to humans?

Whether it's strength, longevity, or even wisdom; these monsters are more powerful than humans.

Even existences such as Sesshomaru and King Touga are several times taller than ordinary people in appearance.

No matter how you look at it, humans don't seem to be favored by this world.

But spiritual power only appears in humans.

What do the rules of this world want to do? Raising Gu? If it is to raise Gu, why not create a relatively fairer environment so that humans and monsters can fight in separate divisions instead of being crushed?

Even in the original work, it was Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and other monsters who awakened the so-called compassion and protected mankind; without these monsters, and there would be no internal fighting among the monsters, the world would never be dominated by humans. .

There must be something special about spiritual power.

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