Konoha becomes Naruto and starts revenge

Chapter 593 Are you insulting me?

Naruto's voice was very indifferent, but Suuji knew that such a person would not joke.

So, surrender or war?

Recalling the flames that wiped out the monster with just a wave of her hand, Suuji smiled bitterly, as if she had no right to choose at all!

But if you accept it, the ancient peace of Penglai Island will be broken, and other factors, good or bad, will be introduced into the paradise that was finally created.

Even if she is willing, everyone on Penglai Island may not be willing.

"Your goal is also the roaring cauldron, right?"

To be honest, Suuji knew that the sounding cauldron had a strong temptation for many people, but she didn't know what they were looking for in the sounding cauldron.

The monsters may be after the extremely pure energy contained in the Screaming Cauldron, but humans. As the witch of Penglai Island and the communicator of the Screaming Cauldron, it is no exaggeration to say that she is the one who understands the Screaming Cauldron best in the world. cauldron man

But apart from the so-called furnace of heaven and earth, the Roaring Cauldron is not a magical treasure, otherwise she wouldn't be able to defeat the Four Fighters.

"There shouldn't be anything more valuable on this island."

Naruto said calmly.

The so-called Penglai is very different from the legendary fairy island. Let alone the immortals, even the treasures are most likely handed down from ancient times. They are not raised by nature, but smelted by humans.

The residents are weak, whether they are humans or monsters, far weaker than the island country. The years of peace have long made them forget their own names and forget what era this is.

"I have to remind you that the barrier on Penglai Island will be repaired at noon tomorrow and the island will disappear. The Roaring Cauldron is connected to the island and cannot be moved.

Perhaps your power can take away the Roaring Cauldron, but we will resist. "

"Even if it's death."

The meaning of the Roaring Cauldron to Penglai is not just a protective umbrella, it has been integrated into their lives and become their belief; if someone wants to take away their belief, they will not give up even if they die.

"If I were you, even if my opponent took it by force, I would just remain silent, and then keep this matter in my heart to motivate myself, and wait until I am strong enough to take revenge in the future; instead of making such immature threats now."

Although Souji spoke firmly, expressing the determination that the people of Penglai and the Roiling Cauldron could never be separated, in his eyes, such an attitude was the most useless.

If the strong disdain the threat posed by the weak to the strong, then what they will encounter will undoubtedly be destruction.

Reserve your attitude, accumulate strength, and take revenge; this is the best way.

"But I can promise you that I will not destroy the earth's veins and take away the Roaring Cauldron."

"As for the so-called barrier, it can be modified easily."

No barrier lasts forever. This world may have been a relatively powerful world in ancient times, but it is very weak now, at least not as powerful as it used to be.

The same is true for the barrier. When he entered the island, he saw the weak point of the barrier. As long as it was destroyed there, the so-called barrier would no longer exist.

This is true for the barrier. As long as you see through it, it can be modified or destroyed in a single thought.

What's more, this is just a protective barrier and has no ability to fight back.

Zuoji was silent. Sure enough, something incredible happened to the outside world. Did she become so strong without knowing it? Even Penglai's barrier is ignored.

This guy, who looks no different from a human being, seems to be similar to the big monsters like the Four Fighters. He also comes for the Roaring Cauldron, and he also has power that they can't compete with.

However, the latter is more powerful and mysterious than the former, and it gives a choice

By the way, is the other person human? Zuo Ji remembered the question Long Luo asked before.

"I don't know about this question either."

What does this man's answer mean?

never mind

In short, the other party should not be a treacherous person, so there should be no problem with this choice, right?

It's better to ask more, after all, this is related to the fate of everyone in Penglai, and even she can't agree all at once.

"If you can, can you tell me your identity? Although there is no prejudice against humans and monsters in Penglai, for me, I am still more inclined to humans."

"Are you insulting me?!"

A cold and somewhat angry voice fell in Suuji's ears. Startled Suuji looked at the human miko standing next to Naruto, with a rare frown on her face.

"Isn't Horai Island deviating from the outside world but has no basic common sense? Or do you think that in your eyes, we and other witches will appear to serve monsters?!"

"The king is the king of the Nine Whirlpools, the common master of mankind, and the king of the human race at the end of the era!"

"I don't want this problem to happen again."

Kikyo rarely spends so many words criticizing someone, but as a miko, Suuji asked such a question. This was not only an insult to her, but also an insult to the king.

The king was kind, so he gave Penglai a choice

Otherwise, with the power of Jiu Xuan, it only takes a moment to break through this. How could it be possible to ask this question again.

"Feel sorry."

Tsunoki bowed apologetically to Naruto and Kikyo. She was also aware of the problem in her language. She could doubt anyone but she could not doubt a miko. Every miko was a person who dedicated everything to humanity. , they will not and will never serve monsters.

But the Lord of Mankind? !

What I said before turned out to be true!

In this world dominated by monsters, a king who unified the earth really appeared!


No one in the history of Penglai has been able to do this.

no, wrong

It seems to have.

In the earliest history of Penglai, it seemed that one country unified the continent where it was located and created the first historical unification.


It seems to be this name. The person who came here seems to be called - Xu Fu

But after that, there were no people from that continent; more people from another land.

But no matter what, this is an extremely remarkable act.

Unifying all human countries under the noses of so many monsters is not only a problem between humans, but also a problem between humans and monsters.

Since he was able to accomplish such a great deed, he represented a country where monsters were also afraid of this man.

It seems okay to surrender to such a man.

However, human beings are only human beings after all, and as long as they are human beings, they cannot escape this problem.

That is immortality!

She can be sure that this man is great and wise, otherwise he would not be able to create such a miracle.

But what about the next generation?

Will the next generation of monarchs still be so wise?

What about the next generation?

There will always be a generation where problems arise; then there will still be wars!

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