Chapter 149: Danzo’s rather hasty death

“Damn it! You are a lunatic. Do you really think that if you kill me, Konoha will let you go and let the Rain Country go?”

“No! They will kill you at all costs, destroy the Rain Village, and avenge me!”

Danzo roared with a drastic change of expression. He tried to make a final struggle.

But there was no way, there were only five Root ninjas around him.

Moreover, he only had one hand, and his combat power was greatly reduced.

Facing the siege of Hanzo and more than a hundred Rain ninjas, he was afraid that he would not even have the possibility of escaping.

Unfortunately, Hanzo had no intention of listening to him at all.


Within two breaths, Hanzo had rushed to Danzo and the others.

Hanzo was like a piece of cake, and easily killed the five Root ninjas who were guarding Danzo.

Then, in the face of Danzo’s despair and unwillingness, he chopped off his head with a knife.

After that, he personally brought Danzo’s head to the Konoha front camp, threw Danzo’s head in, and then announced loudly:”Listen to me, Konoha ninjas, I am Hanzo, the leader of the Rain Village, and I have had enough of you starting a war in the Rain Country and implicating innocent people of the Rain Country!”

“Today, I killed Danzo as a warning to you!”

“I give you three days to evacuate the Rain Country and stop waging war within the Rain Country.;”

“Otherwise, I will attack you at all costs and join forces with the Rock Ninja. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

After saying that, Hanzo left without a care and rushed to the Rock Ninja.

At this time, the ninjas in the Konoha camp were all stunned. They were obviously shocked by Hanzo’s arrogant words and behavior.

By the time they reacted, Hanzo had already left.

“”Could that head just now be that of Danzo-sama?”

Someone responded sharply.

Immediately, many people ran to check.

“Hiss! It really is! This is a big deal! Let’s go and ask Lord Orochimaru to take charge of the situation!”

After seeing clearly that the head was actually Danzo, a group of Konoha ninjas took a deep breath and then began to look for the backbone in panic.

A few minutes later, Orochimaru received the news and rushed here. Seeing Danzo’s head with his eyes open, combined with Hanzo’s words relayed by the person who came to see him before, he couldn’t help but twitching his eyes slightly, thinking to himself:”Could this be the purpose of Qianxuan coming to Qianxuan a few days ago?”

“What a great move! What a big deal!”

“How did he do it?”

“Did he collude with Hanzo? What did he promise Hanzo?”

Otherwise, how could Hanzo go crazy and kill Danzo, and threaten Konoha to withdraw?

Any sensible person knows that if Danzo was killed directly and Konoha was threatened, Konoha would never withdraw.

Instead, it would attack Yume Village again with all its strength to retaliate against Yume Village.

If Hanzo was really rational and just wanted Konoha to withdraw, he should have captured Danzo alive and forced him. In that case, even if Danzo and Konoha were very unhappy.

Without using Sengen, they might really be able to give in and withdraw from the Rain Country.

What Hanzo is doing now is completely a suicidal act!

“Hanzo couldn’t be unaware of this, so he must have reached an agreement with Chigen, and Chigen wouldn’t hold him responsible afterwards?”

Orochimaru thought.

But he also felt that things shouldn’t be that simple.

If Chigen really did this, it would actually be disadvantageous to him afterwards.

“So, Sengen-kun, what exactly do you want to do? What are your plans?”

Orochimaru felt a little confused.

As for Sengen controlling Hanzo or something, Orochimaru didn’t think in this direction at all!

Because, in his opinion, no matter how strong Sengen is, it should be unlikely for him to do such a thing.

Hanzo himself is not weak at all, but extremely strong.

It is almost impossible for him to be controlled by illusions, especially such a thorough control.

However, now is not the time to think about these things. Orochimaru immediately wrote an urgent secret letter, summoned a white snake, and asked it to deliver the secret letter to the third generation.

This is the most urgent means of sending messages, and it does not take a day.

Soon, the third generation received the urgent information sent back by Orochimaru.

“What? Hanzo ambushed and killed Danzo, threw Danzo’s head into Konoha’s frontline camp, and issued a final notice that Konoha must withdraw from the Land of Rain within three days, otherwise, he would join forces with the Rock Ninja to deal with Konoha?”When the Third Hokage saw this information, his face suddenly changed drastically:”How could this be? How could Hanzo have the courage to do this?”

“Also, Danzo died just like that? This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

He didn’t want to believe that his insidious and cunning old friend had left him just like that.

You are Danzo! The Darkness of the Ninja World!

How could you die so hastily?

But no matter how the Third Generation deceived himself, he understood that this information must be true, and Orochimaru would never joke about such a thing.

“”Hanzo, you deserve to die!”

The Third Hokage said in hatred.

Without Danzo, his arm and scapegoat, all his future plans would be disrupted.

Without Danzo, how would he deal with the Senju and even the Uchiha clans? How would he suppress and deter other ninja clans step by step, and secretly develop and expand the Sarutobi clan? He couldn’t do everything himself, right?

If so, not only would his glorious image collapse completely, but if he was caught by someone like Sengen, he might not even be able to sit firmly on the position of Hokage.

“I don’t believe it! We have to find a way to solve the problem on the battlefield in the Rain Country first.”

Thinking of this, the Third Hokage immediately ordered the Anbu to summon representatives from all clans to hold an emergency meeting.

In just over half an hour, representatives from all ninja clans in Konoha, including Qian Xuan, came to a large meeting room in the Hokage Building.

“Do you know why the Hokage called an emergency meeting at this time?”

“I don’t know! I haven’t heard anything. Could there be something wrong at the front line?”


After a group of people arrived, they whispered to each other, all very confused.

Only Qian Xuan knew the truth.

Because he had received the news that Danzo was killed by Hanzo.

However, he also pretended to be confused. He had to put on a full show!

Seeing that everyone was present, the third generation stood up and pressed his hand, signaling everyone to be quiet.

Then, he said with a sullen face:”Everyone! I just received urgent information from the front line of the Rain Country, which was sent back by Orochimaru himself.;”

“Just today, Hanzo of the Rain Ninja led his men to ambush and kill the front-line commander Danzo, and threw his head into our front-line camp, threatening us that we must withdraw within three days, otherwise, they will join forces with the Rock Ninja to declare war on us!”

“The incident happened suddenly, and I didn’t have any good ideas for a while, so I called an emergency meeting to discuss with you and listen to your opinions. What should we do?”

After saying that, the third generation sat down, his eyes kept scanning everyone.

“What? Danzo is dead? Or was he killed by Hanzo?”

“This is really… ahem! So sad! Hanzo is provoking our Konoha! I think we should go to war with the Rain Village, destroy them, kill Hanzo, and avenge Danzo!”

“That’s right! Konoha’s majesty cannot be challenged! Didn’t he lose to Master Qianxuan last time? I suggest sending Master Qianxuan to the Rain Country to take charge of the situation, destroy the Rain Village, and kill Hanzo!”

“I agree! The Rain Village dares to provoke the tiger’s whiskers. They simply don’t take our Konoha seriously! If we don’t fight back fiercely this time, who will take our Konoha seriously in the future?”



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