Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 558 I would like to call you the strongest





Punch after punch struck the dragon bone spirit seamlessly. The huge force caused his whole body to be shattered and his flesh and blood were blurred. If the huge body had not been supported by the demon power, he would have been directly beaten into minced meat.

But even so, he couldn't help shouting.

This feeling of being beaten is really extremely painful.

But he also knew that he couldn't go on like this. If he continued like this, he would really die.

For him, being beaten to death by a human being was extremely humiliating, even more humiliating than being sealed by King Douya.


Struggling to control his broken body, Dragon Bone Spirit jumped up to face the Thousand-Armed Buddha's fist and was knocked away. The already overwhelmed internal organs were shattered even more completely, and it was unknown how many of the internal bones were still intact.

The dragon bone spirit fell heavily to the ground, and the extremely severe pain made even his willpower fall into tears. Although a strong man must have a strong willpower, he has the blood of the dragon clan and has been standing almost since birth. The pinnacle of the monster world does not require training. As time goes by, he will definitely become one of the strongest monsters in the world.

Therefore, compared to those monsters who kill, break through, and become big monsters from the weak, his awareness of pain is weaker; because no monster can threaten him, at most it can only seal.

He never thought that the person who threatened him was actually a human being!

Can such a guy be considered a human being?

Even the real Buddha is not so powerful!

Dragon Bone Spirit kept cursing in his heart, and his whole body rolled and twisted on the ground, trying to relieve his pain. Endless blood flowed out of his body, dyeing the earth red.

Thousands of years of accumulated demonic energy wrapped around his body, constantly repairing his wounds, but this still couldn't stop the pain caused by the injury just now, which would take some time.

Senju Hashirama looked at Dragon Bone Demon with a serious expression. Not only did he not continue to attack for some reason, he just shook the Senju Buddha's arm that was stained with Dragon Bone Demon's blood.

Then he looked at the blood red on the ground with some distress.

There is no doubt that the blood of demons will affect humans, especially for big demons like Dragon Bone Spirit who stand at the top. Even if their demonic energy is purified by a witch, it will take a lot of time.

The dragon bone spirit's body was so big that the series of beatings just now almost knocked out all the blood inside; the blood dyed an area hundreds of meters red, which would be a bit troublesome to deal with.

"You have a lot of blood."

Senju Hashirama looked at the Dragon Bone Demon with some complaints. The monsters who came to steal the Four Souls Jade before had consciously shrunk their bodies, and some even had no blood. This guy just came over in a big way, and left it for himself. So much trouble.

I'll have to work overtime again later.

Madara even invited me to dinner!


Dragon Bone Spirit struggled, and finally the pain in his body weakened a bit, and he stood up, but was almost sent away by this man's complaint.

My body is big?

Looking at the huge Buddha in front of him, Dragon Bone Spirit almost cursed!

Don't you know who is bigger among the special numbers?

I am at most as long as one of your arms!

He really didn't know where this guy had the nerve to say this.

Suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, Longgu Jing already had the idea of ​​​​retreating.

If humans were the kind of humans in the past, he would not be afraid of even the strongest miko, but was this guy in front of him really a human?

Such a huge Buddha, with thousands of arms, can break down its proud body and defense with just two arms! It's hard for your own attacks to have an effect on it! If these guys can even be considered human beings, how can they call themselves monsters?

You know, in their eyes, human beings are synonymous with weakness!

What happened during the time he was sealed? Why do such strong people appear among humans?

And what’s going on in this country?

Although he heard rumors about this country from the demon clan along the way, saying that this was some kind of kingdom of demons, and that the leader of the country was the legendary Pluto, with three heads and six arms, who fed on the demon clan, etc., he was disdainful of them.

It is not easy to emerge from Hades to the human world, let alone a country; and, as far as he knows, this is a human country.

It was precisely because it was a human country and the news of the Four Souls Jade had been confirmed many times that he dared to rush over before his injuries were fully recovered. He thought that even if he would meet some strong people, with his strength At most, he would suffer some more injuries. Compared with getting the Jade of Four Souls, this price is nothing.

But he never expected to meet such an inhuman guy!

And according to what the other party said at the beginning, the country's high-end combat power is not here to deal with the battlefield filled with the atmosphere of Hades, which means that the other party is just a gatekeeper.

He can be said to be the strongest in this country, but he is by no means the strongest.

So, are there any humans stronger than him?

Jiu Xuan? What kind of existence is this country? !

He already regretted coming here with different information!

However, after all, he is a dragon bone spirit, a great demon who stands proudly at the top of the world, how could he give up so easily!

"Among the humans I have met, I would like to call you the strongest!"

The dragon bone spirit power surged, and the injuries on his body were almost completely healed, and he said to Senju Hashirama.

Then, demonic energy crazily gathered in his mouth, and then he continuously sprayed it towards the Thousand-Armed Buddha. Each ball condensed by demonic energy had the power to penetrate the mountain; the smoke caused by countless explosions shrouded the battle situation .

After squinting his eyes, the smoke dissipated, and the Thousand-Armed Buddha's body was not damaged at all; the Buddha statue was obviously just a pile of wood, but it was harder than steel.

The opponent stands proudly outside the gate of Luo Yuancheng. No one can cross him and harm anyone in the city.

Maybe the other party used this ability for this reason.

After all, he said at that time that he would kill everyone.


A wanton smile appeared on Dragon Bone Spirit's face.

"If I didn't have any worries, I wouldn't have the chance to win now; what a pity."

Dragon Bone Spirit's gaze seemed to be looking through the Thousand-Hand Buddha to the extremely majestic human city behind him; the smile on his face became more and more evil; if everyone in this city was killed, his face would be What kind of expression does it show?

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie

Really looking forward to it.

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