Chapter 107: Chosen Worker Jiaodu


After Jiaodu heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank, he quickly stepped back ten meters, then stared at Qianxuan, and said solemnly:”You actually know this?”

“So, you also know me……”

“I know!”

Without waiting for a moment, Qianxuan interrupted him and said,”How can you seize the heart of the five-attribute chakra by relying on the earth’s resentment?”

“Counting your own heart, you can be said to have five lives!”

“Tsk tsk! This treasure secret technique, Resentment Yu, is really powerful!”

“That is, can you still be considered a person now? All I see in your body are the dark tentacles of earthly resentment parasitizing everywhere in your body.;”

“It’s as if you are the local resentment yourself;”

“This symbiotic relationship is really extreme!”

The situation inside Kakuzu’s body was revealed by Qianxuan’s mental exploration.

The situation inside his body made Qianxuan feel numb.

Kakuzu is a ruthless person!

If it were him, he would definitely not I would be willing to turn myself into such a serious person. Even if I can become a lot stronger by doing this,

I can gain a few more lives by doing this.

Feeling seen through, he suddenly became more nervous and alert:”What do you want?”

He already had the idea of running away at this time.

The strength Qianxuan showed before was really too terrifying.

He couldn’t handle the Flying Thunder God alone.

If he didn’t know it well, even if he wanted to escape, it would be difficult , he has already run away at this time

“Time and space ninjutsu does not involve martial ethics!”

“It’s just a rogue ninjutsu!”

“The Second Hokage Senju Tobirama shouldn’t have created such a ninjutsu;”

“Speaking of which, how did Senju Tobirama get killed by Kumogakure when he mastered such ninjutsu?”

“It shouldn’t be at all!”

“With such space-time ninjutsu, if he wanted to escape, who could stop him?”

While Kakuzu was depressed, he couldn’t help but think curiously.

He felt that Senju Tobirama’s death was too hasty.

It was completely unreasonable.

It was almost like a plot kill.

“Hey Hey hey!”

Qianxuan saw Kakuzu like this, and when he heard his words, he couldn’t help complaining:”It seems that you came to ambush me first and wanted to collect the bounty with my head, right?”

“Why does it look like it’s not mine anymore?”

Is this the wrong role?


Kushina on the side was amused by Qianxuan’s funny words. Kakuzu

‘s face darkened slightly, and he frowned and said:”I admit defeat this time. I can see that you don’t seem to have anything to me. murderous intent;”

“So, if you have any ideas, you might as well say it directly!”

“I will agree if I can!”

“If you can’t agree, then the worst possible outcome is a fight.;”

“It’s just death on the left and right, no big deal.”

Of course, he said this easily and casually. If possible, Kakuzu doesn’t want to die.

He hasn’t lived enough yet and wants to continue to earn more small money.

“hehe! Fine! That’s better than continuing to toy with you!”

Qianxuan listened and smiled slightly. Then, with a thought, he used his mental power to condense a contract mark, sent it to Kakuzu, and said:”Accept this contract, do not resist, become my subordinate, and work for me in the future. , I will let you go!”


Kakuzu looked at the semi-illusory mysterious mark in front of him. Just by looking at it, the relevant contract information appeared in his mind.

At the same time, I learned the true function of this mark.

His face suddenly changed, and he looked a little ugly and said:”This… after signing this contract, won’t I completely lose my freedom, and I can only obey your orders from now on, without even a chance to resist?”

“How is this different from a slave?”

Obviously, he is unwilling to sign it.

This contract is much stricter than the one given to Orochimaru and the others.

There can be no thought of betraying Qianxuan.

He cannot damage any of Qianxuan’s interests; he cannot reveal Qianxuan’s secrets to the outside world; Qianxuan cannot betray Qianxuan at all. He needs to obey any order without reservation.

Isn’t this an enhanced version of the contract of betrayal?


After hearing this, Qian Xuan shook his head and said,”That’s not what you said!”

“I can’t control your life or death, can I?”

“As long as you abide by the terms of the contract, you are still free.;”

“I don’t even ask for your money!”

“Besides, it’s better to die than live!”

He felt that he was already very kind.

After all, Kakuzu came to assassinate him and wanted to use his head in exchange for money.

How cruel!

In comparison, Qianxuan, who did not take Kakuzu’s life, was really kind enough.

The main reason is that Qianxuan feels that it would be a pity to kill Kakuzu directly.

There will be many places to employ him in the future , and he can be controlled in the form of a contract!

“Please forgive me for not agreeing!”

Kakuzu said in a deep voice.

Still unwilling to accept it.

