Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 580 Some wars are not even necessary to start

And it's not so much a war as it is to greet

Lord Pluto is already the recognized master of mankind on this land. Except for those stubborn idiots who are reluctant to part with their own power, basically everyone is willing to submit to Jiu Xuan.

This war is by no means comparable to the past Western Kingdom War and the Rakshasa War, and there will not even be too many killings.

After all, with the disparity in strength and loss of popular support, they are very likely to surrender.

The large number of airships in the sky are to carry the "surrenders" back to Luoyuan and the Western Kingdom.

During the Warring States Period, human life was worthless. The total number of humans on this land might only be 100 million or even less than 100 million. The resources with abundant resources were also occupied by the demon clan.

Therefore, instead of continuing to send people to occupy those countries and build them one by one, it is better to transport everyone to the land of Jiuxuan. After the reconstruction and expansion of the Western Kingdom, less than 100 million people can still live.

In this human race conquest battle, Naruto naturally chose to go with the warriors.

It's not for the so-called imperial conquest, nor is it to boost the momentum of Jiu Xuan's warriors. After all, the difference in strength between the two is too great, and the outcome of the war has already been decided.

He went on an expedition to see if it was necessary to start some wars.

Just like when Napoleon returned to France, he was suppressed by King Louis XVIII's fifth regiment of 2,500 people when he first set foot on French soil.

Looking at the 2,500 people opposite, Napoleon came to the front of the two armies alone, dismounted, took off his hat, and undressed, and he roared

"Soldiers, shoot me! Shoot your emperor!"

After saying this, the Fifth Regiment, which was originally used to suppress Napoleon, frantically shouted "Long live the Emperor" and "Go to Grzenoble". The officers and soldiers of the Fifth Regiment rebelled collectively.

Just like Napoleon's reputation in France, Naruto's reputation in this land has reached an extremely terrifying level.

As long as he wanted to, he could also replicate this deed.

Therefore, there is no need to even start some wars.

The imperial army left, and with the coordinates of various countries provided by the merchants, with Luoyuan as the center, it continued to expand to the periphery.

Just as they thought at the beginning, the war started and ended very quickly, and some even didn't even begin. After hearing the name of Jiuxuan and seeing these technologies that transcended the times, they surrendered voluntarily.

However, because there are no fast communication tools, it is difficult for the large and small villages scattered around the country to receive information, so the country surrenders. These villages may not know that Jiuxuan is coming.

In this regard, Jiuxuan spent more time than the war.

Some people are used to life and are unwilling to leave the environment where they live, but they are willing to surrender and join Jiuxuan. It takes time to convince such people

Fortunately, there are personnel who specialize in language communication accompanying the army, and the problem can be solved in the shortest possible time.

All in all, the war is simple, but finding and convincing the large and small villages scattered around is not that easy.

It is estimated that it will take about half a month to a month to truly unify this continent and complete Naruto's mission.

"Report to the General that all people willing to surrender to Jiu Xuan have been gathered."

A soldier stood upright, gave a military salute to the general, and said.

"How many are unwilling to join?"

The rulers, nobles and some of their die-hard loyalists were unwilling to join Jiuxuan. They were prepared for this. Of course, they had no idea of ​​war after seeing the strength of Jiuxuan.

I can only choose not to go to Jiuxuan.

This is also their last bit of stubbornness.

"Two hundred and fourteen people are unwilling to go."

"I see."

The general said coldly, and then said directly:

"Number three, destroy this country."

"Receive the order and begin executing it."

A cold mechanical sound sounded, and a cannon slowly emerged from the bottom of the battleship, with purple-red power condensed in it.



A huge mushroom cloud erupted on the ground.

Jiuxuan has never been synonymous with kindness.

If you don't want to surrender, just die.

There can only be one country on this land, and that country is - Jiu Xuan!

Perhaps the kindness, generosity, and kindness shown for a long time made these natives lose their nerves, and they really thought that Jiuxuan was a so-called kind country; they tried to protect themselves at this time.

It's just a pity that Jiu Xuan is the invader in every sense. They can only be said to be the same race as the humans on this land, so they will not show any mercy during the war.

If you don't surrender, you will die.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey!

Be it a country or a village, those who are unwilling to surrender or leave here for the Western Kingdom can stay here forever in another way.

Since they have decided to unify, they will not be left to any chance.

Although human communication methods in this era are very backward, many countries still know some news thanks to some special powers.

They gave a greater evaluation to the threat that Jiu Xuan brought to them.

Some people left their countries, some were looking forward to the war, and some stayed at home and waited for Jiuxuan

In addition to humans, there are also many demon clans who are very interested in the unification of Jiu Xuan.

Of course, there are more concerns and fears.

Although the Demon Kingdom is called the Demon Kingdom, it does not mean that all monsters live in it; humans also live in it.

In addition to being used as food, it can also be used as a toy for pleasure.

Jiu Xuan's army destroyed many monster territories and monster countries along the way. Their overwhelming strength made all monsters daunted and they were unable to resist. They were even imprisoned as prisoners in the prison of the battleship.

Wait until you return to Jiu Xuan before processing and distributing it.

Therefore, many monsters have chosen to surrender to more powerful monsters, or gather together to find a place where there are few people or even no people or monsters to survive.

Everything, in order to survive.

Of course, there are also many monsters who are more confident in their own killings and think that they have not reached Jiuxuan's killing target. They take the initiative to find Jiuxuan's army and surrender.

Instead of worrying every day, it is better to surrender actively.

In this way, as each day passed, more and more human countries and demon countries were destroyed, and a large number of humans stepped onto the hatch of Jiuxuan, waiting for the empire's orders.

Later generations recorded that on this day, the largest migration in human history took place; humankind truly completed its unification.

In all directions, countless airships carry humans towards the west, towards the Western Kingdom, to start their new lives.

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