I can only say that I have no intention of planting flowers and willows.


On the rooftop at the top of the palace, Naruto was lying on a chair, picking up his tea cup and taking a sip; a hint of enjoyment flashed across his face.

The space drawn in the past had reached its limit under the feeding of countless jade stones, but due to the spiritual energy of this world, it actually underwent a transformation. It was precisely because of this transformation that the plants and animals in it also evolved.

The most intuitive thing is their taste, which is on at least two levels.

The same goes for tea.

It is bitter, mellow, fragrant, sweet, and has a unique and unparalleled flavor; it makes Naruto very fond of it.

Listening to the sweet flute sound that keeps coming to your ears, savoring the flavor of tea, closing your eyes slightly and feeling the flow of the wind; this kind of life after exercise is not bad.

This flute sound must be that of the girl named Sara.

Naruto's index finger tapped the handle, his brain working skillfully.

It seems that, to some extent, Sara, like Naraku, attracts monsters and forms a form that merges with them.

And compared to Naraku, who as a ghost spider only has obsessions, Sara still has complete consciousness.

Are her qualifications better than those of Ghost Spider? Or is it because of the soothing sound of the flute?

Subconsciously, Naruto's brain wanted to find similarities and differences to analyze, but Naruto finally stopped it.

Although he has the ability to multi-task or even multi-task, let him enjoy it for now.

It wasn't always that he was in the mood to drink tea, listen to music, and lie down here.

At the same time, Sara, who was playing the flute, was not peaceful.

Soon, she will leave

The purpose of coming to Luoyuan this time is to see the power of Jiuxuan from a small perspective, to confirm whether it is as glorious and grand as the rumors; and to trade resources.

Now, all the goals have been accomplished, and there are still people and father in Asano Country waiting for her return; but what a pity, not only did she not come into contact with that great human king, but she didn't even meet her.

She admitted that she had an unconcealable admiration for Lord Human King in her heart, and believed that most women in the world had the same thoughts as her. She would not deny this.

But she had no desire to chase the king, nor did she have the luxury of being able to stand by that king's side.

Identity, status, ability

She was far from that king. She was just a princess from a small country, not to mention Jiu Xuan, even Nishiba Country, Musashi Country, and Asano Country. How could she expect to be by the king's side.

But I was really unwilling to do so. I didn’t even meet him once.

Although Kushina-sama said that King King's appearance was almost identical to that of Minato-sama, but his temperament was opposite; but because of this, she admired King's appearance even more.

After all, even the incredibly ugly and distorted picture of the human king made her admire her, not to mention such a handsome appearance.

King, there really is no flaw at all. He is so perfect that it is so perfect that it is daunting.

A wry smile appeared on Sara's face.

If Wang is really like the picture, maybe she can still have some thoughts; but...

Shake his head slightly

Although he couldn't do anything for the king, he could still do it with some meager efforts. It should be possible, Sara looked at the flute in her hand and murmured.

As soon as the song ended, Sara smiled and nodded to the audience, who also applauded enthusiastically.

This country is really beautiful.

Not only his strength and life, but also his music have developed to a level unbelievable to ordinary people.

She works in a restaurant. If she hadn't personally participated in it, she wouldn't have believed that music could appear in the restaurant. It's not that she thinks music is elegant. In this era, music is looked down upon by many people and they can't even survive. Now, who will listen to you playing the flute and playing music?

No one cares except the nobles.

She is very grateful to be able to play her flute in this restaurant and is grateful to all the audiences who applauded her.

Also, those seniors who explained the music scores to her.

Piano, erhu, Xiao, pipa, violin, cucurbit flute, bawu, tambourine, clapper, gong, guzheng. Many musical instruments that she has never seen or heard before can be seen here.

And each one has its own charm.

The seniors told her that in the real kingdom of Jiuxuan, music has developed to a very perfect level, and there is even a way to enter the Tao through music, allowing them to exert power through music that is not inferior to that of the great demon.

If the power of Jiu Xuan had not brought her to a state of near belief, it would be difficult for her to believe this fact.

This is really a country beyond ordinary people's imagination.

People live and work in peace and contentment, without aggression or panic, with music to listen to, work to work hard on, food to enjoy, and friends to talk to. Everything is so natural and harmonious.

No nobles, no common people

If you are talented, you can reach the sky in one step, enter the Imperial Academy and choose a practice method that suits you to become a strong person; if you are not talented, you can work hard to earn Nine Swirl Coins to exchange for basic medicines to strengthen your body, and then choose to join the army or become a mercenary, step by step Accumulate points and then exchange them for things that change your qualifications and talents, thus changing your destiny.

Even if there is nothing, the most ordinary job can still make people live to the end without any worries.

What a dreamy country this is!

And how great is the king who created this great country.

Sara looked in the direction of the palace and smiled foolishly.

So lucky to be born in this era with you

It’s so bitter, I was born in this era with you

I'm so lucky to be born in this era when I shouldn't be here.

If there is a god in the world, Sara sincerely pays respect to you. Although you have not given me the qualification to contact the king, you have given me the opportunity to see the king.

Thank you for allowing Wang to appear

However, if possible, please use some more power to expand the king's ambition.

King, you are so kind.

Until now, the king has still not launched attacks on other countries.

There are still stubborn monarchs who enjoy the so-called aristocratic rights regardless of the safety of their own people; these are rights based on the flesh and blood of the people, and they should not retain them.

Only war and the king can end this era and change all injustices; bringing justice and peace to all human beings.

Not just Sara, but all the people think this way

The people of Luoyuan, the people of Xibo State, and even the people of various countries.

They sincerely and impatiently look forward to Wang being able to lead the army to invade and attack their country and launch a war, so that all countries on this continent will belong to Jiu Xuan, all people will become Jiu Xuan citizens, and mankind will be unified. .

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