At this time, Qianxuan raised a finger and said:”I can give you a salary of 1 million taels every month. This can be added to the contract.;”

“Moreover, I will also have the opportunity to release many high-commission tasks for you in the future.;”

“For example, help me find magical weapons, famous swords, treasure mines, precious medicines, rare metals, ninjutsu that I don’t have, the corpses or living bodies of blood successor ninjas…and so on!”

“I buy everything at a high price without any limit;”

“As long as you work hard enough, how about ensuring that your monthly income will not be less than 30 million?”

“In this way, plus salary per year, it will be at least three to four billion!”

“It’s equivalent to the price of my head now.;”

“But I do this every year;”

“Moreover, when there is no mission, I will not restrict your freedom.;”

“If you still don’t want to do this, then you might as well die!”

“I suddenly feel that the earthly resentment in your body seems to be a good collection!”

Speaking of this, Qianxuan squinted his eyes and stared at Kakuzu, waiting for his answer.

If Kakuzu refused again, he would promise to kill him.

A shadow-level strongman who cannot be used by him does not deserve to live in this world..

However, the next moment, Kakuzu’s eyes turned into the shape of small coins, and he couldn’t help but ask:”Is it really a monthly salary of 1 million? Can you really make at least three to four hundred million a year?”



Although Qian Xuan has long known that Kakuzu loves money as much as his life.

But when I really saw it, I still felt a little speechless.

This guy really wants money, and everything can be discussed!


Qian Xuan immediately nodded affirmatively and said


The next moment, Kakuzu nodded decisively:”I agree!” If you change this contract, I will accept it immediately! hurry up!”

Kakuzu even urged him to come on, as if he was afraid that Qianxuan would regret it.

“You guy!”

Qian Xuan was a little dumbfounded when he saw it.

You refused to obey before, but now you are good and push for it.

Immediately, he found the contract mark, modified the contents, and added the salary clause.

Also It comes with a more detailed item collection task; this is permanently valid!

After making these changes, Qianxuan sent the contract rune to Kakuzu again.

After Kakuzu checked it, he directly grabbed the mark. Play, he pressed his forehead.

The next moment, he felt the mark penetrate directly into his eyebrows and entered his spiritual sea.

He was suddenly shocked:”This is really spiritual, even involving the soul. Contract!”

“It seems that we can’t take any chances.”

Actually, the reason why he agreed so happily just now was because he had no choice and the money given by Qianxuan was too generous.

Similarly, Kakuzu may not have had the idea of trying to fix the bug.

After all, he has a grudge, and generally Even if the contract seal involves the brain, it is not impossible for him to break it.

But now that he sees that the seal is directly integrated into his soul, he knows that his idea has failed. Got it

“Just work for him obediently from now on!”

Kakuzu thought with some disappointment and some expectation.


Qianxuan now clearly understood Kakuzu’s thoughts with telepathy.

However, he didn’t care at all.

Because, from the beginning, Kakuzu’s idea of exploiting loopholes was impossible to succeed.

A top-notch I’m happy to have a worker!

“In this way, there will be one more top treasure hunter in the future! Perfect!”

Qianxuan thought happily.

As for the money, everyone in Kakuzu belongs to him. Giving him money is just a matter of giving it to the left hand and the right hand.

After that, he has many ways to make Kakuzu willingly take out the money..

Well! In the name of throwing

, Qianxuan said to Jiaodu.:

“I think you already know the collection tasks!”

“I will update the collections I already have at any time through the contract mark, especially ninjutsu, which is repetitive and useless collection information. Please remember to check for updates at any time.;”

“Now, I will issue you the first clear collection mission. Go to the Sand Ninja and find a way to collect a corpse of a ninja with a magnetic escape blood successor for me.;”

“In addition, we also went to Kirigakure to collect some corpses of the Minazuki clan, which had the Ice Release Blood Successor, and the Kaguya clan, which had the Bones Blood Successor.;”

“As for the commission, it will be based on the body’s strength during life.;”

“Genin 300,000, Chunin 500,000, Jounin 2 million, Kage 10 million;”

“All commissions are doubled, there is no limit to the quantity, the more the better, any questions?”

He really doesn’t want to dig a grave by himself.

If there is a war, he can’t wait for the time being.

In this Ninja World War, it seems that Kirigakure is not ready to take action. He doesn’t know what happened in the village.

He wants to collect Minazuki on the battlefield. With the corpses of the Kaguya clan, we have to wait until the Third Ninja World War.

That will be many years later.

Since there are ready-made tool men, Qian Xuan feels that there is no need to wait.


After hearing the first half, Kakuzu knew that Qianxuan’s first task was to dig a grave by himself, and he was suddenly a little reluctant.;

���When he heard the specific commission amount, he nodded without hesitation:”No problem! Leave it to me! I promise to complete the task;”

“However, how do I contact you after completing a task or collecting valuable collectibles?”

