Chapter 118 [Eight Gates of Dunjia Formation】,【Human Immortal Martial Arts】

“That’s right! If we want the Senju clan to rise again, or even surpass the past, the population size is particularly important!”

“At present, our people are too few! Even if we add up the non-ninja people, there are only more than 500 people!”

“Too little!”

“Not to mention compared to Sarutobi Hiruzen who has a population of 8,000 or 9,000;”

“Not to mention being compared with the Uchiha clan which has a population of four to five thousand!”

“Even a small family like Zhuanbei has more people than us!”

“This is absolutely not possible!”

“If the population cannot keep up, where will the talents come from?”

“So, next, I hope to formulate generous incentive policies to support and encourage people to get married and have children.;”

“If you already have children, then have more.;”

“Those who are widowed and orphaned but still able to bear children should try to remarry and continue to have children.;”

“Every time a child is born, the family covers all the expenses from birth to adulthood!”

“In addition, there are corresponding generous rewards;”

“We can discuss the specific rewards. What do you think?”

Qian Xuan looked at the elders and asked.

Talent is the key!

Without people, no matter how many magical skills and secret medicines he created, it would be useless.

“This is indeed necessary!”


“Indeed! If you hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have realized that the population of the Sarutobi clan is almost 10,000! It’s really hateful. They didn’t have so many people more than ten years ago.”

“Of course! So! Over the years, Sarutobi Hiruzen has used his position to madly cultivate his own family! How dare he say that he is devoted to Konoha? It makes me sick.”

“There is no point in discussing this now! Let’s discuss how to increase the population! Encouragement and incentives are indeed good.”

“Then let’s discuss and come up with a charter as soon as possible! Time waits for no one!”


Immediately, a group of Qianshou senior executives began to discuss in detail.

It was not until several hours later that the discussion ended.

A complete and detailed policy to encourage childbirth was finally formulated.

“”Great Elder, I’ll leave this matter to you to announce and execute, okay?”

At last, Qian Xuan handed the written plan to the Great Elder Senju Tokuma and asked with a smile.

“Haha! Okay! Then I’ll make more contributions to the family while I still have a few years to live! Haha!”

The elder took the document with a smile and agreed directly.

“”I will have to trouble you, Grandpa Mujian, to teach Xingyiquan and meditation from now on! After the other elders have learned it, they can also help. How about that?”

Qian Xuan looked at Grandpa Mujian and the other elders again.

It’s not that he is partial to his relatives, but the other elders haven’t learned it yet.

“No problem! Leave it to me!”

The old man patted his chest and took charge.

“We have no objection!”

Others also echoed.

In the next few days, Qian Xuan discussed with everyone to formulate a detailed plan for the family in the next five years.

Then he stopped the meeting.

On this day, all the tribesmen in the village were summoned, whether they were ninjas or not.

After a talk, with the support and cooperation of all the elders, Qian Xuan successfully persuaded all the tribesmen and signed a contract with them first.

Then, he arranged for the elders to teach the tribesmen Xingyiquan and meditation methods; distribute monthly elixirs and resource quotas.

Begin to teach them to practice and become stronger.

That’s right! The scope of this teaching is not only those ninjas, but even the tribesmen who are not ninjas have also received the teachings. Because

, whether it is Xingyiquan or meditation, there are no requirements for ninja qualifications.

Even if you don’t have any ninja talent, you can still practice and achieve results.

However, in order to cover up, as they continue to practice, even if they didn’t extract chakra and were not ninjas, Qianxuan and others are ready to let them extract chakra and practice the way of ninja.

Anyway, Xingyiquan can improve and enhance physical fitness and strengthen qi and blood; meditation can enhance mental strength.

The combination of the two is chakra, isn’t it?

Therefore, insufficient ninja qualifications are completely invalid in the face of these two.

As long as the two are practiced well, even those who originally did not have ninja qualifications can become geniuses of the way of ninja.

“The clan leader is really amazing! He can even create such terrifying secret techniques and secret medicines. Is there anything he can’t do?”

“Of course! With these, I even have the confidence to become a jonin or even an elite jonin in a few years!”

“Me too, with my past talent, I actually felt that I would never be able to become a jonin!”

“I originally thought that it would be impossible for me to become a ninja in this lifetime, but unexpectedly, there was still a chance to change my fate!”

“I now believe that the clan leader can lead our Thousand Hands clan to regain its glory!”

“Same as above! At first I thought the clan leader was just bragging, but now it seems that he is not just bragging. He is clearly confident!”

“It is our Senju clan’s luck to meet such a clan leader!”


Listening to the praises of a group of tribesmen who were practicing, Qian Xuan felt very happy.

“Clan leader! As for the elixirs, the consumption will be huge. Are you sure you can handle it? Will it affect your cultivation?”

“If so, please tell us. We would rather give less to our tribesmen every month so that they can grow more slowly, but we will never slow down your cultivation progress.;”

“Your progress in cultivation is the most important thing.;”

“Only when you are strong enough to face all the conspiracies and tricks, can our Senju clan truly rise again!”

The great elder on the side also looked at the clansmen who were practicing below, and thinking of the pills distributed in the past few days, he couldn’t help but persuade Qian Xuan.

Cultivating more middle and upper ninjas is far less important than making Qian Xuan stronger at this time.

If Qian Xuan already had the strength of the peak of the first generation at this time, he would dare to overturn the table this time, kill the third generation, and help Qian Xuan directly become the Hokage.

Several other elders who followed also nodded in agreement:”Indeed! Your practice is the most important thing, clan leader, don’t give up this weekend!”

“Don’t worry!”

Qian Xuan smiled knowingly and said,”Refining this little pill won’t take up much time for me.;”

“The amount I refine in a day is enough to support my family members in their cultivation for a month!”

