Chapter 68 Tsunade Naoki: Grandma, are you sure you are not a devil?


Uzumaki Mito and others suddenly widened their eyes after hearing this:”You said you can predict the future?

Tsunade even added:”Like the Toad Sage of Mt. Miaomu?””

“no the same!

Qianxuan shook his head:”I only saw the future once in my sleep when I extracted chakra for the first time.”;”

“It was a dream that encompassed the present and the future decades into the future. It was extremely clear.;”

“Um! To say it is the future is actually more like watching a very long movie from the perspective of a bystander.;”

“However, the story in this movie is the past and future of the ninja world!”

“It is not necessarily comprehensive, but some important events are shown.”

Of course these are nonsense.

This is just to transform Qianxuan’s understanding of the future into a way that they can’t understand and accept.

This is also convenient for Uzumaki Mito, Tsunade and others. Revealing more about the future, thereby gaining their full support and help.

In this way, many of his plans will be much easier.

Of course, there are some futures that he will not reveal.

For example, the original Kushina is Minato’s wife. It’s a matter of course.

Kushina is his, but this is the only thing that can’t be messed up.

As for whether there will be any problems with revealing this?

Of course not, isn’t this covered by a confidentiality agreement?

Besides, he also trusts Uzumaki Mito and others.

“This… So, do you know what will happen in the next few decades? That’s how you knew about the time we were in danger and the fall of the Whirlpool Kingdom?”

Tsunade said attentively


Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”But it’s not very specific. Some things I inferred based on other information combined with part of the information in the dream.””

Speaking of this, Qianxuan looked at Kushina and said:”Kushina, I thought about saving the entire Kingdom of Whirlpool and changing the fate of the Kingdom of Whirlpool being destroyed, but I gave up in the end!”

“Because I know that I was too weak at the time and couldn’t do such a thing. I’m sorry!”


Kushina shook her head and said:”There is nothing to be sorry for! Not to mention you at that time, even if you go back to that time now and face that situation, you can’t change the result of the destruction of the Kingdom of Whirlpool.”

Obviously, Kushina is still very rational about this. Qianxuan smiled knowingly after hearing this, and then said:”However, although I failed to save the country of whirlpool, I still tried my best to change it. Few things;”

“At least, the Uzumaki clan was not completely destroyed like in my dream, with only three or two big cats and kittens left.”


Kushina and Uzumaki Mito both looked at Qianxuan suddenly after hearing this, and asked nervously:”What do you mean by this? Did you save more members of the Uzumaki clan? Where are they?”

The destruction of the Uzumaki clan has always been a knot in the hearts of the two of them.

Now, hearing that there may be more members of the Uzumaki clan who are not dead, it is strange that the two of them are not nervous.

At this time, Tsunade’s eyes were bright He looked at Qian Xuan thoughtfully and asked:”I remember that the leader of the Whirlpool clan had prepared several plans at that time. One of them was to divide most of the clan members into three teams and escape separately.;”

“But in the end, there was no news from them! All gone!”

“We checked afterward, and the only thing we can be sure of is that one of them encountered Kumogakure and Iwagakure one after another, and almost lost everything.;”

“Didn’t you, your boy, use the method of rescuing us to guide the remaining two fleeing teams to leave safely?

Qian Xuan listened and nodded affirmatively:”Not bad!” In fact, I controlled the birds to deliver information and guidance to the three teams in an attempt to help them escape from pursuit.;”

“But in the end, only two teams believed in me and listened to my guidance.;”

“In the end, they successfully evaded all enemy pursuits, fled into a safe area, and lived in seclusion.”

“If the total number of people is added up, there are one or two hundred;”

“Over the years, they have relied on sealing techniques to hide themselves, and their lives have actually been pretty good.;”

“When the time comes, I can take you to meet them.”

Strictly speaking, he himself has never actually met these people from the Whirlpool Clan.

The whole process was through birds.

“Did you actually survive so much?”

Tsunade couldn’t help but exclaimed:”You kid really did great things quietly!”

“Of course, you also saved me and the Senju clan, for which I want to thank you very much.”

“Otherwise, I’m afraid I’m no longer here, right?”


Qianxuan shook his head and said:”In that matter, Danzo can’t kill your Kushina.;”

“After all, one of you is a disciple of the Third Generation, and the other is a reserve member of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.;”

“Killing you is not in line with the plans and interests of the Third Generation and Danzo, and will also make Grandma Mito go berserk.”

After Tsunade heard this, she had no idea of being grateful to the third generation.

Instead, she felt even more disgusted with him.


