Konoha: Compared With Double Naruto, Hinata's Happiness Is Broken

Chapter 48: Uzumaki Naruto: Sensei Kakashi, Too Weak

On the black frame screen, Uzumaki Naruto's performance did not make the audience's heart flutter.

They all know that Naruto has learned Shuriken Shadow Clone for many years.

Moreover, if you don't cut and cast the water prison, you can't move.

But judging from the terrified expressions of Zabuzhan and Kakashi on the screen.

Uzumaki Naruto's actions exceeded both of their imaginations.

Not only Kakashi and Zabuchan, but also Uchiha Sasuke was stunned.

He didn't even know how Uzumaki Naruto did it, he thought it was the opponent throwing five huge shurikens quickly.

Almost undetectable.

【Fight again. 】

[Zenbuzhan and Kakashi fight against each other, and start to seal. 】

[Uzumaki Naruto, who was watching the battle from a distance, wondered if he was hallucinating. He always felt that the movements of the two seals were exactly the same. 】

[However, what surprised Naruto even more is that the time the two of them formed seals was incomprehensibly long. 】

【"Slow and long, I can count them."】

【"The ninjutsu that the two of them used actually formed forty-four seals."】

【Naruto was completely stunned. 】

【Could it be that this is the battle between the Jōnins? 】

[If a ninjutsu requires such a long seal, are you really not afraid of sneak attacks by the people next to you? 】

【Thoughts settled, Uzumaki Naruto did not forget to look into the distance of the mist. 】

Onoki: "As expected, he still discovered the existence of Shiro."

Terumi Mei: "This kind of thing can't be hidden. Even if it's a Mist Shinobi Technique, it's useless to a ninja with proficient perception."

Namikaze Minato: "I think with Naruto's current situation, he probably doesn't know that Shiro and Zabuza are in the same group."

Jiraiya: "It's definitely waiting, but I'm really speechless. Kakashi and Zabuzhan are really ink marks. Even Naruto can't stand it."

Tsunade: "Cut! It's just a fight between two brats. If they faced people like us, they would have been punched to death."

Rock Lee: "Really? So a ninja with strong physical skills will be very powerful even if he doesn't know how to use ninjutsu."

Might Guy: "Li You, you are so smart."

Hatake Kakashi: "If you don't cut it, the two of us will be criticized."

Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan: "It's not because that brat talks too much, what is he pretending to be in his mind, and where did he get so many dissatisfaction and doubts."

【boom! 】

[The collision of the Water Dragon Bomb caused a wave several meters high on the originally calm lake. 】

【Until here, Uzumaki Naruto nodded in satisfaction: "This is the strength that Jōnin should have."】

[But he is still very puzzled. 】

【How did Hatake Kakashi follow the other party's method of making seals and seal seals together. 】

【"That is the power of the Sharingan."】

【"Kakashi used Sharingan's copying ability to copy the opponent's seal method."】

【Uchiha Sasuke came to Naruto's side, his words were full of pride. 】

Say no more! Uchiha Sasuke.

The ninjas watching the movie couldn't help but sweat for Uchiha Sasuke.

Now is not the time for you to show off your Sharingan, Uzumaki Naruto next to you has a big heart.

If he is envious, he may really dig your Sharingan away.

At that time, the ninja world in the world over there, the Uchiha clan will completely withdraw from the stage.

There is only one renegade Uchiha Itachi left wandering.

Xiao organization.

Uchiha Itachi trembled all over.

No matter what unexpected situation he encountered, he had never been so nervous.

【"No wonder the two can perform the same ninjutsu."】

【"The Sharingan of your family is really powerful, and can even copy ninjutsu."】

【Uzumaki Naruto glances at the proud Sasuke beside him. 】

【The voice of Nine Tails came from my mind. 】

【"Hey, kid..."】

【"You seem to be very interested in the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan."】

【 Nine Tails is a bit confused. 】

[He feels that if necessary, Uzumaki Naruto will unceremoniously dig Sasuke's Sharingan in the future. 】

[But if Naruto gets Sharingan, wouldn't it be completely riding on his own head. 】

[Nine Tails absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen. 】

【"To tell you the truth, the Uchiha clan is a cursed clan."】

【"Sharingan is proof of the curse."】

【"Look at Kakashi's seduce Sharingan, you can only use the Sharingan part."】

【"If you want to improve the pupil technique, you must let the Sharingan evolve."】

【"But the condition for evolution is a major spiritual shock."】

cut! The guy over there is really nosy.

In Uzumaki Naruto's body, Nine Tails, who had been lying prone all the time, could not help feeling contemptuous when he heard himself next door explaining the matter of Sharingan.

The self next door actually fell in love with Naruto, and the relationship with him is getting better and better.

As the split body of Ten Tails, their tail beasts know the history of the ninja world better than any ninja.

It's just that they don't bother to talk.