“I can even use my shadow clone to refine pills.;”

“So, just relax about this!”

“What we really need to worry about is whether the monthly supply of medicinal materials can be provided stably and adequately.;”

“This is what you need to pay attention to and ensure.”

If there are not enough medicinal materials, it will be useless no matter how good his alchemy skills are.

“Is that so? Then we are relieved!”

“Don’t worry about the medicinal materials, we have arranged them all!”

“Even, starting from next month, the monthly supply of medicinal materials can be doubled on the previous basis.”

The elders and others were relieved when they heard this, and they also confidently promised.

Qianshou’s many years of connections are not to be underestimated.

“Oh? That’s good! Then I feel relieved!”

“Oh, right! Please also pay more attention to the purchase of medicinal materials for Qigong Pills. Although they are not stable yet, the efficacy has been basically confirmed to be successful, so we can purchase large quantities of these medicinal materials!”

“This kind of medicine will also be very important in the future!”

Qian Xuan reminded again.

Of course, the instability was just his excuse.

In fact, his proficiency in Qi-training pills was the same as that of body-building pills and spirit-restoring pills. He just deliberately concealed his proficiency to avoid being too shocking.

Of course, it was also to develop a second-level new medicine based on Qi-training pills, which was specially used to quickly restore chakra without side effects. It was too extravagant and wasteful to let ninjas use Qi-training pills to restore chakra.

“Is that so? That’s great!”

The elders and others were pleasantly surprised when they heard this, and said,”Chief, leave this matter to us! We will arrange it!””

“Yes! Please!”

Qian Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

A few days passed, and after everything was arranged on the right track, Qian Xuan himself got out of these affairs and began his own practice and research.

This morning, on a village road in Konoha,

“Hey! Qian Xuan! You are here to train again today!”

When Mighty Dai saw Qian Xuan running from behind, he couldn’t help but turn around and greeted Qian Xuan with a toothy smile.

“Yes! Brother Dai!”

After hearing this, Qian Xuan accelerated and ran to the side of Matt Dai, smiling and replied:”Good morning to you too! Brother Dai!”

“Oh, right! How’s your Zhuang Gong practice these past two days? Is it effective?”

Yes, Qian Xuan has���He taught Might Dai the basics of Zhuang Gong.

Moreover, he had signed a contract with him to ensure that the secret would not be leaked.

The reason why he was familiar with Might Dai was that he was in contact with him.

It was through morning exercises and running, many encounters, and taking the initiative to greet and approach that they gradually became familiar with each other.

Might Dai was not a scheming person, and Qian Xuan had no ill intentions, so he naturally became friends with Qian Xuan. This was especially true after Qian Xuan pointed out many mistakes and inefficiencies in his practice.

After Qian Xuan taught him Zhuang Gong, his gratitude and recognition of Qian Xuan had reached the highest level.

Now hearing Qian Xuan asking about it, he immediately said excitedly:”I have successfully entered the door!”

“Moreover, the effect is excellent!”

At this point, Might Dai suddenly stopped, quickly restrained his excitement, looked at Qian Xuan with a complicated expression and said:”But, Qian Xuan, I didn’t know this was so precious before!”

“Now it seems that I owe you a huge favor!”

“It is so great that I feel I cannot bear it, so please take back this skill! I promise I will never practice it again.”

As a friend, he felt that he could not accept such a great favor from the other party.

He could not afford it.

“Dai, you are wrong! Are you looking down on me?”

After hearing this, Qian Xuan also stopped and looked at Matt Dai with a frown.

“No! How could that be? I just don’t think I’m worthy!”

Matt Dai heard this and immediately waved his hands in panic and denied it.

“Since it’s not the case, just accept it!”

After hearing this, Qian Xuan’s expression eased a lot, and he said seriously:”This is just a little help I give you as a friend!”

“This is also my recognition of your efforts;”

“You are the most hardworking ninja in Konoha that I have ever seen!”

“You are worth my investment. I am optimistic about your future.”

“I will use my skills to become stronger, get rid of your perennial Genin hat, become a strong man, and make more contributions to Konoha! Dai!”

Hearing Qian Xuan’s encouragement and recognition, Might Dai was immediately moved. At that moment, he clenched his fists with tears in his eyes and said:”Oh! Qian Xuan-kun! I received your recognition and encouragement! I will definitely not let you down.;”

“I will definitely work harder and harder to get rid of the label of a perennial Genin and become a powerful and reputable person!”

After saying that, he gave Qian Xuan a thumbs up, revealing his eight white eyes, which were filled with tears.

Qian Xuan didn’t know how to describe and evaluate him for a moment.

“However,” at this time, Might Dai’s expression restrained again, he took out a scroll from his arms, handed it to Qian Xuan solemnly and said:”As a friend, unilaterally accepting your kindness is not in line with my code of conduct!”

“Therefore, please accept this gift from me! Do not refuse it!”

“Although this is only an incomplete forbidden technique, it may be of some help to you, Qianxuan!”

“Of course, this is also very dangerous. If you are not sure about it, Qian Xuan, you must not practice this! Please promise me!”


Qian Xuan was overjoyed when he heard this, but pretended to be puzzled as he took the scroll and said,”Now that you mention it, I’m a little curious about what it is! Let me see!”

As he said this, Qian Xuan directly opened the scroll and examined it carefully.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in his mind.:

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the rare collection”Eight Gates of Dunjia”, reward: Human Immortal Martial Arts】


【[Human Immortal Martial Arts]: The supreme method of physical cultivation, divided into nine realms: refining the skin, changing tendons, calcining bones, refining organs, refining marrow, exchanging blood, refining orifices, Dharma, and martial god. To achieve the martial god, it is comparable to the fairyland


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