At this time, Kushina and Uzumaki Mito stood up with red eyes and saluted Qianxuan:”We want to thank you! Thank you for saving so many Uzumaki clan!

Qianxuan quickly avoided it, helped the two of them up and said,”Kushina, Grandma Mito!” What are you doing? This is just what I should do!”

“After all, we are a family!”


Uzumaki Mito listened and nodded with a smile:”However, our relationship had not yet reached this stage at that time!” She really likes this child more and more the more she looks at it!

This is simply the destiny child given to them by God.

The future is uncertain

“where! Qianxuan smiled and waved his hand and said:”At that time, when I saved the Uzumaki clan, I didn’t want to let the third generation or the three great ninja villages succeed. I also wanted to take the Uzumaki clan into my own hands in the future, so I saved the Uzumaki clan.” Their!”

“After all, what I want to do in the future is difficult to achieve without a group of strong helpers.”

Some things, if you put them out in the open early in the morning, will not make people think that Qianxuan has ulterior motives, but will only feel that Qianxuan is open-minded.

Just like now, after hearing this, Uzumaki Mito and Kushina not only did not feel this There is nothing wrong with it, but he nodded in approval:”There is nothing wrong with it! Then we can even help you convince them”

“Then thank you! Qian

Xuan smiled.

This is a good thing!


At this time, Tsunade saw that they had finished talking, cleared her throat, looked at Qianxuan and asked again:”So, can you tell me now, what happened when you said you were renewing grandma’s life?”


As soon as these words came out, Minato and even Naoki reacted, looking back and forth at Sengen and Uzumaki Mito with suspicion, obviously waiting for an explanation.

They felt that they seemed to have been deceived.

Grandma had actually been there for a long time. alright?

“Ah this……”

After hearing this, Qianxuan immediately smiled and said:”That’s what it means literally! Didn’t Grandma Mito lose her vitality because of the sealing of the Nine Tails, and her life is not long?””

“I find a way to replenish her missing vitality, and she will naturally not die from this for the time being!”

“You can live for a long, long time, haha!”

“If, coupled with the current Xingyi Quan, you practice to a high level, you can live longer!”

At least, it would be easy for Danzo and the others to survive three generations.

If Qianxuan taught him the Purple Mansion Divine Refining Technique and the Yin-Yang Qi Training Technique, his lifespan would be endless.

After listening to this, Tsunade and the others said, Suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked up and down Qianxuan and Uzumaki Mito; and noticed that Kushina was very calm about this information from beginning to end? She even had a faint smile?

“Kushina, have you known this news for a long time?”

Tsunade asked in a deep voice.

Naoki and Minato also said,”Brush!”Looked over

“Hey hey……”

Kushina was a little embarrassed to be seen, so she moved quietly and hid behind Uzumaki Mito. She stuck out her tongue playfully and explained:”Although it is indeed like this! But you can’t blame me for this! I am also the one Qiangen told me. of!”

“Besides, Grandma Mito didn’t let me tell you.”


After hearing this, Tsunade and the three people couldn’t understand immediately. They all looked at Uzumaki Mito and asked in unison:”Grandma! Why? Do you know how worried we are about you in this short time?”

That’s too much!

Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

The smart Tsunade even vaguely guessed the reason why her grandma didn’t tell them.


Uzumaki Mito suddenly felt happy when he saw the depressed expressions of the three of them. He blinked his eyes playfully and said,”Isn’t Grandma worried that once you know about it, you won’t have the pressure and motivation to work hard to become stronger?”

“That’s why I came up with this bad idea! You must understand grandma’s good intentions!”

“Look, isn’t it great now?”

“Grandma, I’m fine! Because of the pressure, you have worked hard to practice and have become a lot stronger. This is simply a good thing that kills two birds with one stone!”

“Come! Stop being so embarrassed! Everyone laughs!”


Watergate:”……” rope tree:”……”

You are really our grandma!

Are you sure you are not a nightmare?

How can there be such a thing?

Isn’t this taking advantage of their filial piety?

For a moment, they felt tired and no longer in love.

This world is not worth it!

The three of them could only squeeze out a perfunctory smile.

That smile, no matter how forced it is,

“OK! Be happy!”

Uzumaki Mito couldn’t help but smile when he saw it, and said:”You should think so! If Qianxuan hadn’t taken the initiative to expose it today, it might have been several years before you knew the truth!”

“Thinking about it this way, do you feel instantly more comfortable?”

Tsunade and the three:”……”

“Grandma, please stop talking. The more you talk about it, the more it hurts your heart!”

Tsunade couldn’t help but rolled her eyes and complained.