“Also, when will my salary be paid this month?”

As long as the money is enough, everything else is not a problem.

Isn’t it just digging graves?

He thinks he can be very good at it.

“You guy!

Qian Xuan listened and shook his head in a funny way:”Here!” Here is 12 million, your salary this year;”

“As for the means of contacting me, you just need to make a contract with Xiao Hei!”

As he said that, Qianxuan first took out a seal scroll from the small world and threw it to Kakuzu.

Then he summoned the ninja dog Xiao Hei, took out a psychic contract scroll, opened it, and handed it to Kakuzu.

Let him sign it. Then

, he reached out and patted Kakuzu’s neck, leaving a Xuan character mark on it, and explained:”Through Ninja Dog, you can send me information and contact me at any time.;”

“In addition, the mark I left on your neck contains my chakra and spiritual power. When you encounter fatal danger, it will automatically activate and summon a shadow clone of me to help you.;”

“Moreover, it will automatically notify me and let me teleport directly to support you through this mark.;”

“In addition, you can also enter chakra into this mark to contact me;”

“However, unless you can’t contact me using the Ninja Dog, and it’s really urgent, don’t use this contact method, and don’t remove this mark, do you understand?”

Kakudu, who possesses the Earth Resentment Yu, can easily peel off this piece of skin and muscle tissue without hurting himself.

He must be reminded that the benefits of this mark far outweigh the harm.

Sure enough, Kakuzu listened and clicked He nodded, signed the psychic contract, handed the insight back to Qianxuan, and then said:”I understand! If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave now!”

At this time, he couldn’t wait to go to the Kingdom of Wind or the Kingdom of Water to start a gold business.

Qianxuan gave the money so happily.

He directly gave him a year’s salary. He thought it was perfect for such a generous boss.

It seemed like , not only was I not unlucky today, but I was a blessing in disguise!

“Um! Go for it! Looking forward to your results!”

Qian Xuan naturally had no objection and immediately nodded in agreement.

Where can I find such an active part-time worker?

“I’m leaving!”

Immediately, Kakuzu dodged a few times and left quickly.

Looking at the direction he left, it was clearly the Kingdom of Wind.

After Kakuzu had gone far, Kushina couldn’t help but asked curiously:”Qianxuan , what are you doing collecting the corpses of blood successor ninjas?”

She always feels that there is something wrong with this kind of thing.


Qian Xuan listened and smiled knowingly:”Of course it is to study the blood successor limit and create the blood successor limit potion.”;”

“Here! Just like this, the top-level Uzumaki Immortal human blood potion developed using my blood and vitality.;”

“This bottle is prepared for you, take it! In this way, you can get the top-level Uzumaki Immortal body blood successor like me!”

“In this way, not only will the purity of your Uzumaki blood inheritance be greatly improved, but your chakra, vitality and potential will also be greatly increased.;”

“You should still be able to awaken the Kagura Heart Eye like me.”

Of course, the above is all nonsense.

This is actually the system reward that I got for collecting Kushina last time.

Now I just take the opportunity to give it to Kushina to enhance her strength and potential.

Increase her means of self-protection.

Kagura still has a keen eye. Very useful


Kushina was stunned after hearing this. She took the potion handed over by Qianxuan in surprise. While looking at it curiously, she asked:”Is what you said true? Have you been able to do this kind of thing?”

“If you drink this, you will have the same level of Uzumaki Sage body as you? Is it too exaggerated?”

It’s simply unbelievable.

If this kind of thing is true, doesn’t it mean that in the future, as long as Qianxuan is willing, anyone can have the top-level Uzumaki Immortal Human Blood Successor, and anyone can become a strong person?

“It’s not an exaggeration at all, you’ll know it after you drink it!

Qian Xuan smiled and shook his head, then as if he could see her thoughts, he explained:”However, this thing is very precious, and it is not so easy to extract and develop.”;”

“Extracting a bottle of this level of Uzumaki Blood Potion will consume a lot of my life force and blood!”

“Without affecting me, it took me several years to make this bottle.;”

“Therefore, unless necessary, I will not make this level of whirlpool blood potion in the future!”

“Unless there is a further breakthrough in technology and the required conditions are greatly reduced, I will make it again.”

Yeah! Just make an excuse in advance so that Kushina won’t ask about it later.

“Is that so?

After hearing this, Kushina suddenly nodded:”This is only reasonable!””

“correct! Qianxuan, does extracting this really have no impact on you?”

“Why don’t you drink it yourself to replenish your losses?”

“I actually don’t need it that much!”

Obviously, she cares more about Qianxuan than getting the top Uzumaki successor.


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