Chapter 84 Jiraiya: I don’t want to become a toad, Orochimaru and Jiraiya were tricked

“no no!

Qian Xuan shook his head and said:”Although there are indeed only toads, aren’t there two special toads?””

Jiraiya told Minato and Sengen a lot about Mt. Myoboku when they were talking about it.

Naturally, this also included the two so-called sages, Shima and Fukasaku.

Of course, Sengen was also very fond of Mt. Myoboku in his previous life. Jiraiya also reacted at this time, his pupils shrank suddenly and said:”Are you referring to Shima Sennin and Fukasaku Sennin?

Qian Xuan nodded affirmatively:”Uh-huh!” That’s it!”

“But they are really toads! A complete toad!

Jiraiya retorted.

Qianxuan shook his head and said:”Maybe it is now, but it may not be the case in the past!””

“You said that these two so-called immortals are very small and far inferior to the other toads in Miaomu Mountain, right?”

Since they are special, there must be a special reason.

Jiraiya heard this and frowned:”That’s true! But they are really just toads! Even his habits are like those of a toad, eating bugs!”

Although Jiraiya also had a very bad guess in his mind, he still didn’t want to believe it.

In other words, he couldn’t believe it.

If it was true, wouldn’t it be true that his uncle Jiraiya would eventually turn into a toad?

“Absolutely not!!”

Jiraiya was confused.

If he turned into a toad, it would not only be a matter of ugliness, but the key point is, how could he pick up and chat with young ladies like this?

If he couldn’t, then how could this person still be alive ? What’s the point?

Orochimaru also interjected at this time:”Special things must have special reasons. I remember you said that even the so-called Big Toad Sage is not a small person, but a big person, right?”

“Moreover, the stronger the toad in Myoboku Mountain, the bigger it will be, right?”

“Then why are Shima and Fukasaku, whose strength is only lower than that of the Great Toad Sennin, so small?”

“That doesn’t make sense, does it?”

He thinks Jiraiya is very interesting at this time.

It’s fun to make this bastard scared.


Cold sweat broke out on Jiraiya’s forehead, and Qi Qi retorted very weakly:”Shima-sennin and Fukasaku-sennin have children! Bunta and the others are both, and they are both extremely large.;”

“How could this be possible if they were humans of the past and present? How come there are toad children?”

But there is actually a fatal flaw in this statement.

Jiraiya knew it, but still held on to a glimmer of hope.

But the next moment, this glimmer of hope was ruthlessly shattered by Qian Xuan:”You also said that they were once Humanity;”

“Now that they have become toads, their genes and species have changed, and their natural offspring will also become toads, and their habits will also change to toads.”

“As for why their offspring are so big?”

“Maybe because they were born toads? Unlike Fukasaku and Shima, who were transformed into the future by humans?”

“Or are they the product of the combination of Shima, Fukasaku and Toad?”

When Jiraiya heard this, he suddenly became excited.

He felt that his last hope had been extinguished.

At this time, even he completely believed that the two immortals were once human beings.

After a while, Jiraiya regained his composure. , looked at Qianxuan and Orochimaru with a straight face and asked:”The last question! The two immortals are much smaller than humans. This is obviously inconsistent with humans, right?”

“If they were transformed from humans, shouldn’t they be larger and closer to humans?”

This was his last bit of stubbornness.

After hearing this, Qian Xuan shook his head and said:”Both of them are very old, right? Will our body size shrink as we age? Is it weird that they are smaller than humans?”

“Moreover, normally, toads are not big in size.;”

“The toads in Miaomu Mountain gradually grew in size because they practiced chakra and passively absorbed natural energy for a long time. During the process of transformation!”

“The two immortals themselves were once humans. In the process of turning into toads, it would be more reasonable for them to shrink in size and look more like ordinary toads, right?”

“The Sanshenji of Ryūjidong is also not that big, isn’t she?”

“Otherwise, tell me, where have the immortal practitioners of Miaomu Mountain gone?”

“They can’t all die, right?”

“There are also three gods in Longdi Cave!”

“The wet bone forest is special. In essence, there is only one Immortal Slug, and the others are all its clones. It is not keen on accepting contractors, let alone cultivating people who practice immortal arts!”

“In comparison, Miaomushan seems to be the most enthusiastic about this.”

Since they are passionate, there must be a reason, right?

Without enough benefits, why would they do such a thankless thing?

Jiraiya obviously understood it completely. He started to sweat all over his body, and the last bit of luck was gone.

After a while, he said with a bitter look on his face:”So, I will eventually turn into a little toad?”

If so, he will be desperate

“This is not necessarily the case!”

Qianxuan shook his head and denied.

And these words were like the sound of nature in Jiraiya’s ears. He grabbed Qianxuan’s shoulders as if grasping a life-saving straw and asked:”Is it true? Do you have a way to solve this problem?”