“that is! that is!”

Naoki and Minato also nodded in unison.

They also looked at Qiangen and Kushina with resentful eyes, as if they were looking at two traitors.


Qian Xuan and Kushina both smiled back.

“”So,” at this time, Tsunade looked at Qianxuan and asked,”How did you help grandma regain her vitality?””

“You know, this is not easy!”

If it were really simple, she would have thought of a solution long ago.

“It cannot be said! It cannot be said! Qian

Xuan smiled and shook his head.

The matter of the Water of Life should be kept secret for as long as it takes!

“alright! Don’t ask about this Tsunade!”

At this time, Uzumaki Mito smoothed things over and said:”When it’s your turn to know in the future, you will naturally know it!”

“In addition, regarding the news that my vitality has been restored, please remember not to reveal it to anyone, just pretend that I am still alive!”

“This will paralyze Monkey and Danzo, lest they continue to target the Senju clan in advance and cause trouble to everyone. How long can it delay? Do you understand?”

“yes! We remember it!”

After hearing this, Tsunade and others suddenly looked stern and nodded seriously.

Uzumaki Mito was very satisfied with everyone’s reaction, and then looked at Qianxuan and said:”So, your future plan is to control Konoha and change Konoha. Ye?”

“It doesn’t stop there!

Qianxuan nodded, shook his head and said,”I still want to change this sick world of ninja!””

“You know, I know part of the future;”

“Next, not only will the second and third Ninja War break out in the Ninja world, but there will even be a Fourth Ninja War later.;”

“These ninja wars are getting bigger and more brutal every time.;”

“In the future, it will become normal for children to go to the battlefield;”

“Worse than the Warring States Period;”

“I don’t want the ninja world to continue like this, I want to end the war;”

“Therefore, controlling and changing Konoha is only the first step;”

“The second step is to unify the entire ninja world!”

“Because only by unifying the ninja world and making everyone and all ninjas become members of one village and one country can this kind of world-level war be completely stopped.”

Well! He won’t say it. This is actually just incidental.

His real purpose is to use this method to obtain things with collectible value in the entire ninja world.

At the same time, he will make people in the entire ninja world become his workers. In the future, he will collect and create various collectible things for him in the ninja world, and even help him travel to other worlds to collect collectible things.

“Unify the ninja world? this……”

Uzumaki Mito and the others were all shocked when they heard this.

Obviously, he didn’t expect Qianxuan’s plan to be this.

“However, wouldn’t unifying the ninja world mean launching a war to eliminate other capitals and ninja villages? Wouldn’t that also start a war?”

“Could it be that it’s not good for everyone to live in peace?”

The innocent Shengshu frowned slightly.

“That’s not how things work out! Before

Qianxuan could speak, Minato shook his head and said:”Qianxuan has analyzed the root causes of the war in the ninja world with me many times.;”

“In the final analysis, it is still a matter of uneven distribution of benefits and the growing ambition of mankind.”

“If the status quo is maintained and everyone lives in peace as you said, and if this method really works, there will be no First Ninja War and the Second Ninja War that is about to break out now.”

“If what you said is true, after the first generation established Konoha, the ninja world should have ushered in long-lasting peace!”

“But in fact, no!”

Speaking of this, Minato noticed what Tsunade wanted to defend, and he quickly added:”Oh! It can’t be said that there is none at all!”

“At least, when the first generation was still alive, all the countries and major ninja villages in the ninja world basically maintained peace for this reason, and no one dared to initiate a large-scale war.”

“right! This is it!”

Tsunade and Naoki nodded affirmatively, as if they had found faith; she continued:”Doesn’t this prove that my uncle’s method is still feasible? We can actually sit down and get along peacefully.”

Minato and Sengen shook their heads after hearing this.

It was really unexpected that Tsunade was so naive.

She still hadn’t suffered enough from reality!

On the contrary, Uzumaki Mito understood what Sengen and the others meant and sighed helplessly. He said in a tone:”Hey! For Hashirama’s vision of peace to come true, the only necessary condition is for Hashirama to remain alive and maintain the absolute force that can overwhelm the entire ninja world.;”

“All this is based on the fact that Hashirama is still alive. Others, under the coercion of his force, dare not start a war and can only be forced to make peace.”

“This is undoubtedly an unhealthy and incorrect peace model!”

“Therefore, once Hashirama died, his peace ended, and the first ninja war soon broke out in the ninja world.”

It suddenly dawned on Tsunade and Naoki, and then they were silent.

So, their great grandfather’s peaceful model doesn’t work?


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