Chapter 53: Teacher Sakumo Hatake? To extend the life of Mito Uzumaki.

The third generation took the three application forms and pondered:”Graduate early? At this time, did they notice something? Or did they get some advice from Tsunade and the others?”


At this time, the door of the Hokage’s office was kicked open.

With the third generation’s speechless expression, Tsunade walked in, glanced at the application form in the third generation’s hand, Tsunade raised her eyebrows and said:”It seems that you have accepted it, old man. It’s time for Qianxuan and the others to apply for early graduation!”

The third generation twisted his eyebrows with his hands, looked at Tsunade helplessly and said:”So, this is why you came here today? Don’t worry, I have agreed to the assessment!”

“A new ninja world war may break out at any time. At this time, it is good for them to graduate early and adapt to the tasks and killings in advance.”

“If nothing happens, you can leave!”

He didn’t even bother to emphasize to Tsunade not to kick his door.

It has become a habit.

Anyway, Tsunade will not change it.

In the past three years, because of Tsunade, He has replaced no less than 30 doors in his office, and no less than ten desks have become numb.

“No hurries?

After hearing this, Tsunade glared at the third generation and said:”This is not the main thing I came here for today, but I want you to put the three of them into one class. This is what grandma means.””


The third generation was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and said with some surprise:”That’s what I planned! The three of them are so familiar and graduated early together, so it is naturally the most appropriate thing to group them together!”

“However, if you take the initiative to speak, are you preparing to be their teacher?”

“That’s not to say no……”

“Stop it!

Before the third generation could finish speaking, Tsunade forcibly interrupted him and corrected him:”I’m not planning to be their teacher.”;”

“If others don’t know it clearly, don’t you still know it? There are so many patients in the hospital recently, and the front lines are constantly bringing them back. I am almost too busy. How can I have the spare time to take care of the class?”

“Besides, I have nothing to teach them!”

“You’d better recommend a suitable candidate yourself!”

“The best ones are those who have enough combat experience and mission experience, and are strong enough!”

“Otherwise, we can’t suppress them!”

“You should be aware of this!”

The Third Generation has been sending people to check on Qianxuan and the others for a long time. How could Tsunade not know about it?

It’s just that because the Third Generation had no ill intentions, he just ignored it.

“oh? Is that so?”

The third generation was a little surprised. He thought that with the thoughts of Tsunade and Uzumaki Mito, they would not trust him to arrange these three people.

Now it seems that he still thinks too much.

Of course the third generation will not refuse such a good thing. , immediately nodded and said:”Okay! Since you are not free, let me arrange it!”

“What do you think of Sakumo?”

The third generation pondered for a moment and asked.

This is the most suitable candidate he thought of.

Strong enough, rich in missions and combat experience, and the mission has never failed.

The key is to be loyal enough to him, or in other words, to Naruto enough Loyal, he is a perfect ninja.

Of course, in the eyes of the third generation, he is the Hokage, so Sakumo is his die-hard loyalist.

“Sakumo-senpai? Nature couldn’t be better!”

Tsunade listened and agreed without hesitation.

Sakumo is so qualified.

“OK! That’s it!”

Sandai nodded with satisfaction:”If there’s nothing else, you can go about your business!”


Tsunade didn’t talk nonsense and left quickly.


Qianxuan’s side.

Coming out of school, he looked at Kushina and asked:”Kushina, I’m going to learn the Yin seal from Grandma Mito. Are you coming with me? Or should I create a shadow clone and take you to practice with Minato? ?”


Kushina thought about it and said solemnly:”I’d better go practice! You let your shadow clone continue to teach me the strange power technique! I haven’t mastered this yet!”

Qianxuan said, the new ninja world The war is about to begin, and they are about to graduate and go on missions. I can’t hold back and strive to become stronger.

She doesn’t want to be a burden to Qian Xuan


Qianxuan saw what Kushina was thinking, and moved his hand to touch her head and said:”Don’t be too stressed! It’s all up to me!”


Kushina smiled happily. Minato on the side was speechless. What is this feeling of dog food flying all over the sky?

Can you spread less dog food?

Immediately, Qianxuan once again separated a shadow clone, and together with Kushina and Minato rushed to the secret training base.

Moreover, the main thing that was separated this time was that the strange power technique was more violent. It was not easy to break the ordinary shadow clone, so it was safer to use the real shadow clone. The clone left with Kushina, and Qianxuan also quickly came to the Senju clan and saw Uzumaki Mito.

“Grandma Mito, here I come! Qianxuan smiled and came forward to say hello.


Uzumaki Mito nodded, pointed to the several scrolls in front of him and said:”What is recorded here is the cultivation method of Yin Seal. You should read it carefully first and try to understand it.;”

“When we feel it’s almost done, we’ll start learning formally.;”

“Of course, if you don’t understand something along the way, you can always ask me.”