“If so, please save me! As long as you can save me, I will promise you anything.”

In order not to become a toad in the future, he risked his life.

At this time, Orochimaru also licked his tongue and said:”I am also very curious about this!”

Because, although he has not yet cultivated the immortal mode, he has injected snake genes into his body!

Once he cultivates the immortal mode in the future, he may turn into a snake faster than ordinary people.

If, just It’s okay to be half-human and half-snake like Sanshenji; at least she has hands to form seals and do experiments, but if she ends up completely turning into a snake, that’s not what he wants.

Too many.

When Qianxuan saw this, he immediately said:”Actually, if you don’t maintain the immortal mode for a long time and gradually transform the chakra in your body into immortal chakra and even spiritual power, it is impossible to completely transform into a snake or a toad. of!

Orochimaru and Jiraiya heard this and shook their heads together:”That won’t work either!”

Orochimaru:”In this case, wouldn’t it be impossible to obtain immortality?”

Jiraiya:”Even if part of it turns into a toad, it will be ugly and unacceptable.”

Qian Xuan spread his hands and continued:”Since you are not satisfied with this, then I have other ways!””

“But before you say anything, you have to sign a confidentiality contract seal with me to keep it a secret for me!”

As he spoke, Qian Xuan took out two confidentiality contract scrolls that he had prepared long ago, opened them, handed them to the two of them and said,”Let’s take a look! No problem, just sign it first, and I will tell you the answer later!”

It’s always right to be careful!

Of course, he wanted to sign a contract with the two of them not just to keep it secret.

It was so that he could use these two people for his own use in the future.

The purpose of the contract is not just to keep it secret!

As long as the right terms are added, they can’t harm themselves.

Even if they gradually become loyal to themselves, there are too many tricks they can play, and it will be difficult to escape as long as they sign the contract.

“Confidentiality contract? Is there such a contract? It seems that Master Mito has taught you a lot of good things!”

Orochimaru and Jiraiya took the contract scroll and read it carefully.

There are only two main clauses in it: first, no secrets about Qianxuan are allowed to be revealed without Qianxuan’s permission; secondly, no secrets about Qianxuan are allowed to be disclosed to anyone. Qianxuan was in trouble.

The terms were a little harsh, but it was about their future, so Orochimaru and Jiraiya signed it.

The next moment, they found that the sealing warlock in the contract came to life, crawled on them, and finally disappeared. In their minds.

Moreover, a mysterious rune was formed in their spiritual sea.

Orochimaru’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he took a deep look at Qianxuan. It felt like he was being plotted, but it was too late to regret it now.

He could only make up his mind to study the sealing sorcerer in his mind and see if there was any harm in it. The method was removed.

On the contrary, although Jiraiya also discovered this, he didn’t pay much attention to it, let alone think about it. He directly looked at Qianxuan and urged:”Can you say it now? hurry up!”

“hehe! no problem!

Qian Xuan smiled slightly and immediately continued:”The solution is very simple for me. I can help you eliminate the genetic pollution in your body after you have cultivated the perfect immortal mode.”;”

“However, in this case, your immortal mode will no longer have the characteristics of a toad or snake, but will become a purely human immortal mode.;”

“like this!”

As he said that, Qianxuan first released the Miaomu Mountain Sage mode, and then clapped his hands again.


In an instant, Orochimaru and Jiraiya felt that Qianxuan had become different.

He had a strong aura of natural energy and senjutsu chakra.

But there was no eyeshadow on his face, and there were no characteristics of other creatures. Unlike him, Originally the same


The two of them suddenly looked shocked.

���Shemaru licked his tongue and said with bright eyes:”If I hadn’t clearly felt that the nature of the chakra in your body had changed, with a strong breath of natural energy, I would have thought you were playing tricks on me!”

“Unexpectedly, you not only mastered the Immortal Mode of Shigu Forest and Miaomu Mountain, but also mastered the Immortal Mode that is unique to humans?”

“But yes, if you hadn’t done this, you wouldn’t have been able to master the sage mode of Mt. Myoboku so easily after you obtained Jiraiya’s sage chakra just now.;”

“Only by mastering the essence of immortality like now can you switch as you please!”

So, Qianxuan has actually mastered the way to human immortality?

Thinking of this, Orochimaru’s eyes turned red when he looked at Qianxuan.

He wanted to swallow Qianxuan, and his malice began to emerge.


But the next moment, Orochimaru felt as if his brain was about to explode, and the pain caused him to hold his head and roll on the ground.

“what’s the situation?”

This appearance made Jiraiya jump. He suddenly looked at Qianxuan, casting a questioning and doubtful look.

Qianxuan shrugged and said,”You can’t blame me! The contract I just signed cannot be used against me!”

“This guy obviously had an idea that was not good for me just now, and he was ready to take action. Naturally, he will suffer the backlash from the contract!”