【"Also, if you don't have the blood of the Uchiha family, even if you have the Sharingan, you can't exert the true power of the Sharingan."】

【"Because you can't make Sharingan evolve."】

【Nine Tails' explanation made Naruto frown. 】

【"Sure enough, great power comes with risks."】

[ Uzumaki Naruto nodded. 】

【boom! 】

[At this moment, the lake in the distance set off waves again. 】

[This time, Kakashi's Great Waterfall Technique washed Momochi Zabuku even to the shore with a knife. 】

【boom! 】

【While Zabuzhan slammed into the tree trunk, several kunai hit him at the same time and shot him in the limbs. 】

【"Okay, if you don't cut it, everything is over."】

【"You should die."】

【Hatake Kakashi was just about to continue his attack when thousands of copies suddenly struck and directly plunged into Zabucho's neck. 】

【No more chopping and falling to the ground, no life left. 】

【"Who are you..."】

【Seeing the person coming, Kakashi closes his eyes. 】

【"Judging from your attire, you are Kirigakure's Anbu chasing ninja."】

【"As expected of you." Bai bowed deeply to Kakashi very politely: "I have been chasing and killing this traitor for a long time, and thanks to you today, I finally killed him."】

【"I must bring his body back to Kirigakure."】

【Bai's words make Kakashi a little bit difficult. 】

【The other party's intention is obviously to return to Kirigakure with the body that will not be cut again. 】

【However, at this time, Uzumaki Naruto showed a slight smile: "Are you going to take it away?"】

【"If my guess is right, have you been secretly observing our battle?"】

【"Zabuju was defeated by our teacher Kakashi, the body must be left to us."】

【"Yes, what Naruto said is right, Mr. Kakashi and Buzhan have been fighting hard for a long time, so there is no reason for you to pick up the leak." Haruno Sakura immediately echoed. 】

Things really went that way.

Once in the white frame world, Uzumaki Naruto was extremely dissatisfied with Shiro's sudden killing.

Such a powerful Zabuza died because of Shiro's sneak attack. For this reason, Uzumaki Naruto felt worthless for the other party.

Coming to the black frame Naruto, it really is not so easy to talk.

【"Ninjas of Konoha Village..."】

【Bai didn't expect that his identity as Kirigakure Anbu would not fool Uzumaki Naruto. 】

[He also watched the whole battle carefully, the yellow-haired Uzumaki Naruto in front of him seemed to have something special. 】

[At least, it is unwise to head-on now. 】

【"This is our Kirigakure's own business, we are arresting our Kirigakure's betrayal."】

【"Do you Konoha Village want to stop it? Are you not afraid that Konoha Village will cause unnecessary trouble with our Kirigakure?"】

【"Oh?" Bai's words aroused Uzumaki Naruto's interest: "Are you talking about Ninja Village for us?"]

【"Don't you know that our Konoha Village is the most powerful ninja village in the ninja world?"】

【"Our Third Hokage is the strongest Hokage, and in the same way, our Third Hokage is the strongest ninja in the ninja world."】

【"You negotiate terms with us, are you worthy? Besides, if you don't kill him, we will definitely defeat you."】

This attitude is really tough!

The audience was also taken aback by Uzumaki Naruto's actions.

Since the other party has raised the issue to a level between the two villages, under normal circumstances, there is no great gain or loss.

No one would choose such a rivalry.

However, Uzumaki Naruto's attitude was tougher than expected.

Onoki: "How do I feel what Uzumaki Naruto means..."

Terumi Mei: "Is he praising Third Hokage?"

Fourth Raikage: "I feel like he's deliberately trying to trouble Konoha Village."

Shimura Danzō: "Hmph! That kid is obviously trying to use this to stir up a rift between Kirigakure and Konoha Village."

Senju Tobirama: "What a terrible guy. He thought of this way at a young age. Fortunately, Shiro and Zabuza are in the same group. If the other party is really Anbu from Kirigakure, it will indeed cause unnecessary trouble."

Because every ninja village has the ability to use corpses to obtain certain information.

If the undecapitated body is obtained by Konoha Village, it will leak a lot of information about Kirigakure.

Recycling the corpses of traitors or ninjas who died due to missions is the basic operation of Ninja Village.


【"Stop arguing with him, give him the body."】

【ha? 】

【Hatake Kakashi's words made Naruto unbelievable: "Hey, Mr. Kakashi, you can't be fooled by this masked guy."】

【"What are you afraid of?"】

【"Are you really afraid that their Kirigakure ninjas will come to trouble us in Konoha Village?"】

【"This is too spineless, I can't swallow this breath."】

【"You can leave if you want, leave the big knife that doesn't cut anymore, he is already a corpse, it's useless to keep it."】

【Uzumaki Naruto gets more and more angry. 】

【Obviously they were the ones won by Class 7, so why let others pick up the ready-made ones. 】

[What's even more annoying is Kakashi's attitude, as if afraid of Kirigakure. 】

[It seems that Konoha Village is too easy to bully, really useless. 】

【While pretending to be dead and not beheading again, Uzumaki Naruto wanted his own beheading sword, he was so angry that he almost didn't hold his breath. 】

【"Damn kid, I really want to jump up and give him two knives right now."】

【"No.. Naruto.."】

【"It's not that I'm afraid, it's because..."】

【Hatake Kakashi is sweating coldly, his eyes have become blurred. 】

[It's because I'm dying. 】


[A soft sound behind him, Naruto turns around abruptly. 】

【"Mr. Kakashi, what's wrong with you, Mr. Kakashi?"】

【 Haruno Sakura looked at Kakashi who fell to the ground, and ran over in panic. 】

【"This is..."】

[ Naruto is taken aback. 】

【Seeing this, Bai hurriedly seals the seal. 】

[The next second, a gust of wind passed by, and he disappeared without a trace with Zai Bu Zhan. 】

【"Sharingan uses his eyes too much, I may have to rest for a while."】

[Leaving a sentence, Kakashi fell into a coma on the spot. 】

【Staring at the fallen Hatake Kakashi, Uzumaki Naruto was shocked. 】

【What exactly did Mr. Kakashi do? 】

[Just using Sharingan to release two ninjutsu, the whole person can't do it? 】


[Is this too imaginary. 】

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