Qian Xuan took a look and saw that two of the scrolls were still new. They were probably prepared again last night.

He felt warm in his heart.

“Uh…Grandma Mito! There’s no rush!”

Concentrating his mind, Qianxuan shook his head and stepped on it, directly activating the isolation barrier in the yard; then, with Uzumaki Mito’s puzzled expression, he looked at her solemnly and asked:”Grandma Mito.! Your time is probably running out, right?”

Uzumaki Mito was not surprised after hearing this.

She had known this for a long time and could not hide it from the sensitive Sengen.

“Indeed! So, Xiao Qianxuan, you should hurry up and become stronger!”

“When grandma is gone, Konoha will probably be as peaceful as it is now!”

“By then, both you and Qianju will be facing a lot of difficulties!”

“When the time comes, grandma hopes you will take good care of Tsunade, Naoki, Kushina and the others, and if possible, help the Senju clan.;”

“They can be your helping hand and help you gain a better foothold in Konoha!”

“Of course, there will be a lot of troubles that will follow!”

“How you choose is up to you!”

Uzumaki Mito said a little naggingly.

“I’m afraid I’ve long since run out of choices!

Qian Xuan chuckled and shook his head:”From the beginning, I have been bound to Qian Shu!” There is no way to break away, and there is no need to break away!”

“I can’t just sit back and watch something happen to the old man and the others!”

“Therefore, I agree to all your requests!”

“But that’s not the point of my question today.”

He was not prepared to let Uzumaki Mito go like this.

To support the Senju clan by himself, Uzumaki Mito should do it himself! He is still young, just a child, and he doesn’t want to shoulder such a heavy burden. Ah!

It’s so tiring to live like that.


Uzumaki Mito was very surprised after hearing this, and at the same time asked a little confused:”Then what is the point?”

Speaking of which, she mentioned today that she didn’t have much time left and began to explain her funeral arrangements. Indeed, she did not see the slightest sadness or reluctance in Qianxuan’s eyes.

Is Qianxuan cold-blooded and ruthless?

Of course it is impossible!

After three years of contact, Uzumaki Mito asked himself that he knew Qianxuan quite well.

This child was a rare kind-hearted and responsible person.

He valued family ties and friendship.

So what made Qianxuan appear so abnormal

? , but I’m not sure.

Because it’s a bit too shocking.

But sometimes, people’s premonitions are very accurate.

The next moment, Qianxuan asked solemnly:”Grandma Mito! I want to ask you, your lifespan is about to come to an end. It shouldn’t really be that your lifespan has reached its limit, but it’s because your vitality is constantly being damaged due to the sealing of the Nine Tails, right?

Although Uzumaki Mito was a little surprised by Qian Xuan’s question, he still nodded affirmatively:”That’s true!” Compared to others, my Uzumaki clan is a longevity clan. If no accident occurs, it is not a big problem to live to the end of life or to live to be over 100 years old!”

“Grandma, I’m obviously far from reaching this limit.;”

“The reason why life is coming to an end now is indeed because of the sealing of the Nine Tails.;”

“Whether it is creating a sealed space in the body or suppressing the Nine-Tails, it will cause some damage to my vitality.;”

“Moreover, both are continuous and basically irreversible.;”

“If Kyuubi cooperates and helps me suppress the loss of life force caused by the sealed space, I don’t have to suppress Kyuubi all the time, which may be better, and it won’t have much impact on my lifespan.;”

“On the contrary, not only do I have to suppress the continuous loss of life force caused by the sealed space, but I also have to spend my life force to suppress the nine tails.;”

“This consumes a lot of life force. Before my life span reaches the limit, I will die due to exhaustion of life force.”

Qian Xuan understood it at once.

If a person is compared to a container, what is carried in the container It is human life force, so creating a space in the body to seal the tailed beast is equivalent to making a hole in the container; then, stuff the tailed beast into the hole and block the hole; if the tailed beast cooperates to help seal the hole , and there is no need to worry about it causing trouble, then the loss of the jinchuriki’s life force is almost negligible.

But if the tailed beast makes trouble, the jinchūriki will spend its life force and chakra to suppress the tailed beast and let it block the hole.

But with this method, it is impossible for the tailed beast to take the initiative to help plug it perfectly. There will inevitably be loopholes, which will lead to the extra loss of life.

In addition, the life force required to suppress the tailed beast at all times is equivalent to double consumption if you include people. As we grow older, we need to consume more���Life force, that is triple consumption.

No wonder the Jinchuuriki’s life was short-lived.

No wonder the Jinchūriki who had their tailed beasts removed died quickly in a very short period of time.