“You don’t think that my contract is just a joke and it doesn’t have much binding force, right?”

Are you kidding?

This talent is awesome, okay?

“Ah this……”

Jiraiya opened his mouth after hearing this, not knowing what to say for a while.

Say Orochimaru deserves what he deserves?

Seems like something is wrong?

But isn’t it Qianxuan?

It doesn’t make sense either.

Finally, Jiraiya saw that Orochimaru was in endless pain, and immediately said to Qianxuan:”Then is there any way to prevent him from being backlashed?”

Although Orochimaru had a splitting headache at this time, he still separated part of his mind to listen. Watching the conversation between Jiraiya and Qianxuan.

Qian Xuan immediately said:”As long as you don’t think about being bad for me or having any ill intentions towards me, the backlash will naturally stop! It’s very simple, isn’t it? It’s not very demanding!”


Jiraiya nodded in agreement:”That’s true!””

Then, he immediately looked at Orochimaru, lifted him up with his feet and reminded him:”Hey! Stinky snake, did you hear that? Just stop the dirty thoughts in your mind and you’ll be fine.”


He really wanted to say MP to Jiraiya!

How is this condition so simple?

According to what Qian Xuan said, doesn’t it mean that in the future, not only can I not reveal any of his secrets to the outside world without his permission, but I can’t even have a trace of malice towards him in my heart.

In this way, wouldn’t he have become Qian Xuan’s lackey in disguise?

Can you just be nice to him?

“How unreasonable! Got cheated! Damn it!”

Although Orochimaru cursed in his heart.

But the next moment, he still tried his best to clear his mind and get rid of all the malice and bad thoughts towards Qianxuan in his heart. He desperately thought about the good things about Qianxuan and the benefits of cooperating with him. , desperately trying to brainwash himself.

After a while, he felt that the pain in his brain and even his soul quickly subsided.

He then breathed a sigh of relief and lay on the ground, with only HO in his heart.【P】

He knew that there was a high probability that he would be in trouble in this life.

This sealing technique is not as simple as he thought. It seems to involve the spiritual sea and soul, which is very complicated.

If he wants to crack it, he doesn’t have much confidence now.

Nothing is simple when it comes to the soul.

Based on his many years of experience in studying souls, he said that he could not understand the mysterious rune in his spiritual sea at all.

The key is, that thing seems to be changing all the time, without any rules at all.

This is even harder

“Hey hey! Snake, are you okay? Don’t pretend to be dead if everything’s okay! Get up quickly! What does it look like lying down like this?”

At this time, Jiraiya’s annoying voice sounded in his ears again.

Moreover, he also felt that Jiraiya was kicking him again.

Orochimaru quickly stood up, glared at Jiraiya, and then Then he looked at Qian Xuan, with lingering fear in his heart, and lowered his head with a complicated expression:”I’m sorry! I was rude before! You are greedy, I apologize to you here!”

“Never again!”

It’s frustrating!

But there’s nothing I can do about it. Who let me be fooled?”


Qian Xuan waved his hands with a smile and said,”Anyway, it’s not me who’s in pain!””


Qian Xuan didn’t care at all about his ugly face, and continued:”With the contract, I’m not worried about you doing anything bad to me.”

“I probably understand what you were thinking just now”

“Do you think that I have mastered the human immortal mode, which is equivalent to mastering the way of human immortality?”

“Um! This is true!”

“However, there is no need for you to think about robbing, we can completely trade;”

“As long as you satisfy me, I will not hesitate to teach you the method and teach you step by step!”

“Including helping you and even Jiraiya achieve perfect sage mode.”

Now that the contract is signed, there is no need to worry about them leaking secrets. He doesn’t mind telling them some information that is not that important.

Anyway, there are no people investigating around here.

And this method of immortality is certainly feasible, but there are some things needed in the middle. It will take a long time.

It is far less straightforward than Yin Yang Qi training.

After Orochimaru pays enough, he can definitely sell it.

“real? Do you really want to?”

“Moreover, do you really have a way to help us cultivate the perfect immortal mode?”

Orochimaru and Jiraiya asked in surprise and excitement.


Qianxuan nodded affirmatively:”If you don’t believe it, you will believe it after a while, after Sister Tsunade and the others have cultivated the perfect sage mode!”

“Until then, let’s talk about trading!”

“Anyway, this time won’t be too long, at most one year, which is enough.”

Tsunade’s own mental strength is not weak.

In one year, it shouldn’t be a big problem to practice the meditation method to perfection and open the Purple Mansion.

“Um! We have to provide her with the Restoration Pill!”

Qian Xuan thought to himself���

During this period, in addition to his own consumption, he also accumulated more and more God-Reviving Pills in his hands.

It’s time to tell Tsunade, Uzumaki Mito and others about the God-Reviving Pill, and provide them with some to practice with.


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