Without the tailed beast to plug the hole, unless the hole can be repaired, the life force will drain out quickly, and you will die.

“I see!”

Qian Xuan nodded, then took out a space seal scroll from his arms, spread it on the table, opened it, and directly released the seal.


The next moment, smoke appeared.

When the smoke dissipated, a transparent glass container filled with light green liquid appeared in front of Uzumaki Mito

“this is……”

The moment this thing appeared, Uzumaki Mito immediately leaned over and said,”Brush!” He looked at the real liquid in the bottle with a horrified look on his face, and exclaimed:”It’s so rich, so gentle in vitality! Qianxuan! What is this?”

From this small bottle of liquid, she sensed a vitality that was hundreds of times greater than her total vitality at her peak.

Even the total vitality of Hashirama at his peak is probably not as much as one percent of the vitality contained in this small bottle of liquid.

The key is that the vitality inside is so gentle.

With just a rough perception, Uzumaki Mito can roughly judge that if this liquid is taken directly, it can quickly restore the human body’s lost vitality; it can even increase the upper limit of vitality.

In addition, it should have a strong injury recovery effect.

She felt that it only took a small sip to restore her vitality to its peak.

She even felt that if she directly pulled out the nine tails from her body at this time, and then drank a small sip of the liquid, she would not only be able to restore her vitality to its peak, but also repair the loopholes caused by the seal, so that she would not be drawn out because of the tailed beast. Died.


“How could such a thing exist? This thing shouldn’t exist!!”

At this time, because Uzumaki Mito did not sense the closure period in advance, Nine-Tails, who was paying attention to the situation outside, also sensed the terrifying effect of this liquid. It suddenly couldn’t sit still and began to struggle crazily.

It finally almost caught Uzumaki Mito. This stinky woman has been tortured to death, but now there is a rare treasure that can save Uzumaki Mito’s life?

What can’t be allowed!

Uzumaki Mito’s face changed slightly, and a trace of Nine-Tailed Chakra overflowed from his body.

“Kyuubi! Be honest with me!”

But the next moment, Uzumaki Mito shouted low, and with a thought, he directly used the terrifying chakra to condense countless golden chains, and forcibly suppressed the Nine-Tails, making it unable to move at all.

However, this also aggravated her few The consumption of her vitality made her face pale slightly, but she quickly returned to normal.

Qianxuan, who had been paying attention to all this, knew that this was just an illusion, and immediately said with concern:”Grandma Mito! Are you okay? Why don’t you take a sip of this water of life and try to recover?”

“oh? Is this called water of life?”

Uzumaki Mito raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this, then shook his head and said:”No hurry! I can still sustain this consumption!”

“Please introduce this water of life to me!”


When Qianxuan saw this, he didn’t try to persuade him any more. He immediately told Uzumaki Mito all the effects of the water of life.

Then, he solemnly said:”Since your life is about to come to an end just because of a lack of vitality, then please help me. Accept this bottle of water of life and replenish your vitality;”

“This way, you should be able to live for a long time;”

“In the short term, I don’t have to worry about having to bear a burden that my age shouldn’t bear because of your passing. What do you think?”


After hearing this, Uzumaki Mito couldn’t help but smile, pointed at Qianxuan and said:”Did you give me this water of life just to be lazy and to make your life easier?”

“So what if?

Qian Xuan also smiled and spread his hands and said,”Grandma, I’m only 8 years old, okay?” The rise and fall of the family, the oppression and intrigue in the village are really not something I should be responsible for at my age!”

“So, just help me! How about drinking this water of life?”

Of course, this is just a joke. In fact, he really regards Uzumaki Mito as his relative.

Over the years, he knows very well how Uzumaki Mito treats him.

Give him what he wants.

Even a stone should be covered. It’s hot, isn’t it?

And Uzumaki Mito also knew this, and shook his head funnyly:”You! Making wisecracks again!”

“However, grandma really still can’t worry about you! Especially the rope tree, that guy is so stupid;”

“If I were no longer here, I might not even know when he was sold!”

“Therefore, I can receive the water of life;”

“But it doesn’t take that much! I estimate there is one liter here. I want 50 ml, which is enough to restore vitality to its peak!”

“In this way, I can persist for at least another twenty years;”

“By then, I think you will all have grown up completely!”

“In fact, you kid will have already surpassed Tobirama, maybe even Hashirama, Xian!”

“Until then, grandma, I can go to the Pure Land of the Underworld to Hashirama with peace of mind!”

Obviously, Uzumaki Mito himself has long since turned away from life and death and doesn’t care much about it.

At this time, he wants to live for a few more years just because he can’t worry about the rope tree, Sengen and the Senju clan.


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